Welcome back Class 5/6A

Friday 04 November 2022

Hello and a big welcome back to all of Class 5/6A pupils after what I hope was an enjoyable half-term break.  It’s great to see everyone again.  Let’s catch up on what we have been doing this week.

Our Topic focus for this half-term is Art, in particular the works of William Morris and Orla Kiely.  We are building up towards creating our own printed floral picture.  To provide us with inspiration, we have been comparing examples of Morris’ work, looking at their colours and patterns; and ended the week with some direct observational drawing of leaves.  These leaves will form the basis for our printing work later in the term.

In Writing, we have begun to look at figurative writing; using similes, metaphors, expanded noun phrases and alliteration to help engage the reader. The pupils were like a walking dictionary with all of the different figurative vocabulary they used, and I was as pleased as punch to be able to read their work.

We have had a couple of visitors into class this week as part of our Community themed week.  On Wednesday we were joined by a member of West Yorkshire Police Force to speak to us about hate crimes, and what we can do to be more aware of and respect the various members of our community.  Thursday saw two guests from Selective Silhouettes join us to talk about the LGBTQ+ community.

Year 5 pupils will have brought home a new reading book this week: Kensuke’s Kingdom.  This half-term we will be reading the same text in class, and homework will be set based on this.  It is very important that pupils are keeping up to date with their reading targets, homework, and bringing their reading records to Book Club on a Friday.

There’s just time to check out our certificate winners this week:

Great Learning – Esme.  Always ready to learn. Calm, collected and organised, she sets a great example for our class.

Living & Learning – Louis W.  Louis provided some very mature and insightful comments during our Community discussions this week.  Well done Louis!

P.E – Ella.  Full of energy, and with a smile on her face, Ella is always looking for fun and innovative ways to make P.E fun for her peers and herself.

Have a very happy and healthy bonfire weekend!

Mr. Robson