No-Bot the Robot with No Bottom

Sunday 17 May 2020

This week’s story is another one by Sue Hendra and Phil Linnet– No-Bot the Robot with No Bottom. It’s a funny story and we think that you will enjoy it.

Watch it on the link or if you have it at home read it together.

Here are some activities that you can try that are linked to the story.

Creative – Can you make your own robot? Use some empty boxes and sellotape or glue. Cereal boxes work well if you want to make a big robot. You might paint your robot or cover him in foil. What are you going to call your robot?

Physical Can you move like a robot? Your arms and legs need to be quite stiff to do this. Join in with this robot action dance, its lots of fun.

Mathematics – No- Bot the robot’s head is a square shape. Can you find any squares in your house? Let’s see if you can sort shapes by playing this game.

Creative – Here is a song that we sing in Nursery to help us to think about 2D shapes and their properties. Can you remember it? Join in if you can.

Creative mark making – Can you make an “artbot”? Attach 3 pens to an upturned plastic cup with sellotape. You can add eyes and be as creative as you like. What does your “artbot” draw?  Can you try some zigzag patterns or swirls and spirals? Let us know how you get on.

Fine motor skillsCan you colour and trace the shapes? Don’t forget to use your “froggy fingers” when you hold your pen.  If you have a printer, you can use this one. If not, you could draw your own.

There will be another activity added on Wednesday, so keep a look out for that. We are enjoying seeing your photos, but just an email would be great. Let us know if your child is enjoying the activities or if there is something that they are missing and we will do our best to recreate these on line.

Our email address is We would love to hear about what you have been doing. Also we are happy to answer any of your questions too.

Have fun!