We know how important the first years of school are for you and your child. To help parents of new pupils, any member of the Early Years team or the Head of School is able to provide a detailed description of Early Years provision.
The school’s early years curriculum is exceptional… Consequently, children achieve very well. Adults who work in the early years are highly skilled and know exactly how to get the best out of all children. Interactions between adults and children are meaningful. Learning activities are meticulously planned to ensure children develop the necessary skills, vocabulary and knowledge. Children learn and play together well.
Read our full Early Years Curriculum Guide. This sets out our curriculum intent and how we implement it. It describes our curriculum and age-related expectations for Nursery and Reception classes. This guide to Early Years is a really useful overview, too – there are lots of practical tips.
Just like the rest of school, the fundamental aim in our Early Years classes is to be happy and healthy places to learn.
The standards that we meet for the learning, development and care of children in Early Years Foundation Stage is set out in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage. In terms of teaching and learning, much of the knowledge and skills we teach are set out in Development Matters. In our Curriculum Statement, you can see we set these out in a sequence of learning (age-related expectations) with some additional/explicit learning according to children’s interests and our own curriculum, linked to The National Curriculum in England (DfE, 2013).
Communication is a key aspect: ‘High-quality early years education, with a strong focus on communication, is good for every child’. Challenge is also important: ‘The curriculum needs to be ambitious… Depth in early learning is much more important than covering lots of things in a superficial way’ (both: Development Matters, DfE, 2021).
Through planned, purposeful play, children are able to discover, practise and refine their skills in literacy and mathematics as well as find out about themselves and their environment. In a broad and balanced way, our provision ensures coverage of the seven areas of learning (see below) and responds to the needs and interests of all our children. At all times, we consider characteristics of effective learning which promote positive attitudes to learning, an enthusiasm for knowledge and the confidence to become successful learners.
The information set out below relates to Early Years specifically. However, there are many other policies and procedures in school of which Early Years staff are aware and which they follow. These include our Policy to Promote Positive Relationships and Behaviour, Relationships and Sex Education Policy and all our safeguarding policies.
Your child’s journey to school starts at home. Learn more about skills to practise before starting Reception.
Home and school working together
Characteristics of effective teaching and learning
Different areas of learning
Starting Nursery
Starting Reception
Moving on to Year 1
Early Years concepts