IA Sewing

Monday 24 June 2024

This half term we are working on our Design and Technology skills. We have learnt all about the design process and we know how you need to design, make and then evaluate products. In preparation to create our very own hand puppet, we have looked at and evaluated different types of stitching. Using a needle and wool, we have been practising  the running stitch and the over stitch. We used stiff plastic boards to begin with and then we practised with binca and wool. We know that because we are using needles, we need yo be very careful not to hurt ourselves or anyone else who may be near to us. Class 1A had a look at some hand puppets for ideas and then we started designing our own. We’re very excited to begin the making process this week!

Help at home: You could look at different items of clothing and find the stitching on them. Can you find the name of the stitch used?