
Latest news from around the school

Scholes Gala and Scholes in Bloom

Posted on 05 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

Please come and support our Skipping Crew and WUSU Crew at Scholes Gala this Saturday, 9 June 2018. We would also like as many children as possible to visit the planting stall. Children can take them home, look after them and then bring the plants and join us on judging day for Britain in Bloom on 6 August 2018 at 10am outside school. Scholes in Bloom are going for gold this year!

Walk to School Week winners

Posted on 03 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

We had hundreds of raffle tickets in the box. Well done to all those who walked, scooted or rode bikes to school before the holidays. The Buffers car park was busy all week. Here are the prize winners. Let’s keep walking!

Have you responded to our annual survey yet?

Posted on 01 June 2018 by Mr Roundtree

At Scholes (Elmet) Primary, we’re always keen to hear your views.

Visit the survey site and respond to a series of statements – either agree / agree strongly or disagree / disagree strongly (or say that you don’t know). There’s also the opportunity to add any comments you may have. The survey should take you about five minutes – maybe a bit longer if you add lots of comments. The survey is open until 11 June.

Thank you for sharing your views.

Walk to School Week 21-25 May 2018

Posted on 23 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

Lots of children have been walking to school this week. The raffle box is getting full. The draw will be made on Friday 25th May (lots of lovely prizes to choose from) so remember to bring your tickets to school so they go in the box. Thank you to The Buffers for allowing us to use their car park so children can walk at least 0.5km to school, even if they live further away!


May half term fun at Temple Newsam...

Posted on 23 May 2018 by Mrs Quirk

If you’re stuck for ideas for things to do next week, why not consider one of the following at Temple Newsam?

Paint your own tankard with Jackrabbits pottery 

Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 May. Book a session, 11.30-12.30pm or 2-3pm. Jackrabbits will glaze, fire and wrap the tankards. Please allow a max of 28 days from workshop date to allow mugs to be ready for collection. £13 per tankard in the House. Contact the Temple Newsam House or book on Eventbrite.

Cheers half term crafts!

Saturday 26 May to Sunday 03 June. Drop in session. All ages. Crafts inspired by the ceramics in the exhibition. Design a cup and a coaster to take home. Included in house admission price.


Wednesday 30 May 2-3pm. Join our resident storyteller to enjoy stories all about drink! Included in house admission price.

Hidden Temple Newsam Tour

Saturday and Tuesday in half term at 11am. Journey under the House, learn how the servants got around unseen and discover the cellars. Who is the Blue Lady and what happened to poor Phoebe Gray? Some steep steps and uneven surfaces. Limited places, booking advised. Suitable for 7+. Included in house admission price.

Discovery Tour

Thursday at 11am. Explore the House with our friendly guide! Included in house admission price.

Up on the roof!

Thursday at 2.30pm and 3.15pm Take in stunning views by going on the roof of Temple Newsam House. A head for heights and ability to climb some steep steps required. Booking required. The tour will only go ahead in fine weather so call 0113 3367460 to book and confirm the tour is going ahead. Ages 7+ (children accompanied by an adult).

On the farm…

Visit the animals including pigs, sheep, cattle and ducks! There’s also a café, playgrounds and gardens to explore…

Visit the website or call 0113 3367460 for details of admission prices, access and events. Also on facebook and twitter.

Walk to School Week 21-25 May 2018

Posted on 17 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

Next week, 21 – 25 May, is Walk to School Week. Today, each child was given a leaflet and raffle tickets. For each day that your child walks to school, they’ll be able to put a raffle ticket into the box in the school office. Tickets will be drawn and prizes will be won! For those that live too far away to walk the full distance, The Buffers have agreed to let parents/carers park in their car park, so children still have the chance to enter the prize draw (scooting or riding a bike also counts). There are spare leaflets in the school office.


Nursery places available for September 2018

Posted on 09 May 2018 by Reception Team

We currently have spaces available in nursery for September 2018. If you are looking for a nursery place for your child, or know of anyone who is, please get in touch.

15 hour and 30 hour places are available and we offer a variety of session times including morning sessions and full days. We begin each day at 8.30am and wrap around care is available.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

Contact Mrs Beesley or Mrs Long:

  • e-mail:
  • call the school office: 0113 2649149

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Your views matter!

Posted on 08 May 2018 by Mr Roundtree

At Scholes (Elmet) Primary, we’re always keen to hear your views. Most parents and carers are happy to let us know at any point if something’s gone wrong – and even sometimes when things have gone well! However, it’s always useful to collect your views on some standard questions – the same questions that Ofsted use during inspections.

We ask that you visit the survey site and respond to a series of statements – either agree / agree strongly or disagree / disagree strongly (or say that you don’t know). The statements include:

  • My child is happy at school.
  • My child feels safe at this school.
  • My child makes good progress at this school.
  • My child is well looked after.
  • My child is taught well.

There’s also the opportunity to add any comments you may have. The survey should take you about five minutes – maybe a bit longer if you add lots of comments. The survey is open until 11 June.

The results of the survey are used by school leaders, including the governing body, to shape what we do in the future – your views do matter.

As always, if you’ve any questions, comments of concerns, do let us know.

Tour de Yorkshire in Scholes

Posted on 07 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

We enjoyed the excitement of the Tour de Yorkshire coming through Scholes on Friday. Each class decorated a bike to display and the whole school went outside to watch the women’s race speed past.  We did some WuSu (Wake up, Shake up) dances while we were waiting and the Year 4 skipping team showed us their skipping dance from the skipping competition, too. It was a day to remember for sure!

Skipping Festival

Posted on 04 May 2018 by Reception Team

A massive well done to the year 4s who took part in the skipping festival on Wednesday! Not only did they perform amazingly, they represented our school with pride; showing resilience and great teamwork.