
Latest news from around the school

We close early this Friday

Posted on 29 April 2019 by Mr Roundtree

On Friday 03 May, we close at 2.00pm.

Once again, Scholes has been chosen as the location for part of the route of the Tour de Yorkshire. The men’s race will pass through Scholes at around 3.45pm. The roads will be closed around an hour before and after the race so we’re closing school at 2.00pm on Friday 03 May.

On this day, please allow yourself time to collect your child safely. If you drive, please be aware you can’t park on the main road – give yourself time to park further afield (eg the church car park) and walk the rest of the way.

We apologise for any inconvenience but once the roads are closed they may remain closed for around an hour, making movement in and out of the village impossible.


We want to show our support and show off our school and village (who have entered the ‘Best Dressed’ village competition) as best we can. We therefore invite children to come wearing yellow and blue for the day. We’re also planning a piece of ‘land art’ on the school field or playground. Hopefully, we might be featured on the TV coverage, local news or in the newspapers!

We’ll be keeping ourselves busy and active by working through our Wake Up Shake Up dances while we wait for the women’s race to pass through at around 10.30am. Year 5 and 6 children will be able to watch the race from the pavement outside school.

Summer term after-school clubs

Posted on 18 April 2019 by Mrs Latham

We have an extensive program of after-school activities for the Summer term. Please contact the school office if you would like to sign your child up for any of the clubs below.

Monday : Five Star Sports multi-sports, coding club and netball.

Tuesday : Five Star Sports football and skipping.

Wednesday : Beyond Inspired athletics, Y5/6 football and pop choir. (Circus tricks coming soon).

Thursday : KS2 Flex Dance and Little Birds crafts.

Friday : KS1 Flex Dance.


Recycling collection point - dental products

Posted on 18 April 2019 by Mrs Latham

We are pleased to announce that Scholes Elmet Primary School is now a Terracycle recycling collection point. Please bring us any brand toothpaste tubes and caps, toothbrushes (including electric toothbrush heads), toothbrush and toothpaste tube outer packaging and floss containers. Items can be deposited in the box in the school office during school opening hours. Let’s get recycling!

Active playtimes

Posted on 18 April 2019 by Mrs Latham

We have enjoyed lunchtimes on the field this week and it has definitely increased the physical activity levels of the children. It has also been dry enough for us to use the KS2 adventure playground, which everyone was excited about!

Scholes in Bloom - design a flowerbed competition

Posted on 17 April 2019 by Mrs Latham

Larraine from Scholes in Bloom came in to school yesterday to present prizes to winners of the competition. Look out for the winning design being planted in the flowerbed outside school. You can support the lovely volunteers who make the village look so beautiful by attending their coffee morning on 27 April, 10-12 at the village hall.

Topic review open afternoon

Posted on 25 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

We were delighted to welcome so many of you to the open afternoon today. You had a chance to join in a reflection session as we approach the end of the second Big Topic of the school year, which has been based around a class novel. Here are some of your comments:

  • ‘It was great to see the children recalling and reviewing what they’d learnt. Great how children were all involved. Very impressed with their understanding and discussion on resilience.’
  • ‘I was very impressed with the children’s ability to evaluate their progress and work and how well they work as a class.’
  • ‘I love these opportunities to come in.’
  • ‘It was nice to see the full context of some of the work they mention at home.’

Marvellous maths! Fab feedback!

Posted on 25 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Over the last couple of weeks, we’ve welcomed around 30 teachers and deputy head teachers from schools across Leeds wanting to find out more about our approach to maths: teaching for mastery. As well as hearing about our approach there were opportunities to observe lessons in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 in our school. We’ve received some fantastic feedback.

  • ‘Seeing the lesson was invaluable. I’ve learnt so much that I can’t wait to apply in my own classroom.’ (Leeds teacher)
  • ‘I loved observing the lessons this morning, seeing how mastery looks in a school where it’s really embedded. Thank you, Scholes.’ (Leeds deputy headteacher)
  • ‘Just wanted to give you some feedback from my staff. They absolutely loved the session! In particular, seeing the lessons and reflecting on their own practice. Thank you.’ (Leeds headteacher)
  • ‘Thanks again for another brilliant morning. All the delegates loved it. Can I say a huge thank you to you and your school.’ (West Yorkshire Maths Hub specialist teacher)

Our children were brilliant, not at all fazed by large groups of teachers observing them learn. We’re very proud of them.

Thinking of a holiday in term time?

Posted on 22 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

If so, please: think again.

Amongst the continued talk about Brexit (or not to Brexit!), you might have missed this news story from yesterday: The number of fines issued to parents in England for taking children on term time holidays has almost doubled in a year, statistics show.

Penalty notices rose by 93% to almost 223,000 in 2017-18. In Leeds, there were 2620 fines for term-time absence caused by holidays – that’s 25 pupils in every 1,000, which averages out to about eight pupils at Scholes (Elmet) Primary.

“Unauthorised family holiday absence” was the most common reason for attendance fines, the Department for Education (DfE) said.

In our school, governors have agreed an attendance policy that’s clear: we can’t authorise a holiday in term time – we value learning too much to authorise a disruption in children’s education. If you do anticipate your child may have to have a day or more off school (to attend a funeral or a parent’s graduation, for example), please do speak with the Head of School and also ask at the office for a form to complete.

Year 6 Real Friends performance 

Posted on 21 March 2019 by Mr Lindsay

The Real Friends performance by Leap One and Bright Sparks Theatre Arts was a fantastic opportunity for Year 6 to learn about hate crimes and mate crimes.

During the performance, the actors asked children what manipulation means:

‘Manipulation is where someone is being controlled beyond their own will.’ – Seth

At home, you might want to follow up this performance by asking your children some questions:

  • Which part was the most powerful / emotional?
  • What do you know about the word ‘vulnerable’?
  • What are protected characteristics?

Marvellous Maths spreading to other schools

Posted on 21 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

At Scholes (Elmet) Primary, we’re proud of all our great teachers who are doing such a good job. Mrs Allaway not only teaches in school, but she also regularly supports other schools as a Specialist Leader in Education and as a Maths Mastery Specialist.

Last week, lots of teachers from other schools came to visit. We’re happy for this to happen as we want the best for all children, not just our own. We’re even happier when we receive great feedback!

One of the delegates commented, ‘I loved observing this morning – not only to see how effective Maths looks in an experienced school but also to see how the classroom and resources are set up. Thank you, Scholes!’

And a headteacher also sent some feedback: ‘Just want to give you some feedback from my staff yesterday… they absolutely loved the session! In particular, seeing the lessons and reflecting on their own practice. Thank you.’

Thanks and well done to Mrs Allaway and Mrs Latham, who taught Maths whilst the visitors were present in her classroom.