
Latest news from around the school

There's still time to enter...

Posted on 22 August 2019 by Mr Roundtree

…our 2019 Summer Competition!

Scholes (Elmet) Primary is a happy and healthy place to learn – and we want your child to celebrate this by creating the words ‘happy’ (for children up to Year 2) or ‘healthy’ (for children in Year 3 to Year 6) from letters that your child spots in the environment.

Here’s an example of a letter ‘h’ which we’ve found on the internet – somewhere in their surroundings, can your child find the five letters that spell ‘happy’ or the seven letters that spell ‘healthy’?

We found the example above on the internet, but it would be even better if your child were to take pics from real life – perhaps they could find all the images on one day out, or perhaps they set themselves a target of finding one letter every week of the holidays. Your child could spot ‘letters’ near their home or on holiday. They could make the letter shapes from their own body, stretched into different positions, or they could even ask different family members to create the shapes!

There will be four prizes of £15 book tokens – two for the best ‘happy’ words and two for the best ‘healthy’ words.

Please paste the words into a Word document – one side of A4 – and email to school ( by Friday 06 September 2019.

Good luck!

Has your child been looking out for letters that spell 'happy' or 'healthy'?

Posted on 12 August 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Scholes (Elmet) Primary is a happy and healthy place to learn – and we want your child to celebrate this by creating the words ‘happy’ (for children up to Year 2) or ‘healthy’ (for children in Year 3 to Year 6) from letters that your child spots in the environment.

Here’s an example of a letter ‘h’ which we’ve found on the internet – somewhere in their surroundings, can your child find the five letters that spell ‘happy’ or the seven letters that spell ‘healthy’?

We found the example above on the internet, but it would be even better if your child were to take pics from real life – perhaps they could find all the images on one day out, or perhaps they set themselves a target of finding one letter every week of the holidays. Your child could spot ‘letters’ near their home or on holiday. They could make the letter shapes from their own body, stretched into different positions, or they could even ask different family members to create the shapes!

There will be four prizes of £15 book tokens – two for the best ‘happy’ words and two for the best ‘healthy’ words.

Please paste the words into a Word document – one side of A4 – and email to school ( by Friday 06 September 2019.

Good luck!

Happy and Healthy Summer competition

Posted on 30 July 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Each year, we invite children to enter a competition – last year, we enjoyed reading lots of postcards from around Yorkshire, the UK and the world.

This year, we’d like your child to get creative with a camera! We want our school to be a happy and healthy place to learn – and we want your child to celebrate this by creating the words ‘happy’ (for children up to Year 2) or ‘healthy’ (for children in Year 3 to Year 6) from letters that your child spots in the environment.

Here’s an example of a letter ‘h’ which we’ve found on the internet – somewhere in their surroundings, can your child find the five letters that spell ‘happy’ or the seven letters that spell ‘healthy’?

We found the example above on the internet, but it would be even better if your child were to take pics from real life – perhaps they could find all the images on one day out, or perhaps they set themselves a target of finding one letter every week of the holidays. Your child could spot ‘letters’ near their home or on holiday. They could make the letter shapes from their own body, stretched into different positions, or they could even ask different family members to create the shapes!

There will be four prizes of £15 book tokens – two for the best ‘happy’ words and two for the best ‘healthy’ words.

Please paste the words into a Word document – one side of A4 – and email to school ( by Friday 06 September 2019.

Good luck!

Living and Learning : I can illustrate happy and healthy choices.

Posted on 12 July 2019 by Mrs Latham

Our whole school homework produced some super examples, including songs, posters, games, a cow (to show a lactose intolerance) and lots of discussions. Children illustrated how they make healthy choices about food, exercise and sleep.

Scholes Open Gardens - scarecrow competition

Posted on 07 July 2019 by Mrs Latham

We have been supporting the team of volunteers who orgainse Scholes in Bloom. Today is the Open Gardens event and we created some scarecrows in school around this year’s theme, ‘World of Song’. The scarecrows will be displayed again on Britain in Bloom judging day on 19 July.

Whole school sports roundabout

Posted on 30 June 2019 by Mrs Latham

Our whole school sports roundabout is a chance for all children to work together, in teams, showcasing their sporting skills. The mixed aged teams encourage children to work together, supporting and encouraging each other. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to show their support.

Super sunny sports day

Posted on 30 June 2019 by Mrs Latham

The Key Stage 2 children enjoyed a fantastic competitive sports event on Friday. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to offer their support. It is much appreciated.

Last chance to submit your views

Posted on 20 June 2019 by Mr Roundtree

At Scholes (Elmet) Primary, we’re always keen to hear your views.

The annual survey is still available for you to let us know your thoughts, but goes offline on Monday 24 June so you’ve only a few days left. The survey will only take a few minutes or so.

We hope that you let us know any questions, comments and concerns (as well as causes for celebration!) whenever these crop up, but we like to gather the views more generally at the end of the year. We’re looking forward to reading your views.

Scarecrow competition - Scholes in Bloom

Posted on 18 June 2019 by Mrs Latham

This year, Scholes in Bloom’s scarecrow competition theme is ‘The World of Song’. We will be creating some scarecrows in school. Please support this wonderful group who make our village look so beautiful.

A new date for your diary

Posted on 14 June 2019 by Mr Roundtree

On Wednesday 10 July at 5pm, we invite you to come along and reflect on our recent Ofsted inspection.

We’re delighted to have been judged as ‘good’ in all areas.

The meeting is an opportunity to reflect on the inspection. We’ll talk briefly about the inspection, we’ll talk about the next steps for us as a school, and you’ll have time to ask us any specific questions about the inspection report, or let us know any comments or concerns.

On the same day, teachers are available from 3.30pm to 5.00pm to talk through the end-of-year report your child will have brought home – why not pop along for that and stay for the Ofsted meeting?