Fabulous Flex dancers
Posted on 22 November 2019 by Mrs Latham
We had a treat in assembly yesterday. The KS2 dance group, which is run by Flex dance on Thursdays after school, performed a dance compilation. They used many of their 8Rs for learning: remembering, risk-taking, resilience and resourcefulness. Well done!
Please contact the office if you would like to join – KS2 girls and boys all welcome! (KS1 dance club is on Fridays after school.)
Fortnite - staying safe
Posted on 21 November 2019 by Mr Roundtree
As you know, we like to keep you updated as much as possible with how you can keep your child safe when they’re online. This is an ever-changing world and, unfortunately, it’s impossible to keep up with all current issues but there are some ways we can help. Over this year, we’ll communicate to you some factsheets about popular games and apps with some hints and tips about how you can support your child in staying safe.
The first one is some guidance around the game, Fortnite.
As always, if you’ve any questions, comments or concerns, please chat to someone in school.
Living and learning in our happy and healthy school
Posted on 19 November 2019 by Mr Roundtree
Although it’s not yet in primary schools’ National Curriculum, most primaries provide pupils with learning around aspects of Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE), and also citizenship (in fact, sometimes, you might see or hear the abbreviation PSHCE) and financial education (I’ve even spotted the abbreviation PSHEE – Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education). Sex and relationships education (SRE, although sometimes the terms are swapped around: Relationships and Sex Education – RSE) also falls under this PSHE umbrella term. As you can see, all these abbreviations can get really confusing!
At Scholes (Elmet) Primary, we cover all this in a weekly subject which is popular with both pupils and their teachers: Living and Learning.
Read more about Living and Learning on our Health page and in our age-related expectations. You can also check out the weekly Living and Learning theme in our calendar – they show for each Monday during term-time.
Children in Need
Posted on 15 November 2019 by Miss Hague
Well done everyone.
By coming in over-sized clothes, we managed to raise an impressive £318.11 for Children in Need.
Thanks for your generosity.
Let's keep children safe and talk about PANTS!
Posted on 07 November 2019 by Mrs Latham
We have been talking about pants again! Children love talking about pants and find them funny but we use it in school to deliver a serious safeguarding message. The NSPCC have created some fab resources for us, and you, to use when teaching our children how to keep themselves safe. Ask your child about the PANTS rule and sing along to the catchy song!
Boccia club
Posted on 06 November 2019 by Mrs Latham
Thanks for coming to parents' evening
Posted on 01 November 2019 by Mr Roundtree
Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to the parent-teacher meetings in the last week of the half-term. It was great to see you all there, keen to find out how your child is doing in school and how you can continue to support at home.
Thanks also to the governors who were around, collecting your views. Here are some of the views they noted:
- The format of the evening was praised by parents, especially those with more than one class teacher to see.
- General comments were entirely positive, and I observed many smiling faces during the evening.
- The view was expressed repeatedly that children were happy to come to school, found friendships, and enjoyed a supportive learning environment.
- Communications have improved noticeably. In particular, the sharing of dates for events a year in advance was appreciated by parents for providing the ability to plan other commitments to enable them to attend school events.
At Scholes (Elmet) Primary, we’re always keen to keep getting better, making changes however big or small. Some of you commented to governors that the school hall is a noisy environment when busy. A governor has suggested that a quiet room could be made available by specific advance request should parents require it due to individual hearing needs. This is a good idea which we’ll implement next time.
Thanks again.
Our website
Posted on 23 October 2019 by Mr Roundtree
In the past few months, our website has been experiencing a few problems, the main one being that the whole-school news posts haven’t been published on our Facebook page. We hope this is now sorted.
In the next week or so, there will be more tweaks made behind-the-scenes on our website. This hopefully won’t cause any problems, but do let us know if you notice something.
Sorry for any problems you’ve encountered.
3, 2, 1 DODGEBALL!
Posted on 19 October 2019 by Mrs Latham
Well done to the Year 5 dodgeball team, managed by Mr Gledhill, who came third in the East Leeds heats this week. They were fiercely competitive and showed a real team work spirit. Lots of the photos are blurred because they were running around so fast!
Year 1 Bikeability - success!
Posted on 19 October 2019 by Mrs Latham
The Year 1 children have had some balance bike and then pedal bike training (with no stabilisers) this week, deliverd by the Leeds Bikeability Team. By the end of the week 38 out of 45 children (a whopping 84% ) can now ride their bikes! Everyone worked really hard; persevering, showing resilience and determination. Well done – we are very proud of you!