
Latest news from around the school

Half term holiday activities

Posted on 28 January 2020 by Mrs Latham

Feb half term pdf

Period products

Posted on 24 January 2020 by Mr Roundtree

You might have read that the Department for Education has launched a scheme which will provide access to free period products in schools in England. Alongside this, Leeds Council launched a similar scheme a few months ago.

This scheme will ensure that period products are available to young people if they need them, when they need them. This will include supporting those who have started their period unexpectedly, forgotten to bring products with them and those who can’t afford to buy them.

Although there are some restrictions around how many products we can order, we’d like to assure you that the products are in school if your child needs to use them unexpectedly, or has forgotten them, or can’t afford them.

Fab feedback...

Posted on 22 January 2020 by Miss Hague

Thanks to those of you who visited us this morning for another of our popular Watch us while we work sessions. We hold these so you can come into school and get a flavour of what we do, which will hopefully help you to support your child at home, too.

Lots of parents commented on the interesting content of the lessons and how engaged the children were in their learning.

Some parents took away practical ideas of how to support their child at home.

We have a topic review coming up soon – another chance to share in your child’s learning journey.

Is your child in Year 2 or Year 6?

Posted on 14 January 2020 by Mr Roundtree

If your child is in Year 2 or Year 6, they’re in the final year of Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) or Key Stage 2 (Years 3 to 6). This means that towards the end of the year, they’ll be doing end of key stage assessments, often called the SATs.

These short videos help to explain more – just be aware the videos are a couple of years old so some details like dates won’t be accurate.

In the past, parents have said they’ve found the videos helpful. Nevertheless, if you’ve any questions, comments or concerns, speak with your child’s class teacher or Miss Hague.

Does your child use TikTok?

Posted on 14 January 2020 by Mr Roundtree

If you’re child uses TikTok, read this guide for parents.

TikTok is a video-sharing social media app available on iOS and Android which lets users create, share, and view user created videos much in a similar manner to Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. It’s main draw, however, is that users can record and upload bite-sized looping videos of themselves lip-syncing and dancing to popular music or soundbites, often for comedic effect, which can then be further enhanced with filters, emojis and stickers. TikTok has been designed with the young user in mind and has a very addictive appeal. At the beginning of 2019 it skyrocketed in popularity to become the iOS store’s most downloaded app with over 33 million downloads. Estimates suggest that it now has anything between 500 million and over 1billion monthly active users worldwide.

Attendance matters

Posted on 13 January 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Our school’s overall attendance rate this year so far is 96%. Well done to the classes with attendance that matches or exceeds the average:

  1. 3,4C (Mr Gathercole’s class): 97.1%
  2. 2KN (Miss Lowry and Mrs Lake’s class) and F2M (Mrs Palmer’s class): both 96.6%
  3. 3,4E (Miss McCormick’s class): 96.4%
  4. 5,6M (Mr Lindsay’s class): 96.1%
  5. 5,6S (Mrs Hogarth’s class): 96.0%

Keeping active - new gym fitness equipment

Posted on 09 January 2020 by Mrs Latham

There was great excitement with the arrival of the new outdoor fitness equipment before Christmas. The wet weather slightly delayed the installation but it is now ready to use. Everyone wants a go!

This is part of our plan to increase physical activity undertaken within school. The UK Chief Medical Officers found that, “the latest evidence shows there is a clear link between physical activity and chronic disease.” We want children to be physically active for at least the Chief Medical Officer’s recommended 30 minutes during the school day, and this will help us to do this.

Merry Christmas!

Posted on 20 December 2019 by Mrs Latham

Pop choir performed some songs for us this afternoon. The whole school then joined in with a Christmas sing-a-long. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone!

A special visitor

Posted on 18 December 2019 by Mrs Latham

Early Years and KS1 were lucky enough to have a visit from Santa today. He read stories and handed out presents. We’re all feeling very Christmassy now!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...lunch!

Posted on 12 December 2019 by Mrs Latham

We all enjoyed a delicious Christmas lunch today prepared by our wonderful kitchen staff. The lunchtimes supervisors did a fantastic job (especially Mrs Pennock) decorating the hall too. Thank you!