
Latest news from around the school

Attendance matters

Posted on 25 February 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Our whole-school attendance figure up until February half-term is 96.3%.

Here are the figures for each class:

  • F2L: 95.2%
  • F2M: 97.0%  Second highest – fab!
  • 1K: 95.6%
  • 1,2V: 96.3%
  • 2KN: 96.8%  Good stuff – keep it up.
  • 3,4N: 96.0%
  • 3,4C: 97.1%  The best in school – well done!
  • 3,4E: 96.3%
  • 5,6OB: 95.9%
  • 5,6M: 96.6%  Good stuff – keep it up.
  • 5,6S: 96.3%

    Let’s aim for the whole-school average to be even higher by Easter!

If you’d like to know the up-to-date attendance score for your child, please ask at the office.

School will be open

Posted on 24 February 2020 by Mr Roundtree

School will be open today as normal.

The roads are currently bad, so take your time travelling to school safely.

The forecast shows an improving picture, with rain later, and dry this afternoon; temperatures are above freezing.

Is your child in Year 4?

Posted on 12 February 2020 by Mr Roundtree

The government is introducing a new assessment for Year 4 pupils. In June, each child in Year 4 is set to complete an online multiplication tables check (MTC). Read more about this new assessment.

There will be 25 questions covering the full range of facts children are expected to know, which means questions going up to 12 x 12. However, there​’​s slightly more weighting towards multiplication facts involving 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 due to these being the most difficult to learn. For example, there will be between 2 and 4 questions involving multiplying by 6.

For each question, children are presented with a multiplication fact and an empty box. This may be written as __ x 6 or as 6 x __ .

If you’d like to practise at home, our own website has lots of spreadsheets you can download.

There are also lots of websites that you can use. This one is very similar to the MTC. It’s possible to alter the settings on this website to focus on particular times tables.

Another exciting way to practise times tables is through the ‘Times Tables Rockstars’ website. Every child has their own individual login details that enables them to access their account at school and at home. Feedback so far is that this is proving an enjoyable way to practise times tables facts at home!

Sport Relief – The Big Summit Sofa Challenge Friday 06 March

Posted on 11 February 2020 by Mrs Latham

We are very excited to announce that Scholes (Elmet) Primary School will be the starting point of the BBC’s Big Summit Sofa Challenge on Friday 06 March.
Harry Gration, Amy Garcia and Paul Hudson from BBC Look North will join in with Wake Up Shake Up as their warm-up before they set off at 10am. They will then head towards Barwick, pulling and pushing their red sofa 100 miles, incorporating some of Yorkshire’s biggest climbs. We will be making banners, flags and as much noise as we can to create an amazing send off for the celebrity team.
It would be amazing if we were able to start this challenge off with a generous donation and so we are inviting the children to come to school in their sports kit, in exchange for a £1 contribution.
The BBC television cameras will also be in school to film us and talk to as many people as they can – some may even feature on the news that night.
They have asked that we encourage as many parents, family and friends to stay after they have dropped children off in the morning, so please feel free to show your support and join in with the fun!
Thank you in anticipation of your support.

Staying safe online - guides for parents/carers

Posted on 11 February 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Today is Safer Internet Day. What can you do at home to make sure your child is safe online?

The e-Safety Office has produced twelve guides for parents, covering a range of topics including app safety, YouTube, cyberbullying and selfies. Check them out.

School Council visit the Dog's Trust

Posted on 07 February 2020 by Reception Team

18 excited school council members visited the Leeds Dog’s Trust centre.

We were guided though the centre with a look behind the scenes. 

The staff at the Dog’s Trust were very grateful for our first donation of £517! 

Thank you to everyone that donated on our recent film night.

School Council Film Night

Posted on 06 February 2020 by Reception Team

What a fabulous film night we had yesterday! 

With your support, we raised over £500 for the Dog’s Trust.

The film last night was so good!

I liked eating the popcorn.

It was great because I got to sit with my friends.

I hope it becomes a regular event.

Cross Country - Leeds City Finals

Posted on 05 February 2020 by Mrs Latham

A massive well done to our Y6 girls team that qualified to the cross country city finals that were held at Temple Newsam today. They represented school brilliantly and we are very proud of them!

Does your child Swiggle?

Posted on 03 February 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Swiggle is a child-friendly search engine – it’s aimed at children in Key Stage 2.

Swiggle gives children a great start in encouraging responsible online searching. The internet is a vast resource, and some content is not appropriate for children.

The search engine has been designed and developed by South-West Grid for Learning, a charity dedicated to empowering the safe and secure use of technology. SWGfL recommends adding Swiggle to your browser or put the Screen Cover link on your bookmark bar.

It’s powered by Google Custom Search, the results are filtered using Google SafeSearch, and SWGfL has configured the results to prioritise educational resources. Swiggle also filters the search terms to check that it’s not being used to search for inappropriate content.

Childline - not just a 'line'

Posted on 29 January 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Childline isn’t just about making a phone call!

The Childline website has lots of valuable information, but one area we like is their Calm Zone. The activities aim to help children feel better when they’re feeling anxious, scared or sad. Although children could be encouraged to visit the website themselves, these are good techniques for you to use with your child. Ideas include breathing exercises, a ‘let it go’ box and creating a ‘sense drawer’.