
Let’s talk numbers!

Posted on Friday 10 November 2017 by Reception team

This week we have been focusing on the number 5. First, we watched the Numberblocks video. Then we found 5 objects to put on our number focus table.

We then looked at building models using 5 bricks. We found that even if the model is a different shape or size, it’s still 5!

Next week, we’ll be looking at number stories using pictures.

For example, 3 sheep are on the hill and 2 sheep are in front of the barn so 5 sheep altogether. I can see one more sheep next to the rocks. Ask your child how many there are now.

10 November 2017

Posted on Thursday 09 November 2017 by Mrs Latham

Use last week’s spelling lists to practise the words in the ways below.

Year 1

  • wet
  • went
  • let
  • lent
  • set
  • sent

Year 2

  • bath
  • path
  • after
  • past
  • fast
  • last
  • plant
  • has
  • pass
  • was

School Council

Posted on Tuesday 07 November 2017 by Mrs Latham

The newly elected School Council have been given their badges by Miss Parling (School Council leader) and are proudly wearing them. They have also taken part in their first decision as elected members. They voted on the type of fundraising the school will do for Children in Need on 17 November. It will be a non-uniform day with a suggested donation of £1.

Strictly Flex Dancing!

Posted on Sunday 05 November 2017 by Mrs Latham

All year 1 and 2 classes enjoyed learning new street dance routines taught by a dance teacher from Flex Dance. We used our agility, balance and coordination skills to great effect. We then performed our routines for each other!

Tell us about your bonfire night!

Posted on Friday 03 November 2017 by Reception team

Monday news next week will be all about Bonfire night. To encourage your child to share their bonfire night experiences, bring in a time to talk sheet or email us some photos/comments – scholesf2@spherefederation.org

Monday news is a great chance for your child to build their self-confidence by speaking in front of their peers. It’s also a valuable time to develop their communication and language skills.


Posted on Thursday 02 November 2017 by Mrs Allaway

Y3 children really enjoyed their ukulele lesson with Mr Oliver today. We practised our chords from last half term: C, A minor and F. We also learnt a new chord, G.


Tennis with Dwight

Posted on Thursday 02 November 2017 by Mrs Allaway

Our tennis lessons with Dwight are progressing well. Today, we practised our forehand and backhand. Dwight commented on how impressed he was with the improvements in hand-eye co-ordination.

Conkers and School Council

Posted on Friday 20 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

We’ve had another learning-loaded week to finish the first half term of the school year. Our English work has involved lots of noun-spotting and securing sentence construction. You could help consolidate this learning at home by looking out for, and talking about, nouns and how they appear in our language.

We also collected a whopping 1,343 conkers. We’ve used them to help us count in 10s. You could join in at home and collect interesting objects to count in 2s, 5s or 10s. Now we’ve finished with them, we’ve returned them to the woods behind school for the squirrels to enjoy – and hopefully a few will grow into chestnut trees, too!

The excitement was palpable during the voting for the school council representatives. We used a voting booth, ballot papers and a ballot box to make it an authentic experience. Well done to those that got voted in.

The class assembly from 2KL was amazing. The children were so excited and proud to share all their learning. Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to support the children.

Join In Monday! (02 October 2017)

Posted on Tuesday 03 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to everyone who attended the first Join In Monday afternoon of the year. Class 1,2V hosted the Autumn-themed afternoon. Parents and carers joined in with children making leaf lanterns, leaf mobiles and leaf rubbings. There were also 933 conkers to count and play with!

What are these bricks my child keeps talking about?

Posted on Friday 29 September 2017 by Reception team

This week, we’ve introduced your child to challenges. Challenging activities are around the classroom for your child to complete to earn a brick. The aim is to get a tower of bricks taller than five. Challenges include the learning we’re focusing on throughout the week – for example, writing our name. Ask your child what challenges they have done this week.

We talked about who had more and who had fewer bricks. If your child’s tower was more than five, your child will be coming home with a certificate!