Outdoor PE
Children have enjoyed outdoor PE lessons this week. We’ve been particularly working on skipping skills. Please could you ensure your child has some blue/black tracksuit bottoms to wear (bare legs can get a bit chilly) and suitable shoes for outdoor PE (trainers, pumps or well-fitted school shoes are fine – not boots). If you’ve any trainers that your child has grown out of and would like to donate them to school for our spares box, we would be most grateful.
16 March 2018
This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect:
Learn the songs words and speaking parts for the Bee Musical production.
Children have their own copy of the script and song lyrics so that they can be practised and learnt at home ready for the forthcoming performance.
Mimika Theatre
This week, some children had the chance to watch the Mimika theatre company present ‘Landscapes’ within a white, domed-shaped tent. The performance explored the diversity and complexity of the natural world.
‘Landscapes’ uses a variety of techniques including puppetry, an image based story line, an immersive stereo soundtrack and a variety of sensory events and visual effects to involve and engage the audience.
Before the performance began, the children were introduced to two of the puppets (the snake and the crocodile).
Then we took a seat inside the dome…we were all very excited!
We watched in wonder as a story unfolded through four different landscapes (desert, rainforest, sea and the Antarctic).
People who help us…nurse visit!
This week we had some special visitors in F2.
As part of our ‘people who help us’ topic, Ruth and Sarah (a hospital nurse and a community nurse) came to visit us. They spoke to the children about how they care for people at home and in hospital.
They asked the children what the role of a nurse is?
- “Put plasters on.”
- “Might do an x-ray if somebody get hurt on their bone.”
- “Help you get healthy.”
They brought some of their equipment (stethoscope, bandages, heartbeat monitor) to show the children. They showed the children a stethoscope and explained how they use it to listen to a person’s heartbeat and their breathing. They modelled how to dress a wound using a bandage. The children talked about their experiences of bandages:
- “If your hand is bleeding you need to put it on your hand.”
- “One day when I was riding on my bike I fell off and daddy put one on my hand.”
- “I hurt my elbow and had it all up my arm.”
We’d like to say a big thank you to Ruth and Sarah for coming in to see us. We’d love to have more visitors to talk about their job and how they help others. Please speak to a member of the F2 team if you are interested.
World book day
I’m sure many children were disappointed today when they couldn’t come to school in their book day costumes! Therefore, we have decided to re-schedule World Book Day to Monday 05 March. Your child can come to school as their favourite book character – just as was planned for today. We’d also like to invite parents to stay and read with their child at school drop off from 8.50-9.20am.
If your child is swimming on Monday, please bring some clothes that will be easier for them to change into after swimming.
We are closed.
Due to treacherous driving conditions and forecast for the entire day, we have decided to close school.
World Book Day
This afternoon, the Y6 children visited F2 to share stories. The children were put into pairs and then chose a story to read together. First the F2 children listened to a story read by the Year 6 children and then the F2 children read one of our Biff, Chip and Kipper stories to them. The F2 children enjoyed reading to the older children.
We are looking forward to welcoming parents/carers to our third stay and play session (stay and read) on Thursday 01 March 8.50am – 9.20am or 2.45pm – 3.15pm.
The children are very excited about coming to school dressed as their favourite story book character. We (the Foundation 2 staff) will also be dressing up as characters from a storybook.
Scholes in Bloom winners!
Well done to the children who designed a flowerbed for outside our school. Your ideas were amazing!
Look out for the winning design – this will be planted very soon.
What is my child learning?
You’ve probably heard your child talking about digraphs, trigraphs and tricky words. A few parents have been asking what their child is talking about so we’ll be sending an information flyer home to help.
Your child has been learning all the letter sounds for the alphabet – please see the YouTube video for help pronouncing the ‘pure’ sounds.
Since January, your child has started to learn the letter names for these ‘pure’ sounds. We have enjoyed singing a song that sings the letter sounds AND names. Your child has also been learning to read digraphs and trigraphs.
Digraphs consist of two letters (graphemes) but they only make one sound (phoneme). The digraphs are shown below:
qu |
ch | sh | th | ng |
ee |
oo | ar | or |
oi |
ai |
oa | ur | er |
ow |
Trigraphs consist of three letters (graphemes) but they only make one sound (phoneme). The trigraphs are shown below:
ear | air |
ure |
igh |
Using their digraph and trigraph knowledge your child will be able to read words such as…
The sound buttons/lines shown underneath the letters help your child sound out words. A line is shown when the letters make a digraph or trigraph- that way your child will only make one sound when reading a digraph/trigraph.
Sound buttons and lines are not everywhere so we need to teach your child to independently spot the digraphs and trigraphs so that they only make one sound when reading a digraph/trigraph!
Can your child spot any digraphs or trigraphs in their reading book?
Tricky words are words your child cannot sound out using their phonic knowledge – they just have to know them by sight… that’s what makes them tricky!
the |
to |
I |
no |
go |
into |
he |
she |
we |
me |
be |
was |
you |
they |
all |
are |
my |
her |
The Big Ink Cartridge Collection
School council are collecting used ink cartridges to raise money for our school and our chosen charity – The Donkey Sanctuary.
All collected used ink and toner cartridges are recycled in an environmentally friendly way and the money raised is donated back to us! The more cartridges we can collect, the more we can raise.
If anyone’s workplace throws their ink cartridges away, we’ll be happy to recycle them for you!
An ink cartridge recycle box is waiting for your donation in the main office reception.