
Supporting parents with anxious children

Posted on Wednesday 16 January 2019 by Mrs Quirk

EPOSS Cluster are running a group to support parents with anxious children. The group will give advice and strategies to support your child, provide psycho-education on anxiety and give the opportunity for you to meet parents with similar problems and share ideas.

The first session will be held MONDAY 21 JANUARY

Venue: The House
Wetherby High School
Hallfield Lane
LS22 6JS

Time: 8am-9am.

No need to book, just turn up on the day.

If there is sufficient uptake the group will then run every Monday until the February half-term holiday.

If you would like any further information please call:

Rachel Midgley, Cluster Therapist –   0752 617 2934

Liz Giles, Targeted Services Officer – 0791 278 4637

Christmas party

Posted on Wednesday 09 January 2019 by Mrs Latham

We all enjoyed our Christmas party before the holidays. The ‘dance-off’ was brilliant fun!


Living and Learning-I respect my communities and other communities.

Posted on Monday 17 December 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

This Living and Learning statement helps to promote the British value of mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. In KS1 we daily encourage respect for everyone and everything. We know that we are all the same AND we are all different! How amazing is that? 

One child shared their homework about the celebration of Christmas. He proudly showed  his Christingle. We discussed similarities and differences between Christmas and Eid. Will you be celebrating anything special this coming holiday? 

Drama for writing

Posted on Monday 10 December 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Today, we read a picture book, The Santa Trap, which inspired us to get into role.

It’s about a bad boy, Bradley. He has been behaving badly and should probably be on Santa’s naughty list.

First, we talked about Bradley’s character and made notes from the text.

We decided to act out a short sketch in pairs – Santa and Santa’s elf.

We though about what they would say to each other about the beastly brat, Bradley.

Then, we performed it to our peers.

We loved using drama techniques to bring the character’s to life.

We will remember them – Remembrance Day 2018

Posted on Friday 09 November 2018 by Mrs Latham

The children listened to poems and stories, then talked about Remembrance Day this week at school. They made poppies and some wrote messages to the soldiers.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Laurence Binyon


Thank you to Mrs Thorne for her artistic input and Peter Smith, from Lyndhurst View, who made the central piece.

Brilliant Balancing

Posted on Friday 09 November 2018 by Reception Team

1K have enjoyed challenging themselves to balance in different ways. 

It was tricky on one leg.

I can balance on this foot really well. 

1K Join In

Posted on Wednesday 10 October 2018 by Reception Team

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to 1K’s join-on Monday afternoon. The class were continuing their learning about the Stone Age which was inspired by our class novel Stone Age Boy  We used clay, crayons, paint and chalk to create our own cave paintings.


I liked drawing on the wall.

I enjoyed using sticks and my fingers to paint.



05 October 2018

Posted on Friday 05 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

This week’s homework is Creative. You can show this in any way you like – drawing, writing, cutting out picture and sticking in.

I can show how lunchboxes have changed over time.

In our history based Time Travel topic, we’re thinking about how things change over time and how things in your child’s life might be different to that of their parent/carer or grandparents.

Use the lunchbox template provided to show what your child would typically have in a lunchbox and then what you (as a parent or carer – or ask a grandparent) might have had in your own lunchbox.

Morning dance club

Posted on Tuesday 02 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

We have spaces in our Tuesday morning dance club. It is run by Flex Dance and starts at 8am.  It is open for Y2-6 children and will run for the next 3 weeks initially. Please pop into the office for a letter if you are interested.

Year 6 Drug Awareness Talk

Posted on Friday 28 September 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Steve, from The Children’s Charity, came into school today to discuss drugs. With the help of his cartoon friend (Bob), Steve informed year 6 about the difference between legal and illegal drugs. The children asked many questions about the effects of drugs and showed a good awareness of the subject. At home, you might want to follow up this talk with your own discussion.