
Escape Room Clues

Posted on Friday 05 June 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Thank you to Lilia and Charlie for sending in their Esacpe Room Clues. Can you solve the clues to Lilia’s questions?

05 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 04 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello children!

We hope that you are all feeling happy and healthy today.

Thank you to everyone who has emailed their teacher so far this week.  If you have any questions or problems to ask your teacher,  then please let us know – we are here to help you! It might just be a quick email to say hello, or a photo of your learning.

The weather has cooled down a bit since the weekend and we’ve had some rain. Here are some spider-man inspired yoga (13 mins) exercises you can do inside your house.

If you like Ant and Dec, and David Walliams then you can watch them today on the NSPCC website at 9:30am (or on NSPCC facebook page).

Here are your tasks for today:


Y3 – RIC : fractions 

Times tables: At the beginning of the week, we asked you to focus on your 3x tables. Even if it’s just 5 minutes a day, the regular practice really helps you to remember your multiplication facts. How have you been getting on? Here are 40 questions. Challenge your speed – 3x tables 5 min challenge

Y4 – Strengthen your problem solving skills with these 2 ‘square’ problems:

Square of numbers

Domino square

Times tables: At the beginning of the week, we asked you to focus on your 12x tables. Even if it’s just 5 minutes a day, the regular practice really helps you to remember your multiplication facts. How have you been getting on? Here are 40 questions. Challenge your speed – 12x tables 5 min challenge


Answers 04.06.20

Reading Book Club:
In class, we’d usually have a Love of Reading session each week where we read something that we love. Adults use the time to read with children.
Today, I’d like you to…
 Get really comfy: wear some thick socks, a dressing gown or wooly jumper. Sit somewhere soft and relaxing.
 Turn all electronic devices off: TVs, radios, computers, phones, tablets etc.
 Spend some quality time reading with each other. Read aloud, take it in turns, put on voices for characters, re-read things to improve how you’re reading them. Talk about what you’re reading. Which are the best bits? Why? Does it remind you of other things you’ve read or watched? Do you know anything about parts of it from other knowledge that you have? What do you think of the characters? What will happen next? Why do you think that?

Topic DT – Design a room
Could you design and make a model room? What a fun activity!
Watch the clip of the designer making a mini version of a room. You could use an old box or cut up a cereal packet to make the shape of your room. It doesn’t have to be same measurements as the designer on the screen. Use what you have. You could decorate the model room using old paper, wall paper, magazines, paint or crayons – use what you have. You could make the furniture from items ready for recycling or even Lego bricks. Be creative!

Have fun and send a photo of your model to your teacher.

Story – read by Mrs McCormick

The Great Tug of War




2 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 01 June 2020 by Reception team


Interactive lesson


1.Listen and sing along to the video about the teen numbers. 

2.Tomorrow we will be looking at the number 13. 13 is an odd number. An odd number is a number that can’t be split into 2 equal groups. Using Lego, counters or any other objects you have at home can you find any other odd numbers between 0 and 13?

3.Take a picture of your odd number findings and email them to scholesf2@spherefederation.org.


Book of the week: The Rainbow Fish

1.Listen to the story of the week.

2.Something special 

01 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 31 May 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Good morning everyone!

We hope you all had a good half term and managed to enjoy this glorious weather we’ve been having. We hope you are all feeling happy and healthy today.

Remember to keep in touch with your class teachers. Send us a quick email to let us know how you’re getting on. Here are our email in case you need them:





Here is your learning…

Year 5 Maths


Click on the link above to practice your multiplication skills with Mrs H.

Your learning today is about volume. This will involve reading scales to measure volume. As usual there is a short quiz first and then the video lesson. Remember you can pause the video whenever you like, or skip it back in case you need something repeating.

Click on the following link for this lesson.

Monday’s lesson

Year 6 Maths

Oh no! Mr Lindsay and Miss Greaves are stuck in the school. They can’t remember the passcode to the door. Watch their video and help them escape.

Email Mr Lindsay with your answers.

Year 5/6 Reading

This week, we are going to focus on jobs and money. For today’s task, complete the jobs worksheet – this will help you develop ideas that you can use later on in the week. Here are some questions to help you.

Although this task will significantly help you later in the week, it is not particularly a reading task! On top of this, I would like you to research and read about your dream job. Create a list of requirements you would need for this job, along with some reasons as to why you think people might want to do it as a career choice.

Jobs Worksheet

Year 5/6 Topic

In this lesson you will learn what goes into making a good computer game and try making your own simple game.

Complete this BBC Bitesize lesson.

22 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 21 May 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi children,
Today is the last week of this half term! You’ve done it!

Well done for all of your hard work, effort and for keeping going during this ‘temporary strange’.
Enjoy half term – there will be some optional learning challenges that you can take part in. Why not create a  Jar of Happiness?

Make sure that you take the time to rest and enjoy this time with your  families.

Take care and stay safe,
Team 3,4


Love of reading

We know that you love this reading session at school so your task today is to grab a book, find a comfortable spot and read! Have fun and enjoy reading. Share your book with a sibling or an adult, if you’d like to.

Sonic answers


Shadow puppet lesson PDF


Y3 Video Lesson

Y4- To consolidate your learning on triangles, follow the BBC bitesize link . There is a short video and a quiz for today.

Story  – read by Mr Gathercole

Fantastic Mr Fox part 5 and final part


Professor Myers challenges you!

Posted on Thursday 07 May 2020 by Reception team

Paper aeroplanes – video 


Please email your predictions and findings.


7 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 06 May 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello children.

Tomorrow is VE day. We have some activities planned for you tomorrow, and all your learning will be linked to the VE day celebrations in some way. You may have some ideas for celebrating this day at home already. Please let us know what you will be doing, or send your teacher a photo of what you did.

Keeping active: What is your super move of the day?

Here is your learning:

Maths Y3 and Y4

Y3 Maths -06.05.20 answers

As tomorrow’s tasks will be slightly different due to the bank holiday, we’ll have our challenges day today instead. Here’s a link to another four problems from BBC Bitesize.


How many of them will you conquer? Answers are on the link too but suggested workings out will be posted tomorrow. Here are some things to remember when approaching each challenge. Given the content, Challenge 4 might be more accessible to Year 4 than Year 3.

Top Tips – Challenge 1:

Read the text carefully to avoid falling into traps. Think about what ‘half’ means and for the second part in particular, think about ‘half’ isn’t.

Top Tips – Challenge 2

Take time to understand the information that has been given. Bar modelling would help with this.

Top Tips – Challenge 3:

This is quite a long problem. Breaking it down into smaller chunks and showing your working will help you to avoid mistakes.

Top Tips – Challenge 4:

You are asked to find two ways but can you find all solutions? Think about how you might approach this systematically (in order).  It’s useful to remember that 1000ml = 1l .


Answers for Wednesday_s reading task

Explorer story – Friday


types of shading

Story – read by Mrs McCormick

The Night Shimmy


4 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 03 May 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi children,

How are you all? We hope that you have had a lovely weekend.

Here are you learning tasks for today. Enjoy!

Take a look on our Class News page we have posted some video messages for you to start the week! Stay safe!

Team 3/4.

Y3 01.05.20 answers  maths

Maths Y3

Compare angles PDF    

Video lesson

Maths y4

Unit and non-unit fractions

Video lesson





Weekly Spellings 

wordsearch long _e_


Story (15 mins) 

The Magic Finger part 1 by Mrs McCormick




Monday 4 May 2020

Posted on Sunday 03 May 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Welcome to Week 3 of our Summer Term!

Check out your class teacher’s video messages for this week:

Mrs Wadsworth 

Mrs McCormick

Mr Gathercole

Story: If you like Roald Dahl, then you might like to listen to

The Magic Finger (part 1), read by Mrs McCormick (part 2 will be posted tomorrow).

Year 5,6 Quiz of the Week!

Posted on Friday 01 May 2020 by Mr Catherall

This week, we’ve decided to end the week with a little bit of fun. So, we’ve made a video quiz of the week. Check it out here.

It’s a mix of general knowledge, a recap of some previous learning and a bit of fun! We’re hoping you’ll play along as a family, or maybe against other families and will enjoy 10 mins of trivia and silliness.

If you like it, get in touch and we’ll do a weekly edition published every Friday.
