
Hello 1K

Posted on Friday 27 March 2020 by Reception Team

Hi everyone

It has been lovely to see all the photos of your fabulous home learning. I can see you have been working hard and enjoying the lovely weather. 

I have been in school this week and have definitely missed all of your smiling faces. The classroom isn’t the same without you all (athough it is very tidy). 

Now that the weather is getting nicer and it is beginning to warm up, my garden is waking up too, with flowers opening, birds singing and insects all around. Have you seen this in your own gardens or when you have been out walking? I have seen bumblebees, butterflies, baby rabbits and a red kite this week. Keep your eyes out for new wildlife and let me know what you see. 

I can’t wait to see and hear more of what you have been up to and learning about.
Miss Parling .

27 March 2020: Home learning

Posted on Friday 27 March 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hello again everyone

It has been great receiving pictures and updates from people about their learning. Yesterday, we inducted the first entrants into our ‘Hall of (home learning) Fame on the class news section of our website #HoHLF. Please get in touch if you have any questions about anything – it’d be nice to do some teaching!

As today is Friday, the end of the school week, we’d like you to contact your class teacher today. We don’t really mind what you say. It could be as simple as ‘hello’ or you could let us know how your week has been. We just want to hear from everyone. Us teachers have got a competition going on. The class that sends the most emails, wins – simple! (C’mon 56OB!) Remember, our email addresses are…

56M – marklindsay@spherefederation.org

56S – sarahhogarth@spherefederation.org

56OB – olliecatherall@spherefederation.org   &  benfreeman@spherefederation.org   (send it to both of us, please)

At the end of this post in another super important bonus task. Check it out and have a go.

Here’s today’s learning…

Year 5 Maths Task

Answers from yesterday:

Missing number calculation

44937 + 23592 = 78529

 4,648 – 2,347 = 2,301

45,536 – 8,426 = 37,110

29,456 – 8,896 = 20,560

37,506 – 22,819 = 14687

 83065 – 45927= 37,1338

Starter: think of 6 numbers. Each number needs to have either 5 or 6 digits. Divide each number by 10, 100 and 1000. Then put them in descending order.

Your learning today is subtraction using column subtraction.

  1. I’m thinking of a number.

After I add 5,241 and subtract 352, my number is 9,485.

What was my original number?

  1. When calculating 17,468 – 8,947, which answer gives the corresponding addition question?

8,947 + 8,631 = 17,468

8,947 + 8, 521 = 17,468

8,251 + 8,947 = 17,468

Explain how you know.

  1. Create some of your own addition calculations with corresponding subtraction sums.

Challenge: complete this pyramid using your addition and subtraction skills. Then, for an extra challenge, create your own pyramid with some missing numbers – perhaps someone in your house could try to complete it.

Year 6 maths task

Answers from yesterday:

  1. A) -85, -53, -35, 16, 32
  2. B) -297, -100, -5, 321, 685
  3. C) -52, -9, 67, 116, 701.

There will be 41 floors, as you need a ground floor (0).

Starter: improve your multiplication skills on Times Tables Rockstars for at least 15 minutes.

Your learning today is adding and subtracting whole numbers.


  1. A) 34621 + 25734 B) 4761325 – 938052
  2. C) A four bedroom house costs £450,000. A three bedroom house costs £201,000 less.

How much does the three bedroom house cost? What method did you use?

  1. D) Find the missing digits. 52247? + 3?5904 = 90?3?2

Challenge: explain how to find the missing digits for a subtraction and addition problem of your own.

Writing task (Y5,6)

Your learning today is to write and punctuate speech correctly. Your task is to write a dilemma for your character. This should be no longer than half a page. Following from your setting description yesterday, your character needs to run into some sort of problem. This problem must include dialogue between two characters.

Remember to:

  • Punctuate speech correctly, using inverted commas and capital letters appropriately.
  • Use the said clause in different places for speech.
  • When there is a new speaker, start a new line.

Here is an example of a dilemma with dialogue.

The ship entered a dark and gloomy cave – the sea was calm and quiet. Suddenly, a huge figure rose out from beneath the black water. “Prepare yourselves!” shouted Bjorn as he unsheathed his sword.

“I am Odin,” bellowed the shadowy figure, “God of wisdom, god of magic, god of death.”

“Remove us from this cave and let us pass,” said Ragnar. He knew that Odin was a powerful god, and would not take kindly to threats, so he threw his sword onto the deck.

Odin grinned, “To leave this cave, the price of death must be paid. Sacrifice one of your men to me, and I will guide you to the fame and fortune you desperately crave.”

“Do it,” hissed Floki, “Give him your son, Bjorn. You have many sons and you will have many more!”

“You think the death of my son is worth the gold and glory?” questioned Ragnar as he held his arm out to Floki.

“Yes,” spat Floki, clutching Ragnar’s arm. “Give him to Odin.”

Ragnar turned to look at Bjorn, then back at Floki. His eyes were full of rage. He grabbed Floki by his chest, and threw him overboard. “There is your sacrifice,” he growled.

Challenge: correct the mistakes in the speech below. How many points will you get? There are 11 to spot!

“what are you doing Thor” cried Loki

A laughing Thor replied “what does it look like?

“Well, dancing, yes! said Loki, also laughing now but only you’re in your underwear!

Reading task (Y5,6)

Your learning today is retrieval.

Read the extracts from the text.

Then, answer these questions…

  • When Gunnar opened the chest, list two things that he saw.
  • Where was Gunnar’s father a soldier?
  • According to the text, why was the scabbard lined with sheep’s fleece?
  • Here is an extract from the text. What is the missing word?

‘The blade had a _________ groove running from hilt to tip’

  • Write down three things you are told about the sword.

Challenge: create your own retrieval questions for someone in your house to solve.

Bonus task: At some point today, take 5 minutes out and write down a little ‘three things’ list. 

Three things I’m grateful for:

Three things I love doing:

Three things I like about myself:

Three things I’m proud of:

Three things I’e enjoyed this week:

You could even add some of your own sentences. Do it – you’ll feel good! I’ve just done mine and it really did make me feel emotionally happier and healthier.

Enjoy your tasks – I’m going to go and do my daily exercise!

Open sessions

Posted on Tuesday 10 March 2020 by Mrs Quirk

Our school is proud of the open sessions we have throughout the year that allow you to learn more about how to support your child. We want to continue with these as much as we can, whilst also paying due regard to government advice about coronavirus.

If there are sessions scheduled, please assume these are still happening. This includes and open session such as a Relax and Read or Stay and Play session in Early Years, and the Easter Year 3,4 production.

If you have any symptoms of the virus, you should not attend.
If you’ve been advised to self-isolate, you should not attend.

Obviously, it’s always your choice as to whether you attend these sorts of events. If you do attend, all we ask is that you follow as much of the advice about good hygiene as you can: wash your hands if this is available (come in early to do this), or use a hand sanitiser; also, make sure you cough or sneeze into a tissue.

More information from the NHS about the virus, including its symptoms, can be found here:

06 March 2020

Posted on Friday 06 March 2020 by Mr Catherall

This week, our homework is a Practice Makes Perfect and is helping us to improve our use of speech punctuation.  

Task: Fill in the missing punctuation in the sentences below. Can you use a better synonym than ‘said’?

I love this book said Lucy. 

This new game is fantastic Brian said. I can’t wait to play it with my friends 

Billy said it’s only three hours until lunchtime 

Can you come up with three sentences of your own, with the said clause in a different place? (beginning, middle, end) 

This homework will be celebrated in our weekly homework review on Thursday 12 March 2020.

Living and Learning: I know when to interrupt

Posted on Thursday 09 January 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Our children have been learning about when / when not to interrupt (with their mouth or their hand).

They came up with two lists:

OK to interrupt

  • when someone is hurt / injured
  • need to correct the teacher (politely)
  • when you have seen something dangerous important

Not OK to interrupt

  • shouting in the middle of the lesson
  • don’t interrupt when someone else is speaking

13 December 2019

Posted on Friday 13 December 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, the whole school has the same Talk Time homework, which should be returned by Thursday 19 December: I can talk about what I was learning about in these photos.

Here are some pictures of the learning which children have been enjoying this week. For this homework, children should discuss the images with someone at home. This conversation could be about anything to do with the learning but here’s a few examples that might help…

  • What were you learning here?
  • Why were you learning that?
  • Did you enjoy the learning? Why?
  • Do you still have any questions about the learning?
  • Would you like to learn more? Why?

If you are having difficulties accessing the website, please ask us to send home a print out of the images.

Writing a setting description based ‘The Eye of the Storm‘.

Identifying the figurative language in a poem used for an advert by the BBC.

Combing computing and Geography by writing algorithms (a process or set of instructions to be followed – usually by a computer) to find the treasure using positional language (North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, Northwest)

Combining orienteering and geography by using the eight points of a compass to find the answers to clues in the playground.

06 December 2019

Posted on Friday 06 December 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework, which should be returned by Thursday 12 December.

The children are invited to respond to something from either a cultural or a spiritual perspective.

I can show what I know and think about something cultural.

We’d like children to present their responses about a recent book they’ve read, film they’ve watched, piece of art they’ve looked at, piece of music they’ve listened to – anything cultural in fact.

We’re interested to read some sort of description (a summary, for example) and then your child’s opinions. This review might include pictures, an interview (your child could write a fictional script between himself/herself and the artist, for example), a letter (eg to or from a character, or perhaps even the author) – anything which might include your child’s responses!

However, your child might prefer to do the following:

I can show what I know about a festival.

Over the course of this term, some children in school may have celebrated a religious festival of some sort.  This might have been

  • the Muslim festival of Eid ul Adha
  • the Sikh and Hindu festival Diwali
  • the Jewish festival of Hanukkah, coming up in December
  • the Christian festival (of course, celebrated by many non-Christians) of Christmas
  • and the Chinese New Year festival, coming up

There are lots of other festivals and celebrations, which you and your child together might want to reflect on.

We invite children to respond to the sentence above – they might include a recount (like a diary entry), pictures, an interview (perhaps in a script).  Your child might also choose to research a completely unknown festival, or they might even think about creating a brand new festival, one that everyone will celebrate.

Living and Learning: Community Week

Posted on Tuesday 26 November 2019 by Mr Roundtree

To kick start our Community Week, we had some special visitors yesterday who work hard in the community to make our world a happy and healthy place to be.

Scholes in Bloom and local Police Officers came to talk to our children about their role in the community.

Friday 15 November 2019

Posted on Friday 15 November 2019 by Mr Catherall


This week, we will be focussing on adding suffixes to the ends of words to change their meaning. We will focus specifically on adding –ful, -ness, -less and –ly. To practise this rule, children should do two things. Firstly, complete the activity below by matching the root word to the correct suffix.


root word   suffix
success   less
meaning   ful
shy   ly
weak   ness


Secondly, children should now practice spelling these words (any other words that these suffixes can be added to) in their homework books.

Living and Learning: Democracy

Posted on Monday 04 November 2019 by Mr Roundtree

At Scholes, we democratically voted for our school councillors during the last week of term.

Here are our new school council representatives.

We look forward to their enthusiasm and leadership qualities.