Additional Home Learning 19 Nov 20
I hope you are all well.
Here are the links for the additional home learning for today.
Have fun!
Mrs W
Isolating at home? This learning is for you.
Here is some home learning for when you can’t be with us at school.
Remember to send pictures of your child’s home learning to
This week’s maths learning introduces the number 4.
This link will take you to all 5 lessons for the week.
- Lesson 1 – Session 1 and activity
- Lesson 2 – Session 2 and activity
- Lesson 3 – Session 3 and activity
- Lesson 4 – Session 4 and activity
- Lesson 5 – Session 5 and activity
Your child’s learning will be most effective if you sit with them to pause the clip and check / praise / support your child as the clip moves on.
This week we will be learning h, b, f, ff
Watch and join in the Jolly Phonics songs.
(This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)
- Lesson 1: h Screencast new sound
- Lesson 2: b Screencast new sound
- Lesson 3: ff Screencast new sound
- Lesson 4: These are our Tricky Words this week. Can you rainbow write them? into, I , and, the, go, no
This week we are reading the story – Each Peach Pear Plum.
We are having a rhyming week. Can you hear any rhyme in the book? We are singing lots of favourite nursery rhymes this week too. If you have books filled with nursery rhymes then they will be very useful this week.
- Lesson 1: Read or watch the story. Recap the main events. What characters are in the story?
Draw a picture of your favourite character or part in the book.
Challenge: Write a label or sentence to match your picture.
- Lesson 2: True or False. Which of these statements are true or false about the story.
There is an apple pie. | Bo Peep found her sheep. |
The three bears go out hunting. | Jack and Jill went up the hill. |
Cinderella goes to the ball. | Baby Bear trips up. |
The wicked witch is in a bush. | There is a plum pie. |
Challenge create your own true or false statements.
- Lesson 3: Read or listen to the story. Can you retell the story and describe what happens on each page?
- Lesson 4: Create your own story by changing the setting or characters in the story. Draw your new characters. You can be as imaginative as you like!
Challenge: Label your characters. (e.g. ‘r’ for red shoes or ‘red’ if they can hear all of the sounds).
Choose some of these activities to complete throughout the week. These are based on our story – Each Peach Pear Plum and a range of nursery rhymes. They may spark other interests and ideas that result in other learning opportunities. Let your child lead the learning!
Sing along to Ten in the Bed
Can you put ten teddies, dolls or your favourite toys in your bed? Take a photo. |
Design and make a wall for Humpty Dumpty.
Create a Baa Baa Black Sheep.
Draw/paint/create a Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.
Find or create 5 ducks to play and sing Five Little Ducks with. What could they discover around you home?
Use cereal to create a sensory farm for Old MacDonald.
Parent / carer workshops
Normally in the Autumn term, we provide a range of workshops to help you support your child’s learning at home. This year, we’re happy to offer something similar via Zoom…
We’ve arranged six short Zoom sessions led by Sphere Federation leaders on a range of subject areas. Each session will last for just 30 minutes, but will provide a few top tips and guidance as to how to support your child at home. The invitation is open to all parents and carers across Sphere Federation, although we’ve indicated below if the session might be more appropriate for particular age ranges.
The sessions are as follows:
- Wednesday 18 November: Curriculum
- Monday 23 November: Reading (mainly for Key Stage 2)
- Wednesday 25 November: Phonics (mainly for Foundation 2 / Key Stage 1)
- **re-scheduled date (apologies)** Monday 07 December: EYFS (mainly for Foundation 2)
- Wednesday 02 December: Maths
- Wednesday 09 December: Times Tables
All six sessions start at 6pm. They should last around 20-25 minutes, plus there will be a questions and answer session at the end of around 5-10 minutes.
If you are interested in attending any of these Zoom workshops, please could you either send us a message on the School Gateway app or email us at We will then email the Zoom joining details out to all those who have expressed an interest, prior to the session.
We look forward to welcoming you to our virtual workshops!
Self Isolating at Home?
Here is some home learning for when you can’t be with us at school.
This week’s maths learning is all about the number three.
- Lesson 1 – Count one, two and three objects.
- Lesson 2 – Count one, two and three abstract materials.
- Lesson 3 – Estimating and checking.
- Lesson 4 – Representing number three.
- Lesson 5 – Pattern and numbers to three.
Your child’s learning will be most effective if you sit with them to pause the clip and check / praise / support your child as the clip moves on.
This week we will be recapping the sounds we have learnt so far and some new ones too.
Watch and join in the Jolly Phonics songs.
(This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)
- Lesson 1: Screencast new sound o
- Lesson 2: Screencast new sound c
- Lesson 3: Screencast new sound k
This week we are reading the story – The Three Little Pigs.
- Lesson 1: Read or watch the story. Recap the main events. What characters are in the story?
Draw a picture of your favourite character.
Challenge: Write a label or sentence to match your picture.
- Lesson 2: Read or listen to the story. What words could you use to describe each character? Create your own posters and add words to match each character. You can use the cards or posters below to support this activity too.
- Lesson 3: Read or listen to the story. Use this story map or create your own story map to retell the story.
- Lesson 4: Create your own story by changing the setting or characters in the story. Add your new characters/setting to the story map.
Choose some of these activities to complete throughout the week. They may spark other interests and ideas that result in other learning opportunities. Let your child lead the learning!
Draw a pig.
Use your own imagination or this drawing tutorial. |
Go on a shape hunt around your house. Name and discuss the different shapes you find.
Create your own three little pigs picture or model.
Scrunch foil, paper or any other items you can find around the house.
Can you use your scrunched items to make a number, letter or pattern? |
Learn a song or rhyme.
Move like a firework. Here are some ideas.
Firework action cards |
Wow! There has been lots of Halloween fun in reception this week!
We have enjoyed hammering golf tees into pumpkins; dressing up in different outfits; spider handprints; pumpkin printing and creating our own pumpkins using our cutting skills.
02 October 2020
This week, children have been learning about using apostrophes for contractions. Learn these spellings in both the contracted and uncontracted form. There will be a spelling test on Friday 9th October.
you are / you’re
cannot / can’t
are not / aren’t
could not / couldn’t
she will / she’ll
you have / you’ve
have not / haven’t
shall not / shan’t
Relative Clauses in Writing
This week, year 5 and 6 have been learning how to include some relative clauses in their writing. They were given some examples of objects, people and scenarios in which they had to develop into a sentence using a relative pronoun. Don’t forget your commas for clauses!
Charlie and Zoe – great work!
This week, our homework is Practice Makes Perfect. This is linked to the Maths learning on rounding that the children have completed this week. There are also some spellings to learn and a times table review.
Click this link for the homework.
Children should be prepared to discuss what they’ve completed at home during our homework review next week. This homework should be completed by Friday 25th September.
As the homework books are still not allowed to return to school, please feel free to email any photos of homework to your class teacher.
13 July 2020: Home learning
Good morning.
We hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and that you got up to some nice things. Maybe send your class teacher an email this week before the summer holiday starts – tell us what you’ve been up to.
Here is your learning for today…
Year 5 Maths
Click on the link above for today’s starter. This game allows you to practice your rounding skills. Select the option that you feel confident with. If you would like a challenge – try out the decimal numbers.
Your learning for today is about translation. This first lesson goes over the learning you will have done in year 4.
Year 6 Maths
Before starting your main lesson, take 15 minutes to sharpen your times tables skills on Times Tables Rockstars.
This next lesson will teach you have to calculate and represent ratio.
Year 5/6 Reading
Today is our read for pleasure lesson. Choose a book, magazine, newspaper or perhaps an online article to read for your own pleasure. If you have recently read something that you have particularly enjoyed, you could write a book review to recommend it to others. Think about what information is useful to the reader in a review.
Year 5/6 Art
Your learning today is all about art. Graffiti is one of my favourite styles of art. It is controversial and, in some cases, illegal but I love the style of it. I also love how it often tackles issues in society. One famous graffiti artist is Banksy.
Today, I’d like you to read this information about Banksy and then have a go at creating your own piece of art – remember to link it to an issue in society.
Send your class teacher your finished masterpieces.
07 July 2020: Home Learning
Mrs Latham has posted about West Yorkshire Virtual School Games Sports Day today. Check it out for your Sporting Activities.
Here are your additional tasks:
Year 3 and 4 – Problem Solving and copy of Maze worksheet
Story – read by Mrs McCormick