
Total Warrior

Posted on Wednesday 29 June 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

Last week, year 6 had an absolutely brilliant time at Total Warrior at Bramham Park. The excitement built as we allocated running numbers and tied our bands around our heads. The race began and we were off – through stinking bogs, sliding into muddy rivers, climbing over wall and sliding through tubes. When we thought it was nearly over, we had to face a freezing water-filled skip, dunking ourselves below the muddy surface. The end involved sliding down a gigantic water slide to the claps and cheers of our audience. We apologise to parents for all the muddy clothes, but we had a great time!

Clean up!

Posted on Friday 24 June 2022 by Mrs Wilkins

Our focus has been environmentally based owing to our book Clean Up! 

This book has helped us to think about how to look after our oceans, animals and earth. It has helped us to understand that we are responsible for our own litter. The children have extended their vocabulary through the use of: recycle, sanctuary, island and pollution.

Here are some insightful quotes from the children…

A sanctuary is a place where they take animals to be rescued.-Norah

An island is a big patch of land with sea and sand.-Stanley

When we find some rubbish, my Mummy picks it up and puts it in her pocket.-Leo

Take it home to put it in your bin.-Poppy

We need to take all the litter out to clean up the ocean.-Prisha

No-one wants to go to the beach with litter everywhere!-Sofia


We have been using tweezers to help collect litter from our ‘sea’ in the water tray. Here are some other brilliant ways we have enjoyed learning through our provision:

We are doing incredibly well with our learning and consolidation in Maths. We know so much about counting, doubles, odd and even numbers, one more/one less, the composition of numbers etc -we like to show off and have a go at everything during ‘Challenge Time’!

Thankyou for listening to your child read regularly and for adding comments to their reading records. We will check the online books to see which children have read the most times this half term…there will be prizes!

Other pics of our fun learning this week:


Please take a photograph of your child reading their e-book in their favourite spot at home. Send your pictures to our email address.

Library visit

Posted on Monday 13 June 2022 by Mrs Hogarth

The Junior Leadership Team enjoyed a visit to Scholes Library last week and were welcomed by Madeline. It is the first time the children have been to the library since the start of Covid, so it felt very different and exciting.

Madeline explained how the system works within the library and explained how every child could register and get their own library card. The cards can be used at any local library and children and adults can borrow up to fifteen books at a time. Madeline explained where the fiction and non-fiction books were for key stage 2 and then the children enjoyed listening to a story before they were let loose choosing books. They selected five books to take back to school for others to enjoy – it was quite a tough decision as there were so  many fabulous new books to choose from.  These have been distributed across the classes for everyone to enjoy.

So, get yourselves along to the library and get registered. You can then enjoy an array of wonderful books to read at home. Happy reading!

Rainbow Fish

Posted on Friday 10 June 2022 by Mrs Wilkins

Our focus book has been ‘The Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister.

In this book the Rainbow Fish shares it’s shiny scales with its friends. We had a class shiny scale and passed it onto a friend when we noticed them doing something praise worthy. Here are a few reasons that the children passed on the shiny scale:

I gave it to Stanley because he’s my very best friend.-Leo

Ella because she was doing good swimming.-Freya

I gave the shimmering scale to Max because he is my best friend.-Jack

Jacob because he’s a good friend and has good manners.-Marshall

Our provision has reflected this under water theme and the children have completed many related challenges:

Our new artist is Katsushika Hokusai. He is famous for his paintings, drawings and printings. In Literacy we read non-fiction text about him and answered comprehension questions about his life. Does your child remember where he was born? We had a go at recreating some of his sea art through printing and painting. We also drew our own fish and cut it out.

Swimming was brilliant for Rainbow this week, they completed so many laps in their triathlon. The swimming coach gave them all  a shared Golden Assembly certificate. It is proudly displayed in the classroom.

The weather has really enabled us to enjoy our outdoor learning. Thankyou for remembering to apply sun lotion to your child on a morning and for sending them with sunhats. Please continue this throughout the coming weeks. Here we are having a little Sports Day initiation too.


You may have spotted our outdoor Fish and Chip shop. This week, could your child write a price list/menu for our new shop. Please send your photographs of the work to us.


On the Farm

Posted on Friday 13 May 2022 by Reception Team

It has been a fun filled farm themed week!

We have continued our learning on our topic Life on Earth by exploring animals that may live and work on a farm.

We began our week by reading Farmyard Hullabaloo

In Literacy, we worked together to read a page from the story. We used our tricky word knowledge and phonics skills to decode the words.

We wrote our own sentences about different animals.




In maths, we have been exploring 10 frames. We have built on our previous knowledge to make number bonds of 10.

Can your child tell you what number bond is been represented below?


In the classroom, we have continued to watch the development of our caterpillars.

Two of them are in the cocoon at the top. Oliver

The caterpillars are in a cocoon. Lucille

The caterpillars are in a cocoon ready to be a butterfly. Raife


In art, we have used clay to create minibeasts.


Check out our other fun learning inside and outside the classroom.




Home -Link

Write a list of animals that often live on farms. Do you know what their babies are called?

Mad About Minibeasts

Posted on Friday 06 May 2022 by Mrs Wilkins

We have all been ‘Mad About Minibeasts‘ this week. This is a fantastic book that has educated us on many of the minibeasts that we can find in our outdoor area.

It has been wonderful to see children turning over stones and tree stumps to find woodlice, worms or centipedes. Children have also been finding spider’s webs and following ants to their nests. We have been trying to build our own minibeast house. Our provision indoors has also reflected our book.

In Literacy we have been looking at rhyme in the book and making up some of our own. We have also written some short acrostic minibeast poems. Please continue to help your child at home by encouraging them to write for a variety of purposes (lists, maps, letters, stories etc). When helping them perhaps point out a letter they may need to practice the correct formation of or enable them to write the correct sound that they can hear in a word. This will really help your child on their journey to achieving the age related expectation for Reception. Remember the following too:

We certainly do enjoy writing and drawing!

In Maths we have been composing 5 in lots of different ways.

Here are some other photographs of our learning this week:

Home Link

This week could your child draw a picture of their favourite minbeast and write a fact about it.

Crunching Munching Caterpillar

Posted on Friday 22 April 2022 by Reception Team

It has been lovely to be back at school this week. The children have enjoyed sharing their half term experiences with the class.

In Literacy, we have read the story – Crunching Munching Caterpillar.

The Crunching Munching Caterpillar by Sheridan Cain

After reading, the children noticed similarities and differences between this story and The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Both caterpillars ate leaves. Max

There are holes in the book or an eaten page. Ella

They are both really hungry. Charlie

They both get into a cocoon. Bea


In Science, we have explored the lifecycle of a butterfly. We are looking forward to observing this with our own class caterpillars.


We have also created a wormery. By representing their habitat in a box, we have begun to observe how they tunnel through soil.

In Maths, we have been counting to 20 and beyond.


We ended our week with an egg rolling competition and a special visitor … singing sensation Egg Sheeran!

Well done to our winners.


In our areas, we have gone mini-beast mad! Check out some of our super learning.



Home Link

This half-term our topic is Life on Earth. For the next few weeks we are exploding mini-beasts.

Become a mini-beast detective! 

You many choose to draw a picture of the mini-beasts you find, record how many mini-beasts you see in your garden or observe how different mini-beast move.

Rabbits don’t lay eggs.

Posted on Friday 01 April 2022 by Mrs Wilkins

We have really enjoyed our Easter themed book: ‘Rabbits don’t lay eggs.’ It does make us laugh! The children’s writing is really progressing. After the holiday we will have a really big push on this too. Prepare to be amazed!

Last week, we were in sun hats and sun cream. This week we’ve been in the snow with our wellies and woolly hats! We just had to go on a Winter walk in the snow before it melted. It was magical!

We also, collected the hail stones and enjoyed hands on learning about them.

A little Easter focus in the classroom.

What else we’ve been up to:


In Maths this week we have been using lots of different measurements. In particular we used the vocabulary: full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty. Perhaps you could find containers and add liquid to match these labels.  Photograph or video your child and send to our email address.


Egg rolling competition. Please send your child to school with a named (and decorated) hard boiled egg on Friday 22 April.

Have a wonderful Easter holiday! School reopens on Tuesday 19 April.

Jack and the Beanstalk

Posted on Friday 25 March 2022 by Mrs Wilkins

Using our story as a focus, we have been drawing story maps, retelling the story and changing what we might find at the top of the beanstalk. Children have shone in their writing this week.

In Maths we have been learning about odd and even numbers. How can you tell if a numicon number is odd? We have also ordered beanstalks by height and measured them.

Our reading sessions have been brilliant this week. Please allow your child to read their e-book to you this weekend.

The weather has been glorious and most welcome this week. As the weather continues to brighten during the coming months, please ensure that you send your child to school with a sunhat and apply a long lasting sunscreen before school each day. Children can bring named sunscreen into school but adults are not permitted to apply it for your child. As always please ensure clothing is named as children will be removing their cardigans and jumpers more frequently.

Spring walk. We enjoyed going onto the school field for the first time this year. We looked for signs of Spring.

They are starting to get more leafs.-Vinnie

Max found a ladybird.-Holly

They’re little furry buds.-Sofia

I didn’t see that yellow flower there before.-Reuben

More photographs of our learning this week:


Thursdays-Library book changing day.

Fridays-Reading record in school day.


Collect sets of odd and even numbers. Photograph them and send them to our usual email address. We really enjoy your home-link photographs!

18 March 2022

Posted on Friday 18 March 2022 by Mr Catherall

This week, we’ve been learning about adding the suffix ‘ly’ to a root word. When we add ‘ly’, it changes the word into an adverb – a word that describes how, when, where or how often we do something. For example, She ran quickly to the shops. The word quickly tells us how she ran. We’d like to you practise these words at home.

accidental        complete        famous        natural        occasional        ordinary        happy        basic

We’ll have a test on Friday 25 March 2022. For some creative ideas on how to make learning spellings more fun, check out our super spelling strategies guide on the website.