Friday 11 September 2020
Next week, we’re learning the difference between common homophones (words that sound the same but have a different spelling). Learn these spellings in the correct context for next week. There will be a spelling test on Friday 18th September
13 March 2020
Next week, we would like children to continue focusing on words ending with tial/cial. Children should practise the list of words below, in preparation for a further test on Friday 20th March 2020.
+ two words from previous weeks below
06 March 2020
Next week, children will be focusing on words ending with tial/cial. Children to practise the list of words below, in preparation for a test on Friday 13th March 2020.
+ two words from previous weeks below
07 February 2020
As this is the last week of our half-term, we will be revising all the spellings we have learnt this half-term (since January). To prepare, you should look back through your homework book and practise any words you feel you need to – maybe because you feel less confident with these.
On Friday 14 February 2020, you will be tested on a range of words.
31 January 2020
This week, children should learn the following words in preparation for a test on Friday 07 February. All of these words contain a prefix at the beginning of the word, which alters the meaning of the root word. For example, information can become misinformation.
irresponsible | unattached | inconvenient |
irregular | illegible | unavailable |
unnecessary | infrequent |
17 January 2020
Add the prefix ‘co-‘ or ‘re-‘ to the root word to create a new word (eg. redesign).
do | |
emerge | |
ordinate | |
ignite | |
invent | |
exist | |
operate | |
tell |
Now, practise spelling these words.
Extra (optional) challenge 1: Use some of the above words in sentences – or even a paragraph.
Extra (optional) challenge 2: Create your own activity (like the one above) for someone else to complete.
10 January 2020
This week, we will be learning how to spell words ending in ent/ence and ant/ance. We’ll be learning about these words, and some general rules, as part of our spelling sessions but children should practise spelling the words below in preparation for a test on Friday 17 January 2020.
assistant | abundant | tolerant | convenient |
assistance | abundance | tolerance | convenience |
As a little extra challenge, can your child identify which of these words is one of our 5 British Values? Do they know the others? Are they able to define each one?
24 January 2020
Match the prefix on the left to the correct root word on the right. One has been done for you.
un | possible | |
dis | convenient | |
im | operation | |
in | logical | |
ir | conscious | |
il | emerge | |
co | graceful | |
re | responsible |
Add the correct prefix (mis or dis) to the root word ‘information’ so that the word matches the definition. These are two of our topic words.
______information: when someone shares false information by accident.
______information: when someone deliberately shares false information to trick people.
Now, practise spelling all the words that have a prefix – evidence this revision in your homework book.
13 December 2019
This week, we will be revising all the spelling rules which we have practised over the last half-term. Children should practise any spellings they are unsure of in preparation for a test on Friday 20 December 2019. They should evidence this in their homework books.
06 December 2019
This week, we will focus our spelling learning on homophones. Homophones are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have a different meaning. Children should learn the words below in preparation for a test on Friday 13 December 2019.
aloud | past | affect | herd |
allowed | passed | effect | heard |