Friday 27 September 2019
Practise the following words:
decide describe exercise guide height surprise |
slide polite applied replied why |
You can do this by:
- trace, copy, replicate
- doodle words
- look, cover, write, check Challenge: Use these words in a sentence.
Friday 20 September 2019
Spelling Challenge:
We have been looking at the long ‘e’ sound in spelling lessons this week.
Make a nonsense story from the words below. Take care to spell the words correctly.
Spelling list
believe breathe complete appear extreme increase |
relief money chimney people busy quickly |
Friday 5 July 2019
This week, we have started our Reuse, Recycle, Reduce topic.
We have found a link between these words and would like children to explore the prefix ‘re-‘
Learn the following words for a test on Friday 12th July 2019.
- reuse, reuses, reusing, reusable, reused
- recycle, recycles, recycling, recyclable, recycled
- reduce, reduces, reducing, reduced
Other topic words to learn:
- waste, wastes, wasteful, wasting
- environment, environmental,
- package, packaging,
- plastic
- Top Tips to learn spellings
- Make a list of the words you have trouble spelling. …
- Check word origins in the dictionary. …
- Chunk it into parts …
- Sound it out. …
- Draw a picture …
Friday 28 June 2019
This week’s spelling homework is a word search activity. The words are some common misspelt words taken from the Year 3 / 4 spelling list.
Tips: check the spelling of the word carefully before your child searches for it. Then, check every letter is included.
Challenge: Use the blank template to make one of your own either from the Year 3 / 4 Spelling list, or from topic words in class.
For example: refugee, migrant, choice, border, movement, environment, welcome, language, safety.
Friday 21 June 2019
This week’s spelling home is to learn the following words for a test on Friday 28th June 2019.
This list of words uses a range of prefixes and suffixes:
mistaken, careless, really, cheerful, carefully, tasteless, disagree, disbelief, happiness, usually, unaware, underachieve, television, automatic, submarine.
Friday 14 June 2019
This week’s spelling homework is an activity using prefixes and suffixes. It is due on Thursday 20 June 2019.
Investigate how the meaning of words change when a prefix (part of a word added to the beginning) or suffix (part of a word added to the end) is added. What new words can you make?
- How will the spelling change?
dis ed
un use ing
re able
Possible new words:
- used (drop one ‘e’ here)
- using (drop the ‘e’ for ing)
- usable (drop the ‘e’ for able)
- unused
- disused
- reusing
- unusable
Challenge: What new word type have you made?
See the homework sheet for more examples.
10 May 2019
As we’ve been recapping homophones learning this week, use and underline the correct homophones in a sentence correctly.
This is a common mistake in children’s writing.
where, wear, were, we’re,
there, their, they’re,
to, too, two
Challenge: What top tips would you give for remembering the difference between where, wear, were, we’re?
18 April 2019
Negative prefixes
This week, to improve the children’s spelling and understanding of unfamiliar words, we’d like them to do two things:
- Write a list of lots words that use a negative prefix (see the list below).
- Write lots of them in sentences.
Examples of negative prefixes:
in – inaccurate | ir – irresponsible | un – unimaginative | mis – misunderstand |
im – impossible | il – illegal | dis – distrust | de – defrost |
8 February 2019
This week, we would like children to investigate the suffix –ful.
Add –ful to the root word so the words become adjectives. Can you add it to any word?
How many words can you think of that has the suffix –ful. Create a list and write them in a sentence correctly.
Take care to only add one ‘l’ at the end and not a double!
skill – skilful , power – powerful, care – careful
1 February 2019
Spelling Practice
For this week’s spelling, we would like the children to practice the following words, which all in –ed, for a test (8 words) on Friday 8 February:
These are a mixture of verbs. Some end in e, so just need to add ‘d’, some need -ed and some sound like a ‘t’ but add -ed.
Most are taken from the Y3/4 spelling list and others from current work.
fooled | shocked | surprised | interested | believed |
cursed | blessed | excited | exercised | limited |