Week beginning 11 January 2021
This week we are recapping learning of the alternative graphemes (different spellings) for long vowel sounds. We have looked at these before last term, so we are only spending a day on each sound. The words that we will focus on each day are in the list below. Concentrate on a couple of words that you are less confident with for each day – you choose which ones you will work on, as we are all different. Choose which ten words you are going to focus on and ask someone at home to test you on those ten words on Friday.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
eight | believe | bicycle | could | crust |
eighth | breathe | decide | should | mantle |
famous | complete | describe | would | core |
favourite | extreme | exercise | said | |
straight | increase | guide | friend | |
strange | height | |||
weight | surprise |
11 December 2020
This week, we’d like children to learn how to spell the plural of a noun (plural means more than one). In the English language, there are a few ways to this. We’ll be focussing on adding s, es or ies. We’d like children to be confident spelling these root words and their plural forms.
Answer(s) century(ies) group(s) bicycle(s)
Address(es) bus(es) church(es) jelly(ies)
Children should practise in preparation for a test on Thursday 18 December 2020.
04 December 2020
This week, we’ve been practising adding er or est to the end of words to change their tense. Because the English language is really tricky, there’s lots of ways to do this. Complete the table that shows you some different ways to do this (one has been done for you. Then, use some of our ‘super spelling strategies’ form this week’s post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4). There’s more than usual but when you can spell the root word you just need to apply the rule to spell it correctly.
rule | root word | -er | -est |
Just add er / est | brave | braver | bravest |
nice | |||
later | |||
Double up and add er / est | hotter | ||
tall | |||
smallest | |||
Drop the y for an i and add er / est | happy | ||
loneliest | |||
funny |
Children should practise in preparation for a test on Thursday 10 December 2020.
27 November 2020
This week, we’ve been practising adding ed or ing to the end of words to change their tense. Because the English language is really tricky, there’s lots of ways to do this. Complete the table that shows you some different ways to do this (one has been done for you. Then, use some of our ‘super spelling strategies’ form this week’s post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4). There’s more than usual but when you can spell the root word you just need to apply the rule to spell it correctly.
rule | root word | -ed | -ing |
Just add ed / ing | help | helped | helping |
laugh | |||
calling | |||
Double up and add ed / ing | begged | ||
shrug | |||
rubbing | |||
Drop the e and add ed / ing | smile | ||
surprised | surprising | ||
notice |
Children should practise in preparation for a test on Thursday 03 December 2020.
20 November 2020
This week, we’ve been learning about some common homophones: words that sound the same but mean different things and are spelt in different ways. This is a helpful guide from BBC teach that children, and adults, can use to remind themselves of what homophones are – the link is available on the spelling page of our website (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4).
there their they’re here
hear wear where we’re
To keep it fun, practise these spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4). Children should practise in preparation for a test on Thursday 26 November 2020.
Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?
Also, if you haven’t checked out our class news page recently, please do. Teachers post regularly to update adults at home about our learning in school (go to the Scholes website, learn more, class news, Year 3 & 4).
13 November 2020
This week, we’ve been learning about the different ways to write the ‘ue’ sound. Because spelling in the English can be tricky, there’s lots of ways to write the ‘ue’ sound in our spelling (u, u_e, ue, ew, oo). This week, we’d like you to practise the following words to help consolidate this learning. Remember, the words may appear ‘random’, but we are being exposed to different ways of writing similar sounds.
continue popular rescue knew
peculiar regular venue conclude
To keep it fun, practise these spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4). Children should practise in preparation for a test on Thursday 12 November 2020.
Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?
06 November 2020
This week, we’ve been learning about the different ways to write the ‘o’ sound. Because spelling in the English can be tricky, there’s lots of ways to write the ‘o’ sound in our spelling (oe, o, ow, oa). This week, we’d like you to practise the following words to help consolidate this learning. Remember, the words may appear ‘random’, but we are being exposed to different ways of writing similar sounds.
notice suppose though although
homeless hero goes glowing
To keep it fun, practise these spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4). Children should practise in preparation for a test on Thursday 12 November 2020.
Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?
16 October 2020
This week, we’ve been recapping one of our key spelling rules: adding –ed or –ing to change the tense of a verb.
Here’s an example…
infinitive verb | present tense | past tense |
to walk | walking | walked |
First, we’d like you to complete this table. Be careful, there may be some irregular ones to catch you out!
infinitive verb | present tense | past tense |
to jump | ||
talking | ||
to climb | ||
to pour | poured | |
running | ||
to achieve | ||
explained |
Then, practise these spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4). Children should practise in preparation for a test on Thursday 22 October 2020.
Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?
09 October 2020
This week, we’d like your child to practise the following spellings in preparation for a spelling test on Friday 09 October 2020.
believe | complete | extreme | relief |
breathe | appear | increase | quickly |
For some ideas on how to practise spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4).
Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?
02 October 2020
This week, we’ve been learning about the ‘ai’ sound. This is tricky because the ‘ai’ sound can be made in a variety of ways: ay, ai, a_e, ea, aigh, eigh, e-e, ey. This BBC Bitesize video will help if you’re unsure.
First, we’d like you to go around your house (or even your local area) and find / write down all the things you can spot that have the ai sound in: tray, clay, eight o’clock etc.
Then, we’d like your child to practise the following spellings in preparation for a spelling test on Friday 09 October 2020.
eight | eighth | favourite | straight |
strange | weight | famous | everyday |
For some ideas on how to practise spellings in different ways, check out the ‘super spelling strategies’ on this week’s spelling post (go to the Scholes website, learn more, spelling, Year 3 & 4).
Fancy a challenge? Use these words in sentences. Or, create silly sentences using as many of them as you can – can you use them all?