24 June 2022
This week, we’ve been learning how to spell words with unusual graphemes: que and gue. These words are tricky because they sound different to how they’re written. Practise these words at home in a way that suits you best.
antique unique mosque picturesque fatigue league dialogue tongue We’ll have a test on Friday 01 July 2022. For some creative ideas on how to make learning spellings more fun, check out our super spelling strategies guide on the website.
17 June 2022
This week, we’ve been learning how to spell words with an unusual grapheme: sc. These words are tricky because they sound different to how they’re written. Practise these words at home in a way that suits you best.
science ascent descent scissors scent scenery fascinate crescent
We’ll have a test on Friday 24 June 2022. For some creative ideas on how to make learning spellings more fun, check out our super spelling strategies guide on the website.
10 June 2022
This week, we’ve been learning how to spell words with the ‘gn’ and ‘kn’ graphemes – these are tricky because they have a silent letter in them! We’d like you to practise these words at home.
Knot knee knead known gnome gnaw gnarl reign We’ll have a test on Friday 17 June 2022. For some creative ideas on how to make learning spellings more fun, check out our super spelling strategies guide on the website. |
20 May 2022
This week, we’ve been learning about adding homophones – words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meanings. This is one of the many aspects of the English language that is so tricky. In order to read, write and spell accurately we need to have a good understanding of homophones. This week, we’d like you to practise spelling these words at home. Because of the different meanings, it’s best to practise these words in sentences.
piece peace main mane fair fare where wear
We’ll have a test on Friday 27 May 2022. For some creative ideas on how to make learning spellings more fun, check out our super spelling strategies guide on the website.
12 May 2022
This week, we’ve been learning about adding the prefixes ‘re’ and ‘mis’. Prefixes are added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. The ‘re’ prefix means ‘to do again’ and the ‘mis’ prefix means ‘wrong’ or ‘false’. To help consolidate this learning, children should practise adding these prefixes to the following root words – but be aware, both prefixes won’t always work!
appear believe build position imagine heard centre guided
We’ll have a test on Friday 20 May 2022. For some creative ideas on how to make learning spellings more fun, check out our super spelling strategies guide on the website.
06 May 2022
This week, we’ve been learning about using apostrophes for contraction. This is where two words are contracted together and some letters are omitted – these letters are replaced with an apostrophe. For example, do not becomes don’t. There are many reasons for using contractions but they’re usually used to be less formal. This week, we’d like you to practise writing these as contractions:
do not did not should not would not could not will not cannot shall not have not is not it is
We’ll have a test on Thursday 12 May 2022. For some creative ideas on how to make learning spellings more fun, check out our super spelling strategies guide on the website.
29 April 2022
This week, we’ve been learning about the different ways to write the ‘k’ sound. In the English language, the same sound (a phoneme) is often written in different ways (graphemes). This is one of the reasons why spelling is so tricky. We’d like to you practise these words at home.
stomach ache anchor Christmas chaos character because scheme
We’ll have a test on Friday 06 May 2022. For some creative ideas on how to make learning spellings more fun, check out our super spelling strategies guide on the website.
22 April 2022
This week, we have been learning about the alternative graphemes that make the /sh/ sound. Here is a list of the words we have covered: We’d like you to practise adding the correct suffixes to these words in preparation for our weekly spelling test on Friday 29 April 2022.
For some creative ideas on how to make learning spellings more fun, check out our super spelling strategies guide on the website.
25 March 2022
This week, we’ve been revising some prior learning about adding suffixes to root words. In the English language, there’re loads of suffixes so being confident adding them makes a huge difference to how fluently we can spell and, therefore, write. We’d like you to practise adding the correct suffixes to these words in preparation for our weekly spelling test on Friday 01 April 2022.
build/ing/er heart/less/ness busy/er/est/ed/ing natural/ly weight/less/ness separate/ly/ed/ing
care/ful/less/ed/ing/er clumsy/er/est/ly
For some creative ideas on how to make learning spellings more fun, check out our super spelling strategies guide on the website.
11 March 2022
Children should practise adding ‘ful’ and ‘less’ to these words and a mix of both suffixes will be tested in class on 18.03.22.
– care/ful/less
– harm/ful/less
– use/ful/less
– hope/ful/less
– rest/ful/less
– fear/ful/less
– doubt/ful/less