22 September 2017
Spelling Challenge: Your child’s spelling tasks this week are to:
- find words with apostrophes for contraction
- write the words before they are contracted and write the new word with the apostrophe to mark the omitted letter(s)
Here are some to get you started:
- would not – wouldn’t
- I have – I’ve
- your are – you’re
Please return homework books on Thursday 28 September.
15 September 2017
Spelling Challenge: Your child’s spelling tasks this week are to:
- find and list more words that end in ck
- list words that end in k
- write a ‘rule’ to explain when to use ck and when to use just k
Please return homework books on Thursday 21 September.
08 September 2017
This week’s spellings link to our work on double consonants. ck was a common ‘tricky’ point for lots of children. We’ve also added some simple suffixes to words ending in ck. They will be tested on Thursday 14 September. We’ll test two extra words, to see if your child can apply their learning.
- packed
- locked
- ticking
- pecked
- checking
- clicked
- stacking
- smacked
- flicker
- tricked
- shocked
- tricked
- wrecked
- knocking
- stacked
- unpacked
- homesick
- feedback
- attacking
- joystick
New homework routines
Following feedback and meetings with parents, we’ve changed our homework routines – read the introduction here to find out more. Teachers will also communicate homework on the website to keep you updated on what homework and spelling tasks there are. Look out for the first one on Friday 08 September.