12 January 2018
This week’s spellings contain different graphemes for the long ‘a’ sound. Most are also on National Curriculum’s Y3/4 spelling list. They’ll be tested on Friday 19 January.
- straight
- weight
- obey
- array
- vein
- famous
- potatoes
- separate
- neighbour
- strange
- eighth
Try the rainbow words strategy to support learning the spellings.
05 January 2018
This week’s spelling challenge is to make a list of words containing the different graphemes for the long ‘a’ sound. Here is one of each to get you started.
ai |
ay | a-e | ey | a | eigh |
ei |
brain |
birthday | shame | grey | angel | sleigh |
vein |
08 December 2017
This week’s spellings are taken from the National Curriculum’s Y3/4 spelling list. They’ll be tested on Thursday 14 December.
- famous
- favourite
- February (remember this one must have a capital letter because it’s a proper noun)
- forwards
- fruit
1 December 2017
Spelling challenge
This week’s spelling challenge is to learn five more words from the Y3/4 spelling list. Write five sentences, one for each of the following words:
- famous
- favourite
- February (remember this one must have a capital letter because it’s a proper noun)
- forwards
- fruit
Please return homework books on Thursday 07 November.
24 November 2017
This week’s spellings are taken from the National Curriculum’s Y3/4 spelling list. They’ll be tested on Thursday 30 November.
- accident
- accidentally
- actual
- actually
- address
- answer
17 November 2017
Spelling challenge
This week’s spelling challenge is to use the ‘pyramid words’ strategy to help learn the following words from the Y3/4 spelling list:
accident accidentally actual actually address answer
Please return homework books on Thursday 23 November.
10 November 2017
This week’s spellings all have the ed suffix added to verbs ending in either er or er. They’ll be tested on Thursday 16 November.
- opened
- happened
- frightened
- listened
- hardened
- covered
- discovered
- entered
- suffered
- offered
- wondered
- gathered
- answered
- angered
- discovered
- happened
- threatened
- sharpened
- brightened
- deafened
Please return homework books on Thursday 16 November.
03 November 2017
Spelling Challenge
This week’s spelling challenge links to our work on the ed suffix. Adding ed to verbs ending in …er or ...en is a common ‘tricky’ point for lots of children. They often miss out the ‘e’, only adding the ‘d’.
Your child’s spelling tasks this week are to:
- find and list verbs that end in er or en
- add the ed suffix to each word.
Here are some to get you started:
- cover – covered
- offer – offered
- happen – happened
- open – opened
Please return homework books on Thursday 09 November.
13 October 2017
This week’s spellings are common homophones (or near homophones).
Homophones are words which sound the same (or similar) but have a different spelling and meaning. The tricky part is knowing when to use each.
Words will be tested on Thursday 19 October. We’ll say a sentence containing one of the words and children will need to spell the correct one. Help your child at home by doing the same and checking they know which homophone is in the sentence. For example, ‘I turned the light off’.
- of off
- are our
- your you’re
- were where
- there their they’re
29 September 2017
This week’s spellings all contain apostrophes. Remember to put the apostrophe in place of any omitted letter(s). They’ll be tested on Thursday 05 October.
- can’t
- don’t
- didn’t
- I’m
- I’ve
- didn’t
- couldn’t
- shouldn’t
- they’re
- you’re
- we’re
- we’ve
- they’re
- they’ve
- you’re
- you’ve
- haven’t
- isn’t
- wasn’t
- didn’t
Please return homework books on Thursday 05 October.