25 January 2019
This week we have been learning about the suffix –ed , changing verbs to the past tense.
For example:
dance – danced (just add ‘d’ but sounds like a ‘t’).
hop – hopped (double the last letter)
watch – watched (just add ed)
For spelling homework, we would like you to create a word search using as many words as you can that end with –ed. Use the template provided.
18 January 2019
This week’s spelling task is to learn the following -ing words for a spelling test on Friday 18 January.
We’ve been consolidating our learning on dropping the e for ing through dictation.
Here are some of the words collected from the children’s spelling list. The children will be tested on just eight of them.
arriving | believing | breathing | completing | increasing |
deciding | describing | exciting | imagining | surprising |
11 January 2019
Spelling Activity
This week we have been looking at adding –ing to verbs.
Some verbs that end in e, use the rule ‘drop the e for ing’.
Your task is to make a poster explaining the rule and think of some of your own examples.
Think about:
- Does this apply to all verbs ending in e?
- What verbs do NOT fit this rule?
- When should you double the last letter?
For example:
dance – dancing
believe – believing
shout- shouting
hop – hopping
07 December 2018
For this week’s spelling, learn the following words. They are all commonly used adjectives and some are in the National Curriculum’s Year 3 and 4 spelling list.
Top tips:
- You’ll need to learn the spelling of the comparative and superlative adjectives, too.
- Remember our spelling rule: Drop the ‘y’ for an ‘i’.
For example: happy – happier (the comparative, with ‘y’ replaced by ‘i’) happiest (the superlative, with ‘y’ replaced by ‘i’).
- busy
- early
- fluffy
- funny
- gloomy
- lovely
- naughty
- noisy
- tasty
- wealthy
19 October 2018
For this week’s spelling homework, we’re going to ‘drop the e for ing‘.
- make becomes making
- have becomes having
Find words ending in ing. Do you always need to ‘drop the e for ing’?
Write a list.
12 October 2018
For this week’s spelling homework, learn the following words that all contain the ‘ed’ ending that we have been working on in class.
We double when there is a short vowel sound such as the short ‘a’ sound leading to the double ‘p’ in happening.
05 October 2018
This week, put these words into the past tense by adding -ed. Then sort into two groups – those which need to double the last letter and those which do not e.g. skip – skipped, jump- jumped
plod, skid, roast, need, drop, trip, swoop, stamp, spot, knit, rest, float, grit.
Now find some of your own.
28 September 2018
This week your spelling homework is to learn the words on this list with and without apostrophes for contraction.
Check the spelling poster at the back of your homework book for ideas of how to learn them.
has not = hasn’t | will not = won’t | would not = wouldn’t | I am = I’m | they will = they’ll |
do not = don’t | I have = I’ve | is not = isn’t | she will = she’ll | were not = weren’t |
21 September 2018
This week for spelling we are thinking about using apostrophes for contractions.
Find and list as many words with apostrophes for contraction as you can. Write the words before they are contracted and the new word with the apostrophe to mark the missing letter e.g.
- would not – wouldn’t
- I am – I’m
- we are – we’re
14 September 2018
Your spelling homework is to learn the spelling of these words linked to our topic – Where in the World? We’ll be using the words in our writing.
- mapping
- compass
- Earth
- region
- Polar
- desert
- mountainous
- Equator
- Tropic of Cancer
- Tropic of Capricorn
Check the spelling poster at the back of your homework book for ideas of how to learn them.