05.05.23 and 12.05.23
This week’s spellings focus on a certain spelling rule. Year 1’s are focusing on plurals – adding s or es to show more than one. Year 2’s are looking at c making an s sound and silent k at the beginning of words.
Use the look, say, cover, write, check method the first week, then choose a writing style to write them in the second week.
Year 1
- cats
- dogs
- rocks
- trains
- books
- brushes
- glasses
- witches
- boxes
- buzzes
Year 2
- race
- city
- space
- fancy
- ice
- knock
- knee
- know
- knitting
- knife
21.04.23 and 28.04.23
The spellings for the next two weeks for Year 1 are double consonants that come after a vowel (nk, tch). The Year 2 spellings are common exception words (words that are exceptions to the common spelling rules).
Use the look, say, cover, write, check method the first week, then choose a writing style to write them.
Year 1
- think
- bank
- sunk
- honk
- wink
- witch
- fetch
- catch
- hutch
- stitch
Year 2
- who
- what
- where
- when
- why
- whole
- wild
- would
- should
- could
24.03.23 and 17.04.23
The spellings for the next two weeks for Year 1 are double consonants that come after a vowel. The Year 2 spellings are common exception words (words that are exceptions to the common spelling rules).
Use the look, say, cover, write, check method the first week, then choose a writing style to write them.
Year 1
- off
- huff
- well
- hill
- buzz
- whizz
- miss
- boss
- back
- duck
Year 2
- plant
- poor
- pretty
- prove
- should
- steak
- sugar
- sure
- told
- water
10.03.23 and 17.03.23
Spellings are continuing with common exception words (words that are exceptions to the common spelling rules). Use the look, say, cover, write, check method then choose a writing style to write them.
- who
- what
- when
- why
- which
- how
- move
- Mr
- Mrs
- old
- only
- parents
- pass
- past
- path
- people
24.02.23 and 03.03.23
Year 1s spellings are the days of the week and Year 2 are continuing with common exception words (words that are exceptions to the common spelling rules). Use the look, say, cover, write, check method then choose a writing style to write them.
Year 1
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
Year 2
- half
- hold
- hour
- improve
- kind
- last
- many
- mind
- money
- most
03.02.23 and 10.02.23
We are continuing with common exception words (words that are exceptions to the common spelling rules). Use the look, say, cover, write, check method then write a story (it could be silly) using all your words.
Year 1
- was
- we
- were
- where
- you
- your
Year 2
- every
- everybody
- eye
- fast
- father
- find
- floor
- gold
- grass
- great
20.01.23 and 27.01.23
The spellings for the next two weeks continue to be common exception words – words that don’t follow the usual spellings rules or are an exception in some way. In the first week, learn your spellings using the look, say, cover, write, check method. In the second week, try ‘fancy writing’ to write your spellings.
Year 1
- there
- their
- they
- to
- today
Year 2
- child
- children
- Christmas
- class
- climb
- clothes
- cold
- could
- door
- even
06.01.23 and 13.01.23
The spellings for the next two weeks continue to be common exception words – words that don’t follow the usual spellings rules or are an exception in some way. In the first week, learn your spellings using the look, say, cover, write, check method. In the second week, try ‘rainbow writing’ to write your spellings in one of the ways below.
Year 1
- school
- she
- so
- some
- the
Year 2
- after
- again
- any
- bath
- beautiful
- because
- behind
- both
- break
- busy
25.11.22 and 02.12.22
The spellings for the next two weeks continue to be common exception words – words that don’t follow the usual spellings rules or are an exception in some way. In the first week, learn your spellings using the look, say, cover, write, check method. In the second week, try doing the ‘connect the dots’ to write your spellings. You can see what this is below.
Year 1
- push
- put
- said
- saw
- says
Year 2
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
11.11.22 and 18.11.22
The spellings for the next two weeks continue to be common exception words – words that don’t follow the usual spellings rules or are an exception in some way. In the first week, learn your spellings using the look, say, cover, write, check method. In the second week, try doing the ‘pyramid write’ of your spellings. You can see what this is below.
Year 1
- of
- once
- one
- our
- pull
Year 2
- was
- we
- were
- where
- you
- your
- who
- what
- when
- well