19 January 2018
This week’s spellings for Year 1 are high frequency words.
Year 1 list
- you
- your
- put
- push
- pull
Year 2 are focusing on common exception words.
Year 2 list
- every
- everyone
- everybody
- everything
- everywhere
- some
- someone
- somebody
- something
- somewhere
12 January 2018
Use last week’s spellings to make ‘headlines’. Cut out letters from newspapers or magazines (or you could draw some) to spell out your words.
Year 1 list
- by
- my
- say
- says
- they
Year 2 list
- child
- children
- Christmas
- class
- classes
- climb
- climbed
- cloth
- clothes
05 January 2018
This week’s spellings for Year 1 are high frequency words.
- by
- my
- say
- says
- they
This week’s spellings for Year 2 are common exception words.
- child
- children
- Christmas
- class
- classes
- climb
- climbed
- cloth
- clothes
08 December 2017
Use last week’s spellings and write them across and down.
Year 1
- some
- come
- home
- done
- gone
- one
Year 2
- would
- could
- should
- wouldn’t
- shouldn’t
- couldn’t
01 December 2017
Year 1 spellings are common exception words that children find tricky in their writing.
Year 1
- some
- come
- home
- done
- gone
- one
Year 2 spellings this week are common exception words and some are contractions.
Year 2
- would
- could
- should
- wouldn’t
- shouldn’t
- couldn’t
24 November 2017
This week’s spelling homework is to write the spellings from last week in fancy writing. You could try curly, dotty, bubble or spiky writing.
Year 1 – high frequency words
- of
- off
- there
- were
- where
Year 2 – alternative pronunciations of the grapheme ‘o’ – the long vowel sound.
- old
- cold
- gold
- hold
- told
- both
- most
- only
- also
- ago
17 November 2017
This week’s spellings for Year 1 are high frequency words.
- of
- off
- there
- were
- where
This week’s spellings for Year 2 contain one of the alternative pronunciations of the grapheme ‘o’ – the long vowel sound.
- old
- cold
- gold
- hold
- told
- both
- most
- only
- also
- ago
10 November 2017
Use last week’s spelling lists to practise the words in the ways below.
Year 1
- wet
- went
- let
- lent
- set
- sent
Year 2
- bath
- path
- after
- past
- fast
- last
- plant
- has
- pass
- was
3 November 2017
This week’s spellings for Year 1 are common errors that children make in writing.
- wet
- went
- let
- lent
- set
- sent
This week’s spellings for Year 2 contain one of the alternative pronunciations of the grapheme ‘a’ – the short vowel sound (except one).
- bath
- path
- after
- past
- fast
- last
- plant
- has
- pass
- was
13 October 2017
This week’s spelling task is to practise writing the words from last week really fast and really s l o w l y. Write each word at least twice.
Year 1 spelling list
- he
- she
- we
- be
- me
Year 2 spelling list
- November
- December
- find
- kind
- mind
- behind
- child
- wild