
Boccia club

Posted on Wednesday 06 November 2019 by Mrs Latham

Thanks for coming to parents’ evening

Posted on Friday 01 November 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to the parent-teacher meetings in the last week of the half-term. It was great to see you all there, keen to find out how your child is doing in school and how you can continue to support at home.

Thanks also to the governors who were around, collecting your views. Here are some of the views they noted:

  • The format of the evening was praised by parents, especially those with more than one class teacher to see.
  • General comments were entirely positive, and I observed many smiling faces during the evening.
  • The view was expressed repeatedly that children were happy to come to school, found friendships, and enjoyed a supportive learning environment.
  • Communications have improved noticeably. In particular, the sharing of dates for events a year in advance was appreciated by parents for providing the ability to plan other commitments to enable them to attend school events.

At Scholes (Elmet) Primary, we’re always keen to keep getting better, making changes however big or small. Some of you commented to governors that the school hall is a noisy environment when busy. A governor has suggested that a quiet room could be made available by specific advance request should parents require it due to individual hearing needs. This is a good idea which we’ll implement next time.

Thanks again.

Our website

Posted on Wednesday 23 October 2019 by Mr Roundtree

In the past few months, our website has been experiencing a few problems, the main one being that the whole-school news posts haven’t been published on our Facebook page. We hope this is now sorted.

In the next week or so, there will be more tweaks made behind-the-scenes on our website. This hopefully won’t cause any problems, but do let us know if you notice something.

Sorry for any problems you’ve encountered.

3, 2, 1 DODGEBALL!

Posted on Saturday 19 October 2019 by Mrs Latham

Well done to the Year 5 dodgeball team, managed by Mr Gledhill, who came third in the East Leeds heats this week. They were fiercely competitive and showed a real team work spirit. Lots of the photos are blurred because they were running around so fast!

Year 1 Bikeability – success!

Posted on Saturday 19 October 2019 by Mrs Latham

The Year 1 children have had some balance bike and then pedal bike training (with no stabilisers) this week, deliverd by the Leeds Bikeability Team. By the end of the week 38 out of 45 children (a whopping 84% ) can now ride their bikes! Everyone worked really hard; persevering, showing resilience and determination. Well done – we are very proud of you!


Keeping Active – cross country running

Posted on Tuesday 15 October 2019 by Mrs Latham

Well done to the Year 6 children who decided to enter the cross country competition for our area at Brigshaw High School last week. They represented school brilliantly. It was cold, wet and windy but they persevered, were determined and were so proud of their achievements. One of the girls teams came fourth and qualified for the Leeds city finals in February – amazing!


Ridiculous rhymes

Posted on Monday 07 October 2019 by Mr Roundtree

We’re very excited to welcome the CBeebies Rhyme Rocket team to Scholes (Elmet) Primary School on Tuesday 15 October.

They’ll kick start their visit with a whole-school show: The Ridiculous Rhyme Show. After that, for children in Y5 and Y6, they’ll lead on a TV workshop, where older children can find out more about what it’s like to work in the media world.

Read more about the performance and workshop.

Please support this exciting trip. We ask you make a voluntary contribution of £2.50 minimum for the show.

Fab feedback

Posted on Friday 13 September 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Thanks very much if you came along to this week’s information evenings for Y5 (Tuesday evening) and for Y1 (Thursday) – we had a good turn-out of parents/carers, keen to know more about their child’s learning journey in school and how to support at home.

Thanks also for leaving us with some feedback – teachers really do appreciate this…

Year 5

  • ‘Good idea having the Y5 evening. Very informative. Glad I went to find out exactly how and what will be taught’
  • ‘Particularly liked the reference to the different books and types of homework to be expected. Opportunity to meet teachers and ask questions is great.’
  • ‘Curriculum relating to e-safety is great and impressed with the information available on the school website.’

Year 1

  • ‘Great to learn about what the children will be doing and helping [my child] at the right level.’
  • ‘Good to have the context of the topics.’

Make sure you look out for more information evenings coming up.

Year 3 /4 – You’re amazing

Posted on Thursday 12 September 2019 by Miss Hague

Yesterday our Year 3 /4 classes went to Go-Ape at Temple Newsam.  Everyone had a great time and were certainly full of exciting stories when they came back!

Last night, we received an email from Go-Ape to complement us on our children.  They described them as the most polite, well mannered and enthusiastic school they had ever had on the course!

Well done Y3/4, we couldn’t be more proud of you.


Homework policy update

Posted on Thursday 12 September 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Each year in the annual survey of parents and carers, we ask what you like most about our school and what you think we might be able to improve. We always get lots more people telling us things they like – thank you for this! We do also welcome your suggestions for improvements – whilst we can’t always act on all the suggestions, we do always read and consider them.

One area that comes up every year is homework. Some of you want more, some of you want less. Some of you like the Creative homework, some of you thinks it takes too much time.

This year, we’ve listened to what you tell us and thought about ways we think we can improve:

  • We’ve reminded teachers to make sure homework is purposeful.
  • We’ve reviewed the guidelines as to how long we recommend your child spends on their homework – the new guide is no more than 30-40 minutes, which includes for Creative homework.
  • We’ve reflected on the amount of the three different types of homework (Talk Time, Creative and Practice makes Perfect) so there’s hopefully a better balance to suit more pupils (and parents).

We hope the new changes will mean continued happy and healthy learning at home as well as at school. Read the policy and download a Homework Guide.