10 June 2020 : Home learning
Good morning everyone.
When we are looking at bigger numbers, we talk about partitioning them. Learning about place value is important so you know how much each digit is worth. Watch the video about place value : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z8sfr82/articles/zw4g2nb
Look at the pictures and use what you know about counting tens and ones to count the objects.
Challenge :
Watch the video about contractions : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gubPH3WEurg
Write these words as contractions :
I am = I’m
does not
where is
there is
could not
I will
do not
Challenge : Put each contraction into a sentence.
Topic – Living and Learning
Draw two jars and choose two different emotions and draw things in the jars that remind you of that emotion or that make you feel that emotion. Eg happy – sunshine, ice cream, friends, kittens.
09 June 2020 : Home learning
Morning everyone. Here is the learning for today.
Watch the video about number lines : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zknsgk7/articles/z3t94j6
Write calculations to show what is on each number line. The first one has been done for you.
Challenge : You could draw your own number line to solve the calculations if you can’t print it out.
Watch the video about the Colour Monster story : https://youtu.be/Ih0iu80u04Y
Answer questions at end of video.
- There were mainly five different coloured feelings. Name them all and how they made the Colour Monster feel.
- What about the colour pink? How do you think that made the Colour Monster feel?
Topic – Living and Learning
Today is ‘Empathy Day’ created by EmpathyLab.uk.
Empathy is a vital human force, creating happier children, stronger communities and a better world. We’ve never needed it more than right now. We’ll help everyone understand and experience the power of empathy through books. Scientists say that we can train our brain with stories, as the more we empathise with characters, the more we can understand other people’s feelings. Throughout the day, we’ll be running brilliant online events and fun home-based activities to help children read, connect and act using empathy. Authors, illustrators, schools, libraries, and families across the UK will be taking part and we’d love for you to join in! Join in here : https://www.empathylab.uk/empathy-day-20204bde2d62
Knowing that we are all the same but different is important for children. Here is a story to watch : https://youtu.be/hUrjb4SZnxg
Have a look at the pictures and think about how you are feeling today. Draw a picture of how you felt yesterday and how you feel today. Are they the same? Emotions change all the time and it is ok to have different emotions. They don’t last forever.
08 June 2020 : Home learning
Our home-learning posts are continuing but staff are in school full-time now, so the amount of teacher videos will be less.
Try to keep reading for at least twenty minutes per day. If you have run out of your own books to read there is a fab online library of eBooks to read on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ Just register on the website, log in and choose what you want to read.
Weekly spellings :
Y1 : turn, fur, down, now, coin, point, hear, beard
Y2 : camel, tunnel, squirrel, travel, towel, tinsel, angel, jewel, kennel, bagel
Times tables : If you ready, start learning x6 (link to x3) OR keep going with times 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 and divide 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10
Watch the video about addition being commutative (it can be done in any order) : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cY1h19p9wU
Tell the story of each picture and write as many equal calculations as you can about the picture.
Eg 2+3+4 = 3+2+4 or 4+3+2 = 3+4+2
Watch the video about a story called The Colour Monster : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cY1h1Ep9UC
Then read the story and look for the key vocabulary.
Topic – Art/DT
Have a go at drawing or making your own colour monster. You could use one of the templates below, make your own or ‘draw with Rob’ :
05 June 2020 : Home learning
Happy Friday! Another week done. Enjoy the weekend.
Have a go at the Friday challenges from White Rose Maths. There are more problems to solve here if you want : https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/classroom-resources/problems/
Reading – phonics
Read the postcard to June. It contains lots of split digraphs, which children often find tricky to read at first. See how many you can spot. If you can print it, you could put sound buttons on the words (the first one has been done to you) or you could write a list of all the words containing split digraphs.
Topic – science
Read the instructions and match them to the correct picture. (You could just match the number and letter if it can’t be printed.)
04 June 2020 : Home learning
Good day to everyone!
On a magic square, all the rows and columns add up to the same amount. On this square, it is 9.
How many different ways can you do it?
Challenge : Make some magic squares of your own, remember each row and column must add up to the same amount.
Have a go at the Phase 5 activities below.
Topic – Science
What plants can you find outside? Watch this BBC Bitesize clip about plants : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zpxnyrd/articles/zw2y34j
Go on a plant hunt in your house/garden or on a walk, if you can.
Use the checklist below, write a list, draw or take photos, if you can.
03 June 2020 : Home learning
Hope you are getting back into the swing of home learning? Here are today’s tasks.
Part whole models can have more than 2 parts. Complete the part whole models.
Challenge : Make some more part whole models with 3 parts. Choose a number for the whole and then make it using three parts.
Watch the phonics Phase 5 review : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYhO29pl2b
Topic – Science
Watch the BBC Bitesize video about what plants need : https://youtu.be/_RXVhiUnTA8
Make a poster about what a plant needs to survive. There is an idea below.
02 June 2020 : Home learning
Morning everyone. Here are your tasks for today.
Add these numbers together. Look for pairs of number that make 10 first, then add the third number. Remember, addition is commutative so you can add the numbers in any order.
Challenge : Add the three multiples of 10 – look for the pair that makes 100 to make it easier.
Re-read text about sunflowers from yesterday. Answer the questions below.
Topic – Science
Watch the BBC Bitesize video about the different parts of a plant : https://youtu.be/bLhTgTwbYMI
Challenge : Have a go drawing and labelling the different parts of a plant.
01 June 2020 : Home learning
Our home-learning posts will be continuing but KS1 staff are in school full-time now, so the amount of teacher videos will be less.
Try to keep reading for at least twenty minutes per day. If you have run out of your own books to read there is a fab online library of eBooks to read on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ Just register on the website, log in and choose what you want to read.
Weekly spellings :
Y1 : book look moon fool car start sort torch
Y2 : table apple bottle little middle fiddle beetle wobble muddle ankle
Times tables : If you ready, start learning x6 (link to x3) OR keep going with times 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 and divide 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10
Maths – addition
Watch the video about adding three single digit numbers : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYhO23pXWj
Challenge : Make/get a set of number cards 0-9 (just write numbers on scraps of paper or you could use playing cards). Turn them over so you can’t see the numbers. Choose 3 cards. Add them together. You could draw part whole models, a number line or bar models to help, if you need. Remember that addition is commutative (can be done in any order) so look for the first pair of numbers that you can add together easily to begin with.
This week we will be reading a non-fiction (information) text – all about sunflowers. Watch the video, read and discuss the features of non-fiction text : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYhO2ppl1S
Topic – Art/design technology
Have a go at drawing or making a plant. There is a drawing video here : https://youtu.be/i_pQWFkZJrc or have a look at the ideas below.
Whole school ‘Quiz of the Week’
If you’re struggling to keep yourself entertained this week…why not have a go at our whole school quiz?
Half-term Home Learning
Because this week is half-term, we’re taking a break from the usual daily home learning tasks (just like we did at Easter). Instead, we’ve prepared a menu of home learning activities that you might want to dip into this week – these are optional only, but you might want to encourage your child to have a go at being a quiz master, doing some up-cycling, presenting a cookery masterclass or any of the other activities.
Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a happy and healthy half-term.