Year 1 & 2 Homework

06 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Sunday 05 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

We’re getting sporty this week! We would’ve had our school sports roundabout by now so we thought some sporty challenges this week would be good. There is also a ‘virtual school sports day’ that West Yorkshire School Games have organised.

This week, you will be finding out which class your child is in for the next academic year, so look out for the email.

Weekly spellings :

Y1 : take, late, gaze, flake, came, chase, even, delete

Y2 : copy, copied, copier, happy, happier, happiest, happiness, cry, crying, cried

Times tables : Choose any times tables and division facts that you want to work on.


Watch the slideshow about subtracting 2 two digit numbers :

Subtract the 2 digit numbers from the 2 digit numbers. Represent the greatest number as tens and ones and then cross out the number that you are subtracting.

53 – 21 =

48 – 15 =

67 – 32 =

39 – 12 =

85 – 24 =


Read the text about Sports Day.

Find the key vocabulary : Sports Day, May, June, July (there are all proper nouns so begin with a capital letter). Watch the video about proper nouns :

Challlenge : Think of, find or write some more proper nouns. Remember they all need a capital letter.


Personal best challenge :  Choose a skill or activity that you will work on every day and try to improve your personal best. Do the activity for one minute and count how many times you can do it in that time. It could be skips, star jumps, squats or anything you choose.

03 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 02 July 2020 by Mrs Latham


Year 1 : Watch the lesson from Oak Academy reviewing subtraction :

Year 2 : Watch the video from Oak Academy for some more challenging Year 2 subtraction :

Challenge : Have a go at some more subtractions.


Choose a sound from the orange sound mat (Phase 3). Have a look in magazines or newspapers for any words that have that sound in them. You could make a poster with the words or write the words in a list.


Have a go at the animal sound bingo game :

Challenge : Make your own sound/listening bingo game.

02 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 01 July 2020 by Mrs Latham


Use a number line to complete the subtractions.


Have a go at these subtraction calculations.

53 – 7 =

49 – 5 =

66 – 15 =

32 – 15 =

97 – 50 =

70 – 42 =


Words are everywhere. We hear, see and discover new words everyday.

Complete the table below and become word explorers.


Watch the video about how your hear :

Go in your garden, if you can, or sit near an open window. Close your eyes for 1 minute and listen to the sounds you can hear.

Challenge : Write a list of the things that you heard.


01 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 30 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Well, July is here and a massive WELL DONE if you are still slogging on with home learning!


Watch the video about fact families :

Write the whole fact family (two addition and two subtraction) for each part whole model.

eg : 10 + 6 = 16

6 + 10 = 16

16 – 10 = 6

16 – 6 = 10


Filp the calculation to make 4 more calculations

eg : 16 = 10 + 6

16 = 6 + 10

6 = 16 – 10

10 = 16 – 6


Jerome (from the Word Collector story) loved collecting words that were short and sweet, two-syllable treats or multi-syllable words.

Write and cut each word into syllables : whisper, savour, dream, smudge, breeze, peace, electric, glimmer, dream, wonderful, marvellous.


Challenge : choose some words of your own to split into syllables


Create a piece of art work using words.

30 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Monday 29 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Here are the activities for today.


Have a go writing two subtraction calculations to go with each part whole model.

eg 10 – 4 = 6

10 – 6 = 4


Choose some of the subtraction calculations from above and make up a word problem like the one below.


What are syllables?

Watch this short video and try the clapping game.

Now get moving with super movers whilst learning about syllables.

Challenge : Clap how many syllables are in the names of each person in your family. Write down the names showing how many syllables there are.

eg : Benjamin (Ben-ja-min has 3 syllables).

Topic – Living and Learning

Jerome finds that the best words are the simplest ones – words such as ‘thank you’. Write a thank you letter to say that you are grateful for what someone has done for you. It feels good to make someone smile.

29 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Sunday 28 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

I’ve copied the list of extra resources that were on last week’s post, if you feel your child needs more activities.

This is great for working on all number facts and you can try to improve your own score. We use this in school on iPads but can also be played on laptops :

Passwords for Numbots or Times Table Rockstars are the same : or Email your teacher if you have lost it.

Loads of resources on here including reading :

For reading and phonics games :

Maths teaching videos and other resources :

Variety of lessons, recorded by teachers :

We love Go Noodle for a sing and dance :

Or Cosmic Yoga Kids for a more relaxing workout :

Please ring school or email your child’s teacher if you need support and we will try to help.

Weekly spellings :

Y1 : pie, tie, tries, flies, toe, blue, glue, true

Y2 : cries, flies, dries, replies, babies, bunnies, carries, tries, copies, ladies

Times tables : Choose any times tables and division facts that you want to work on.


This week we will be working on subtraction. Watch the slideshow about the concept of subtraction :

Look at the pictures and tell the subtraction story about what is happening in each picture. Write the subtraction calculation to match each picture.

Challenge : Draw a part whole model or bar model to match each picture.


Listen to the video of our story for the week – The Word Collector by Peter H. Reynolds :

Go on a word hunt, looking in books or around your house and write down your favourite words.

eg smash




Challenge : Say why you like each word.

eg I like the word smash because it sounds like what is.


Watch the ‘how to draw’ video :

Challenge : Fill your paper with other things around your boy or girl.

26 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 25 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Have a fabulous Friday everyone. Here are the last activities for this week.


Have a go at the Friday maths challenges.

If you want more challenges or problems have a look here :


Read the amazing giraffe fact then fill in the missing words. You could just read and fill them in by saying them or, if you have time, copy out the information and fill in the missing words as you go.


Giraffes spend most of their day eating. Make a diary of what you eat in one day. You could write a list or draw what you eat.

If you are feeling like you need some exercise have a go at this Cosmic Yoga video :

25 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 24 June 2020 by Mrs Latham


Have a go at the challenge below.


Watch the video and read the fact file about giraffes :

Challenge : Make your own fact file about another animal that you know about. It could be your pet or your favourite animal.

Topic – Living and Learning

How you ever thought that you couldn’t do something but found out later that you could? How did you feel?

Draw a picture or write about something that has made you feel proud about learning something new.

24 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 23 June 2020 by Mrs Latham


Have a go at the problem below.

Complete some more addition of two 2 digit numbers where you cross the ten (make an another 10).

36 + 29 =

56 + 17 =

16 + 45 =

47 + 24 =

66 + 18 =


Watch the Geraldine the Giraffe video about the ‘soft g’ that makes a ‘j’ sound :

Read the words below with the ‘soft g’ sound. Choose 3 words (or more if you want) and put them into a sentence.

Topic – Art

Have a go at drawing a dancing giraffe. Email a picture of it to your teacher, if you can.

23 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Monday 22 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Hello there!


Complete the different additions of two 2 digit numbers below. You could draw part whole models or tens and ones to help.

Reading – verbs

Watch or read the Giraffes Can’t Dance story again and list all the verbs that are used.


  • standing
  • dance
  • twirl

Challenge : Put each verb into a sentence.

Topic – PE/dance

Read the verbs and definitions then act/dance/move like each one.

  • dance: to move to music with different kinds of steps and body movements
  • skip: to move lightly from foot to foot with a hopping motion
  • prance: to move with high bouncing steps (like a horse)
  • waltz: to dance with a regular series of three steps
  • rock-n-roll: to dance freely to the beat of the music
  • tango: to dance with special poses and movements
  • cha-cha: to dance with a quick three-step movement
  • sway: to stand in place and move slowly back-and-forth or side-to-side
  • shuffle: to move by brushing one’s feet along the floor
  • leap: to jump with one leg in front of the other
  • boogie: to dance with fast movements
  • twirl: to spin around gracefully

There are more verbs here too :