Year 1 & 2 Homework

17 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 16 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Well, it’s here! The last day of term for 2019-20. We hope you are all safe, happy and healthy. Enjoy the summer holidays and we will see each other again soon.

Maths – position and direction

Today watch the BBC bitesize video and complete the activities.


It can be sad saying goodbye. Sometimes it helps to write it down.

Write a farewell letter to someone. It could be your teacher, a friend or anyone you like.

You need to include:

Dear …

What you enjoyed doing with them.

Who it is from.

Topic – staying safe online

Make your own poster about staying safe online.


16 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 15 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Maths – symmetry

Use a mirror (if you have one – don’t worry if not) to look round your house for any line of symmetry. Think about what shapes could be folded in half without any overlap. Would each half be a mirror image of itself? eg a window, a table. Take photos, draw them or write a list.


Draw a butterfly. Complete the pattern on one half first and then try to copy the pattern on the other half to create a symmetrical pattern.


Read the farewell letters from each teacher.

Dear 1,2V

I cannot believe we will not get to say a proper goodbye to each other. I hope you are all safe and happy and looking forward to the summer holidays. We will see each other when we all get back to school, even if we are in different classes. Miss you!

Love Mrs Latham


Dear 2KN

I am sad that you’re leaving year two but I’m so glad I got to teach you all. We have had so much fun together and I am proud of each and every one of you. Keep being you.


Miss Lowry & Mrs Lake


Dear 1K

It may not be the end of year we expected but it has been a pleasure to teach you all. I hope you all have a wonderful and well earned break over the summer holidays. I’m looking forward to seeing you all once we return to school.

From Miss Parling


Dear 1,2

You will always hold a special place in my heart because you are my first class. I cannot believe that we will not get to say a proper goodbye to each other. It’s time to enjoy the summer holidays! I’m looking forward to seeing you all when we return to school.

Love Miss Harker

Topic – staying safe online

Read the poster all about staying safe online.

15 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 14 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Maths : time

Think about how long it takes you to do an activity.

Look at the clock when you start and when you finish and work out how much time has gone past. Which activities take the longest amount of time? What activities are quick? Record some of your activities and how long they take in your home learning book.

How many star jumps can you do in 1 minute? Use this to estimate how many you could do in 10 minutes!

Think about what time you do certain activities during the day. What time do you have lunch, go to bed, watch the television? You could make a diary of your day.

Practice reading both analogue and digital clocks.


Read the different ways of saying goodbye in different languages. Can you find any more?

Topic – staying safe online

Watch Episode 3 – Playing games

Talk about how to stay safe when playing games online.


14 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Monday 13 July 2020 by Mrs Latham


Odd and even numbers investigation

  • Write a number line from 1-20. Circle all the odd numbers in one colour and all the even numbers in another colour.
  • Count in 2s. Are the numbers odd or even? Describe the pattern.
  • Count in 5s. Are the numbers odd or even? Describe the pattern.
  • Add two even numbers. Is the answer odd or even? Try with some more even numbers. What do you notice?
  • Add two odd numbers. Is the answer odd or even? Try with some more even numbers. What do you notice?
  • Add an odd and an even number. Is the answer odd or even? Try with some more even numbers. What do you notice?


Read (or sing) the lyrics of the song again.

Look for these words in the song :

farewell (a way of saying goodbye)

glad (feeling happy)

clanging (a loud banging sound)

absurd (crazy, unbelievable)

regretfully (being sorry about something)

firmly (not changing your mind, being strict)

Challenge : Write each word in a sentence or when you are talking to someone.

Topic – staying safe online

Watch Episode 2 – Sharing Pictures

Talk about the message in the video.

13 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Sunday 12 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Well, we really didn’t think we would be seeing in the final week of summer term 2020 like this. We are all really sad that we couldn’t say goodbye to our classes like we usually do… with a ‘beach party’, extra-long Wake Up Shake Up sessions, games, movies and having fun with our friends. Each teacher has recorded a message for their class to say goodbye and that we will see you again in September, just not in our classes. We have also made you a poster with all your names on so you have something to remember us by!

Mrs Latham :

Miss Parling :

Miss Lowry :

Mrs Lake :

1K name tree

2KN name sunshine

12V name heart

Children might be spending more time on iPads, tablets and computers over the summer, so our topic activities this week are all about staying safe online.

Weekly spellings :

Y1 : like, slide, nice, home, note, rule, tube, use

Y2 : there, their, here, hear, quite, quiet, see, sea, one, won

Times tables : Choose any times tables and division facts that you want to work on.


Watch the video about subtracting 2 two digit numbers, with an exchange :

Have a go at these subtractions.

63 – 43 =

94 – 55 =

85 – 16 =

Challenge : What have I done wrong?

54 – 28 =

14 – 8 = 6

50 – 20 = 30

30 + 6 = 36


Sing along with the song, reading the words as you go or reading them afterwards :

So long, farewell (from the Sound of Music)

There’s a sad sort of clanging
From the clock in the hall
And the bells in the steeple, too
And up in the nursery

An absurd little bird
Is popping out to say coo-coo
(Coo-coo, coo-coo)

coo-coo Regretfully they tell us
coo-coo But firmly they compel us
coo-coo To say goodbye
To you

So long, farewell
Auf wiedersehen, goodnight
I hate to go and leave this pretty sight
So long, farewell
auf Wiedersehen, adieu
Adieu, adieu
To you and you and you
So long, farewell
Au revoir, auf Wiedersehen
I’d like to stay
And taste my first champagne

So long, farewell
Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
I leave and heave
A sigh and say goodbye
I’m glad to go
I cannot tell a lie
I flit, I float
I fleetly flee, I fly
The sun has gone
To bed and so must I
So long, farewell
auf Wiedersehen, goodbye


Topic – staying safe online

Watch Episode 1 : Watching videos

Talk about what you do if you see something that you don’t like.

You can also access the storybooks by scrolling to the end of the page where you will find the PDF links.

10 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 09 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Happy Friday!


Have a go using the vertical method for subtraction. Subtract the ones first and then the tens.


87 – ? = 54

? – 45 = 76


Watch the clip about mindfulness :

Read and follow the instructions about how to be mindful on paper :

Mindful Movement on Paper

Have you ever put pen to paper without having any particular idea in mind of what you want to draw? This is sometimes called ‘taking your pen for a walk’. Put your pen or pencil anywhere on a piece of paper and focus on your breathing as you move your pen around. There is no right or wrong way of doing this and you are not trying to create a specific image. After a little while, stop and see where your pen has travelled. Notice the shapes you have made. You can use different colours to fill in the shapes you have created – your very own mindfulness colouring design! Mindfulness activities can help us to feel calm, happy and relaxed. 


Play the listening game :

09 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 08 July 2020 by Mrs Latham


Have a go at the subtractions below.


Read the description about the sports day race.

An egg and spoon race is a sporting event. Each person in the race must place an egg or ball on a spoon. If it falls off, you must stop and put the egg back on the spoon. The winner is the first to cross the finish line.

Think of your own race and write simple description of how to do it.

Challenge : Draw and label a picture of your race.


Make an obstacle course in your house or garden. Have a go at completing it a few times. See if you can get better each time. Make sure you put everything back where you got it from when you have finished!


08 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 07 July 2020 by Mrs Latham


Have a go at the word problems subtracting 2 digit numbers from 2 digit numbers.


Read the Sports Day text again. Answer the questions.


Design your own sports day medal or certificate. You could award it to yourself, if you took part in the virtual sports day yesterday, or award it to someone in your family.

07 July 2020 : Whole school home learning (Let’s get sporty!)

Posted on Monday 06 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Whole school sporting activities

Sadly, our favourite events of the year – sports days – cannot take place in it’s normal format this year. However, the next best thing is to take part in a virtual sports day and we’re excited to be joining the West Yorkshire Virtual School Games Sports Day on Tuesday 7th July. The day will involve the children taking part in multiple activities with the chance to compete against other schools across the county. There will be a number of prizes on offer too.
What do you need to do?
Have a look at the guidance for parents/carers to help you prepare for the day.
When does it take place?
There is a live opening ceremony shown here at 10am on Tuesday 07 July and the activities can be completed at any point in the day.
Is this just for children who are back at school?
No – the activities can be done by children at school and at home. The sports day will be one of your child’s home learning activities on the day.
What are the activities?
The parent guide gives details of all the activities and instructions will also be given on the video released on the day.
Do children have to complete all the activities?
We would encourage the children to have a go at as many as they can but they don’t have to complete them all.
How do we submit results?
This is the link to submit results (live from 10am on 07 July up till 12pm on the 08 July). All children’s results will be added to their school score.
We would love to see the virtual sports day in action so please share any photos of your children taking part and good luck to everyone!

07 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Monday 06 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Enjoy our virtual sports day today!


Subtract the 2 digit numbers from the 2 digit numbers. Show your answer by drawing tens and ones, part wholes, bar models or number lines. are there any you can do without drawing, using what you know about subtraction?

73 – 20 =

88 – 44 =

51 – 11=

69 – 27 =

85 – 22 =

25 – 14 =

36 – 12  =

42 – 10 =

19 – 18 =

94 – 53 =


Watch the video about the Sports Day non-fiction text :