Year 1 & 2 Homework

17 November 2017

Posted on Thursday 16 November 2017 by Mrs Latham

Homework for the whole school this week is Talk Time.

Which charity should our school support?

Next week is a whole-school themed week: Who do you think you are?  It’s all about community and identity. During the week, a charity will be decided for Scholes (Elmet) Primary to support for the year ahead – for example, when we have a performance, we’ll collect money for this particular charity. What charity does you child think we should support?

You could talk about:

  • what a charity is
  • why charities are important
  • what sort of work they do
  • charities that have meaning to your family, to school or the community
  • national and international charities and their work

10 November 2017

Posted on Thursday 09 November 2017 by Mrs Latham

This week’s homework is Creative.

I can show what I have learnt in our Explorers topic.

Draw, write, paint or create a poster (on one page in your homework book or on A4 sized paper) showing things you enjoyed and learnt in our Explorers topic.  It could include:

  • information about Scholes
  • our local walk
  • traffic survey
  • maps
  • Meerkat Mail
  • postcards
  • Autumn walk/conker collecting
  • animals and plants found in the Kalahari Desert

03 November 2017

Posted on Thursday 02 November 2017 by Mrs Latham

This week’s homework is Talk Time.

What do you know about adjectives?

You could talk about:

  • Adjective Dress-Up Day
  • what happens if you use too many adjectives
  • making silly sentences with adjectives that don’t fit with the noun
  • which adjective is your favourite
  • which new adjectives you have recently learnt

It’s the half-term holidays…

Posted on Friday 20 October 2017 by Mr Roundtree

…and so there’s no specific homework next week. This is in-line with our Homework Policy.

During the half-term, please encourage your child to read each day, even if just for 15 minutes. As well as their current book, reading comics, newspapers, websites are all good – and why not take a trip to the library!

It would also be really helpful to help your child brush up on their times tables. Children in Year 2 should know x2, x5 and x10 (and the related division facts) by the end of the year – so give them a head start now! By the end of Year 4, children should know all their tables up to 12 x 12 (and the related division facts).

And make sure they enjoy the break, too: perhaps an autumn walk, a day out, a trip to the cinema… There are lots of things going on in Leeds – check them out.

Whatever you get up to, we’re looking forward to seeing you again on Monday 30 October.

13 October 2017

Posted on Thursday 12 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due on 19 October 2017.

I understand the importance of voting.

You could talk about:

  • votes we hold in class (eg to name our class mascots)
  • votes that adults take part in
  • whether you would like to stand for school council (we will be holding elections on 19 October)
  • family votes (to decide where to go or what to do)

06 October 2017

Posted on Friday 06 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

This week’s homework is Creative. Homework is due on Thursday 12 October 2017.

Can you create a map of your journey to school?

You could draw, take pictures, make a model or write about it. Don’t forget to add labels and a key. Use one A4 page in your homework book.


29 September 2017

Posted on Thursday 28 September 2017 by Mrs Latham

This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due on 05 October 2017Talk about your journey to and from school. Do you pass any natural features (streams, large trees) or buildings (dentist, shops) on the way? Talk about which directions you take (left, right, straight on). We will be drawing our route to school in our geography topic lessons.

Also, go on a Number Hunt around your house, garden or local area. Which numbers can you see? List or draw the numbers you find.


22 September 2017

Posted on Thursday 21 September 2017 by Mrs Latham

This week’s Practice Makes Perfect homework is to learn your own address, including postcode. Can you see any capital letters in your address? Talk about why these words have a capital letter (they are a proper noun).

Maths homework is counting forwards and backwards within 100. A fun way to do this is by playing a game of bingo or snakes and ladders.

Homework is due on Thursday 28 September.

15 September 2017

Posted on Thursday 14 September 2017 by Mrs Latham

This week’s homework is Talk Time and due on Thursday 21 September 2017.

Have you ever felt lonely?

Talk about what it feels like to be lonely and how you can help if someone else is feeling lonely.

Please continue to practise counting in tens. 

Find small objects in your house or garden and put into groups of ten. Count in tens to find out how many you have.  You could use stones, small sticks, straws, pennies, leaves, beads or anything else you can find!  You could draw some groups of 10 in your homework book or take a photo of your counting.

08 September 2017

Posted on Wednesday 06 September 2017 by Mrs Latham

This week’s homework is Talk Time and due on Thursday 14 September.

What have you enjoyed about the first week back at school?

Talk about:

  • the new classroom
  • new friends
  • new routines (class reward system, word ninja, R2’s, choice chips)
  • school rules
  • the expectations of the teacher/adults in school
  • favourite lesson
  • new learning


Please also practise counting in 10s.  You can :

  • colour the multiples of 10
  • count forwards and backwards in 10s
  • counting forwards and backwards in 10s from another multiple: 50, 60, 70, 80…
  • ask your child what’s 10 more and 10 fewer/less