20 September 2019
This week’s homework is Talk Time and is due on Thursday 26 September.
When is it ok to take a risk?
Our living & learning statement this week is ‘I can take a safe risk’. This homework is all about discussing risks and when it is acceptable to take one. Talk about when risks are safe and unsafe and when we come across risks in our life: at home, online, at school, in the community etc.
If you would like more information about staying safe online, visit our school website: https://www.scholeselmet.leeds.sch.uk/learn-more/online-safety/
13 September 2019
This week’s homework is Talk Time and due on Thursday 19 September.
What have you enjoyed about the first week back at school?
You could talk about:
- the new classroom
- new friends
- new routines (choose lunch, class rewards, choice chips)
- school rules
- the expectations of the teachers/adults in school
- favourite lessons
- new learning
12 July 2019
Friday 05 July 2019
This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can illustrate happy and healthy choices.
This homework links to our weekly living and learning statement and is something we talk about a lot in our school. Can you encourage your child to make a new healthy choice every day this week? Or think about one new healthy change your child can make? Try to help them make sure the choice is a realistic, achievable one, such as avoiding being on an electronic device after a certain time to help sleep, or adding one extra daily portion of vegetables to their diet each day.
As this is a Creative homework, children could respond in a variety of ways:
- Create a blog, video blog or diary to show the changes we’ve made.
- Create a poster convincing others to make a happy and healthy change.
- Make a cartoon strip in which a character makes a happy and healthy change.
- Write a song, poem or rap that will encourage others to make changes.
- Reflect on change they’ve made and how it made them feel.
There are of course lots of other ways to respond, too.
Children should be ready share, and celebrate, their homework in their class by Thursday 11 July 2019.
28 June 2019
This week’s homework is Creative.
I can show what I know about plants.
In any way you choose, show what you have learnt about plants in our current topic.
21 June 2019
This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect.
Choose a poem about plants, seeds, growing, trees or flowers. Copy it into your book. Try to read the poem every day to learn it by heart. There are some ideas below.
14 June 2019
Friday 07 June 2019
Friday 07 June 2019
This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can illustrate a moral choice.
A moral choice is committing to act for what you believe is right and good. As responsible citizens, we have a duty to ensure that we, and others, act on what we think is correct. This homework, which links to our on-going living and learning work, will help children to further understand this.
As this is a creative homework we look forward to receiving a range of responses. Children should think about something they feel passionate about and illustrate this however they see fit.
They could…
- create a piece of art that shows the choice
- write a news report about someone making a moral choice
- find a key person from history and explain how, and why, they made a moral choice
- create a short piece of drama to show the choice being made.
This homework should be completed by Thursday 13 June 2019.
Thursday 16 May 2019
This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can show what I know about a particular job.
This homework is in preparation for our themed week which is next week. Throughout the week, we’ll focus on money. One aspect of this is how money is earned. Obviously, our children are a little young to be earning money but it is really important that they have aspirations.
For their homework this week, children should decide on a job (maybe one they want to do or one that a family member has) and find out some useful information about the profession: what a ‘normal’ day looks like, how much you can earn, what qualifications/experience you need, etc.
Children could respond to this creative homework in a range of ways:
- Create a poster
- Make a ‘project board’
- Re-create a ‘day in the life of…’ and document this in pictures
- Make a presentation
- Compare a few different jobs
- Devise a short play to show their peers what the job involves
- Research the salary and decide how they might spend their money
- Write a job application
Of course, there are many other ways in which children could respond. Children should be ready to celebrate their learning as part of their homework review by Thursday 23 May 2019.
10 May 2019
This week’s homework for both Year 1 and Year 2 is focusing on reading.
Copies will be stuck in books or can be found here.