
15 September 2017

Posted on Thursday 14 September 2017 by Mrs Latham

This week’s homework is Talk Time and due on Thursday 21 September 2017.

Have you ever felt lonely?

Talk about what it feels like to be lonely and how you can help if someone else is feeling lonely.

Please continue to practise counting in tens. 

Find small objects in your house or garden and put into groups of ten. Count in tens to find out how many you have.  You could use stones, small sticks, straws, pennies, leaves, beads or anything else you can find!  You could draw some groups of 10 in your homework book or take a photo of your counting.

15 September 2017

Posted on Wednesday 13 September 2017 by Mrs Allaway

This week’s homework is Creative and due in on Thursday 21 September.

I can design an imaginary world.

Think about:

  • what the landscape is like
  • who or what lives there
  • what the climate is like

Your child can present it in any way they wish, but no larger than A4. They might like to draw, label, write, paint, make a model (and photograph it) or use a creative idea of their own.

08 September 2017

Posted on Friday 08 September 2017 by

Our Talk Time homework is in preparation for next week’s Living and Learning statements which are:

  • I show I’m ready to learn
  • I respond to feedback

Ask your child how they show their teacher they are ready to learn and how they respond to feedback. Why does the teacher need to see they are ready to learn? How would it affect the lesson if everyone is not ready to learn? How do they respond to feedback? When?

Your child could teach you a new skill. For example: bottle flipping, football skill, drawing a favourite character, a playground game, skipping game. While learning the new skill, your child will be giving you feedback to improve.

In class, we’ll discuss the feedback your child has given and how it affected the learning progress.


Our times tables focus will be the 3 times table (up to 12 x 3 and including division facts) – an easy one to begin with! Practise counting forwards, backwards, starting from zero and then starting from a multiple, and don’t forget the traditional way to support your child: a couple of mock tests to see how well your child knows their tables!

08 September 2017

Posted on Wednesday 06 September 2017 by Mrs Allaway

This week’s homework is Talk Time and due on Thursday 14 September.

What have you enjoyed about our class book, ‘Orion and the Dark‘?

Talk about:

  • the sequence of the story and retell it orally
  • your favourite lesson linked to the book
  • something that maybe makes you feel a little bit scared and how you might overcome this
  • other books it reminds you of

08 September 2017

Posted on Wednesday 06 September 2017 by Mrs Latham

This week’s homework is Talk Time and due on Thursday 14 September.

What have you enjoyed about the first week back at school?

Talk about:

  • the new classroom
  • new friends
  • new routines (class reward system, word ninja, R2’s, choice chips)
  • school rules
  • the expectations of the teacher/adults in school
  • favourite lesson
  • new learning


Please also practise counting in 10s.  You can :

  • colour the multiples of 10
  • count forwards and backwards in 10s
  • counting forwards and backwards in 10s from another multiple: 50, 60, 70, 80…
  • ask your child what’s 10 more and 10 fewer/less

New homework routines

Posted on Saturday 02 September 2017 by Mr Roundtree

Following feedback and meetings with parents, we’ve changed our homework routines – read the introduction here to find out more. Teachers will also communicate homework on the website to keep you updated on what homework and spelling tasks there are. Look out for the first one on Friday 08 September.