
Friday 08 February 2019

Posted on Friday 08 February 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, the whole school has the same creative homework which is due in on Thursday 14 February 2019.

I can show different ways to stay safe.

This week, we have enjoyed a staying safe themed week. We’ve had lots of visitors and covered a range of important safety-related topics. There are many ways, and many different situations, in which we need to keep safe: at home, at school, in our environment and online.

Children should think about the situations where they need to keep safe and who might help them to stay safe. This could be done in any creative way:

  • a story
  • a poem
  • instructions
  • a comic strip
  • an advert
  • an interview
  • a game
  • scenarios

…or any other creative ideas!

The homework will be reviewed as part of the themed week learning.

01 February 2019

Posted on Sunday 03 February 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, our homework is Creative: I can plan a short story.

The BBC 500 words is the world’s biggest short-story writing competition for children. Every year, thousands of children enter the competition with the winner’s story being read aloud on the radio by a celebrity.

For their homework this week, children should plan their short story. There are many ways in which children could plan their story:

  • create a story map
  • make a film video trailer
  • make a comic strip
  • make their story out of Lego, or Playdough, and take some still images

When planning their story, children should consider the plot, the characters and the setting. After half-term, we’ll have another homework where children will write their entry. For more inspiration, visit the BBC 500 words website. This homework should be completed by Thursday 07 February 2019.

1 February 2019

Posted on Friday 01 February 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Times Tables

The Year 3 children have made a good start on their 8 times tables this week. For homework, practise quick recall up to 12 x 8. We have used cubes and counting sticks to help us. Year 4 times tables, continue to practise the 7 times table up to 12 x 7 and consolidate on 6s.

Check out the calculations web-page for support sheets.

Challenge: For each times table fact, write the division number sentence. For example,

3 x 8 = 24 , 24  ÷  8 = 3

56 = 7 x 8  , 7 = 56  ÷  8

1 Feb 2019

Posted on Friday 01 February 2019 by Mrs Latham

Year 1 : This week’s homework is Creative – I can count in 2s, 5s and 10s.

You could try:

  • colouring the multiples of 2s, 5s and 10s on a 100 square
  • counting forwards and backwards
  • asking your child what’s 2/5/10 more and less
  • singing ‘Kids TV’ or ‘Scratch Garden’ counting songs on YouTube

Year 2 : This week’s homework is Creative – I can count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.

You could try:

  • colouring the multiples of 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s on a 100 square
  • counting forwards and backwards
  • counting forwards and backwards from another multiple
  • asking your child what’s 2/3/5/10 more and less
  • singing ‘Kids TV’ or ‘Scratch Garden’ counting songs on YouTube
  • writing/chanting the multiplication and division facts
  • decorating and displaying multiplication/division facts at home to learn

Friday 25 January 2019

Posted on Friday 25 January 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, the whole school has the same Talk Time homework:

What is a drug?

This homework, which links to our Living and Learning statement, is a first step in children becoming aware of drugs. There are a few key points you may wish to talk about at home. Children need to be aware that some drugs are helpful, some are harmful. Some are legal, some are illegal. Don’t forget to consider that even the legal or helpful ones can be harmful.

Below are some question prompts that could help shape your discussion…

  • What is a good definition for a drug?
  • What is a drug? What is not a drug?
  • Are all drugs bad?
  • Why might some people need to take medicines?
  • Who can prescribe medicine?
  • Who should administer medicine?
  • What should you do if you find some medicine?
  • Should you take medicine that isn’t yours?

Children should be prepared to discuss what they’ve talked about at home during our homework review next week. This homework should be completed by Thursday 31 January.

18 January 2019

Posted on Friday 18 January 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Times tables

Year 3 times tables practise the 4 times table (up to 4 x 12). Year 4 times tables practise the 7 times table (up to 7 x 12). Use the sheet from the website to help you.

Friday 18 January 2018

Posted on Friday 18 January 2019 by Mr Catherall

Friday 18 January 2019

This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework:

I can show different ways to make things better.

This homework, which is due on Thursday 24 January, is an opportunity for children to reflect on our living & learning statement for this week: I can make things better.

Children should think about ways to make things better in a variety of different situations and contexts:

  • in class
  • in a friendship group
  • at playtime
  • at home
  • with siblings
  • out and about (countryside, park)
  • the wider environment (recycling)

You could consider…

  • Why should we try and make things better?
  • How do we do this?
  • When should we apologise?
  • What is the effect it has on others around us when we make things better?
  • Older children might want to consider the benefits of restorative justice.

Don’t forget to be creative! Produce a report or diary; capture photos of making things better; create rules for better games at play times; make a poster about how to say sorry; or, think of your own creative response.

This homework will be celebrated in our weekly homework review.

11 January 2019

Posted on Friday 11 January 2019 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is Practice Makes Perfect.

We would like you to copy the poem, ‘Water’s for’ poem’ by Judith Nicholls, in your best handwriting.

Your handwriting should be joined and following the school handwriting guide.


11 January 2019

Posted on Friday 11 January 2019 by Mr Catherall

Homework for the whole school this week is Talk Time: I know how to solve problems and make things better.

This week, our homework links to our living and learning statement: I can make things better. Children should discuss, with an adult, how to solve problems (with friends etc) and how to make the situation better afterwards. Children should make notes in their homework book so that we can discuss ideas as a class during our homework review. This homework should be completed by Friday 18 January 2019.

11 January 2019

Posted on Friday 11 January 2019 by Mrs Latham

This week’s homework is Talk Time.

I can talk about which materials objects in my house are made of and why.

It links to our current Science mini-topic, What’s the Matter? We are learning all about materials and their properties. Talk about objects and items in and around your house, identifying which materials they are made of. Use scientific words such as absorbent, waterproof, rough, smooth, soft, rigid, bendy, opaque.

Next week, we will be talking about what household objects and clothing are made out of an why.