
Friday 06 September 2019

Posted on Sunday 08 September 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, our homework is Practice Makes Perfect: place value.

This week, children have been reading and writing numbers up to 1,000,000 (year 5) and 10,000,000 (year 6). Using the spinner, a pack of playing cards or the random number generator below, children should generate two numbers and say them aloud. Record your results and compare them in your book. You may repeat this several times.

2,766,059 > 386,472

Two million, seven hundred and sixty six thousand and fifty nine is greater than three hundred and eighty six thousand, four hundred and seventy two.

26,504 < 101,087

Twenty six thousand, five hundred and four is less than one hundred and one thousand and eighty seven.


We will review our learning on Friday 12 September 2019. The homework is due in on Thursday 11 September 2019

Times tables

This week, we will focus on the 2, 5 and 10x table with an emphasis on the related facts.

06 September 2019

Posted on Friday 06 September 2019 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is Talk Time and due on Thursday 12 September.

What have you enjoyed about our class book, Orion and the Dark?

Talk about:

  • the sequence of the story and retell it orally
  • your favourite lesson linked to the book
  • something that maybe makes you feel a little bit scared and how you might overcome this
  • other books it reminds you of

Friday 12 July 2019

Posted on Friday 12 July 2019 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is to discuss the learning that has taken place in the photographs below.



Summer holiday competition

Posted on Friday 12 July 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Each year, we invite children to enter a competition – last year, we enjoyed reading lots of postcards from around Yorkshire, the UK and the world.

This year, we’d like your child to get creative with a camera! We want our school to be a happy and healthy place to learn – and we want your child to celebrate this by creating the words ‘happy’ (for children up to Year 2) or ‘healthy’ (for children in Year 3 to Year 6) from letters that your child spots in the environment.

Here’s an example of a letter ‘h’ which we’ve found on the internet – somewhere in their surroundings, can your child find the five letters that spell ‘happy’ or the seven letters that spell ‘healthy’?

We found the example above on the internet, but it would be even better if your child were to take pics from real life – perhaps they could find all the images on one day out, or perhaps they set themselves a target of finding one letter every week of the holidays. Your child could spot ‘letters’ near their home or on holiday. They could make the letter shapes from their own body, stretched into different positions, or they could even ask different family members to create the shapes!

There will be four prizes of £15 book tokens – two for the best ‘happy’ words and two for the best ‘healthy’ words.

Please paste the words into a Word document – one side of A4 – and email to school (scholesoffice@spherefederation.org) by Friday 06 September 2019.

Good luck!

12 July 2019

Posted on Friday 12 July 2019 by Mrs Latham

Friday 05 July 2019

Posted on Sunday 07 July 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, the whole school has the same Creative homework: I can illustrate happy and healthy choices.

This homework links to our weekly living and learning statement and is something we talk about a lot in our school. Can you encourage your child to make a new healthy choice every day this week? Or think about one new healthy change your child can make? Try to help them make sure the choice is a realistic, achievable one, such as avoiding being on an electronic device after a certain time to help sleep, or adding one extra daily portion of vegetables to their diet each day.

As this is a Creative homework, children could respond in a variety of ways:

  • Create a blog, video blog or diary to show the changes we’ve made.
  • Create a poster convincing others to make a happy and healthy change.
  • Make a cartoon strip in which a character makes a happy and healthy change.
  • Write a song, poem or rap that will encourage others to make changes.
  • Reflect on change they’ve made and how it made them feel.

There are of course lots of other ways to respond, too.

Children should be ready share, and celebrate, their homework in their class by Thursday 11 July 2019.

Friday 28 June 2019

Posted on Sunday 30 June 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, our homework is Practice Makes Perfect: I know my lines and/or the song lyrics for the production.

Our end of year production is not too far away now so all children should make sure they know their lines (and the lines before) and the song lyrics.

Friday 28 June 2019

Posted on Sunday 30 June 2019 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is Creative and due on Thursday 4th July 2019.

‘Explain what you have learned about refugees’

We have read a fantastic narrative poem The Day War Came, by Nicola Davies; had a workshop with Nola from My Bright Kite; and explored our own understanding through welcome posters in Art.

Now it’s the children’s turn to show what they know.

They can think about:

  • Why do people leave their countries?
  • What problems will they face?
  • How will they feel coming to a new place?
  • How do refugees cope with these challenges?
  • Where do refugees come from?
  • How can we welcome refugees?
  • Find out about famous refugees.

Your child can show their learning and understanding in a variety of ways:

an acrostic poem, a poster, a drawing, a collage, a story, or any other creative way you wish!

28 June 2019

Posted on Friday 28 June 2019 by Mrs Latham

This week’s homework is Creative.

I can show what I know about plants.

In any way you choose, show what you have learnt about plants in our current topic.

Friday 21 June 2019

Posted on Friday 21 June 2019 by Mr Roundtree

This week’s homework is Talk Time and due on Thursday 27th June 2019.

Look at the two posters about water safety.  Can you identify the hazards / potential dangers?

Talk about the hazards identified in these different areas with an adult and discuss the ways to stay safe.

Think about the Water Safety Code:

  • Stop and think
  • Stay together
  • What number do you call in an emergency?
  • What do the different beach flags represent?

Talk about any other learning of Drowning Prevention Week (Y4s have completed specific techniques in swimming lessons).