
30 April 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 29 April 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Year 5/6 Music task: BBC Bitesize singing with feeling


Here’s something slightly different for your home learning. Watch the videos and complete activity one and two. Send your teacher the notes about your favourite song so they share them with the rest of your year group on the class news.

Challenge: discuss your favourite song with someone in your family. Compare it to their favourite song. What are the similarities and differences?

Year 5/6 Reading task

Wednesday summary answers

Your learning today is poetry.

Use this link (https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zn8bgwx) to access the BBC Bitesize reading lesson (dated April 24). For your main learning, complete activities 1 and 2.

Challenge: complete activity 3 from the Bitesize lesson.

Year 5 maths task

Starter: Times Tables Rockstars- improve your multiplication skills. Spend 10 minutes becoming a legend of rock!

Your learning today is to read and interpret tables.

Year 6 maths task

Answers Vertically opposite angles

Your learning today is about types of triangles and angles in triangles.


29 April 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 28 April 2020 by Mrs Latham

Good morning everyone!

Remember to read and work on spellings/times tables today.


Play shops at home by making some of your own price tags (just using scraps of paper or cardboard from your recycling). Write a different amount on each price tag all the way up to 20p (or more if you want a challenge). You could buy and sell fruit, vegetables, clothes or toys (just pretending, of course, and remember to put everything back once you’ve used it).

How many different ways can you make the amount on the price tag? Your parents, brother, sister, pets or teddies might like to join in with playing shops too?

Challenge : Make a price list, signs and write receipts for your shop.

Reading – Statements


Statements are the most common type of sentence. They tell the reader a fact or idea about a single topic. They must always end in punctuation, usually a full stop.

Read the statements below.

I go to Scholes Primary School.

My favourite thing to do is learn new things.

The sun was shining all through the month of April.

Challenge : Write three (or more) statements of your own.

Topic – Geography

Follow the link to watch a selection of Go Jetters videos all about some of the UK’s most significant landmarks. What is a landmark? Can you think of any landmarks in Leeds?


After watching, can you locate all the landmarks on a map?

Challenges : 1. Choose one of the four landmarks. 2. Sketch or paint and label the landmark. 3. Write sentences describing the landmarks.


29 April 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 28 April 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Good morning.

Hope you are all feeling happy and healthy this morning. If you haven’t been in touch with your class teacher for a while, please get in touch. We always like to know how you’re getting on.

Below are a few spellings that you can have a go at. These are linked to the learning we did on homophones:










Here is your learning for today…

Year 5 Maths Task

Line graph lesson


Write 3 questions for your graph that someone else could answer.

Year 6 Maths Task

Answers from yesterday:

Angles around a point answers

Your learning today is angles

Your learning today is about vertically opposite angles

Vertically opposite angle lesson

Vertically opposite angles


Year 5/6 Reading Task

Answers from yesterday 

Answers from Tuesday comprehension
Watch this video from Mr Catherall to find out what today’s learning is.

Reading summary lesson

FirstNews whole paper

Then, complete Part B of this activity.

Wednesday – summary lesson main task

Challenge: Go on to the BBC Sport website (https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport), or a different age-appropriate website, and choose an article to read. Once you’ve read it, summarise the article in 20 words. Then, try again in 10 words. After that, have a go at summarising in 5 words. Finally,
summarise the article in 1 word.

Year 5/6 Geography Task

Your learning is: Where are the major cities of the UK?

This is a recap lesson. Have a go at learning all the major cities in the UK. Challenge your parents to identify as many as they can in a row. Alternatively, take it in turns until one person doesn’t know. Before challenging someone else, study the map yourself so you become an expert.

Geography lesson

Here’s the link for the website.


28 April 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 27 April 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Hello everyone.

Hope you all had a good sleep last night and that you’ve woken up refreshed and ready to learn. Remember that you can contact your class teachers via email if you have any questions with your learning, or you have any worries about anything.

The latest news section of our website has regular updates from Mr Roundtree that contain loads of useful tips and information.

Here is your learning for today…

Year 5 Maths Task

Answers from yesterday:


5pm = -1⁰

3pm and 7pm = 4⁰









The first graph matches with the second statement.

The second graph matches with the third statement.

The third graph with the first statement.


Think of 6 numbers. Each number needs to have either 5 or 6 digits. Multiply each number by 10, 100 and 1000. Then put them in descending order.

Your learning today is line graphs.

Draw out the line graph and plot the information onto it.


Can you collect your own information and present it as a line graph? This could be linked to toys, types of books that you have in your house etc.

Year 6 Maths Task

Answers from yesterday:

Answers Angles on a straight line

Your learning today is angles

Today’s task is to calculate missing angles around a point. Remember – angles around a point have a total 360 degrees.

Angles around a point

Year 5/6 Reading Task

Answers from yesterday:


4) resolution

5) telescope

6) high

7) Galaxy

8) plasma


1)     magnetic

2)     irregular

3)     elliptical

Your learning today is a First News Comprehension. 

Tuesday – Firstnews Comprehension main task

Challenge: Have a read of the following extract from the newspaper.

Challenge text

From the article, create your own quiz for a friend / someone in your family to do. You could write questions down or you could do it as a video.

Year 5/6 Writing Task

Your learning today is punctuating sentences.

Check out this video about punctuating your sentences.


28 April 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Monday 27 April 2020 by Mrs Latham

Hola everyone! Here are your tasks for today.


Write the amounts of money that are in each jar counting in 2s, 5s or 10s. Remember to use a ‘p’ after the numerals eg 20p.

Challenge: Draw around some 2p, 5p and 10p coins in your home learning book. Count in 2s, 5s or 10s to work out the total amount that you have made.

Reading – Questions

Watch the first short video about questions on BBC Bitesize Daily Lessons. Then, if you can, there are 2 follow up activities all about The Magic Faraway Tree, which was our much-loved class novel earlier in the year.


Topic – Geography recap

Can you remember the seven continents of the world? You could watch the song to remind yourself. Write them in your home learning book from smallest to largest.


If you have a globe or atlas, you could find the continents there too.





27 April 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 26 April 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Good morning.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend and that you’re ready for some more home learning. We will be using some different resources this week which you will see cropping up in the different subjects. This may include links to BBC Bitesize lessons (these could be aimed at year 5 or 6, but as you know, we plan for a mixed-age year group) or some video lessons from us. We would like to know what you think of these new ideas, so please let us know.
Remember that it is still very important to get some exercise and fresh air as part of your daily routine.

Have a happy and healthy day.

Here is your learning for today…

Year 5 Maths Task


Multiplication test

Your learning today is line graphs.

Monday task

Year 6 Maths Task

Your learning today is angles.

This week, our maths learning is about angles. Today’s task is to calculate missing angles on a straight line. Remember – angles on a straight line have a total 180 degrees.

Calculate missing angles on a straight line


Angles on a straight line challenges

Year 5/6 Reading Task

There are no answers from Friday’s reading task but we would love you to email your final version to your class teacher.

Your learning today is retrieval.

Retrieval video lesson

Monday – retrieval questions

There are two challenges you could do today.

Challenge 1: create your own video that would help children lower down school answer retrieval questions (like mine but better).

Challenge 2: create your own retrieval questions based on an article from FirstNews. You could get creative and do this as a crossword, or a word search, or even a treasure hunt.

Year 5/6 Topic

Geography task: I know some regions in the UK.

This week, some of the writing tasks have been replaced with our geography topic. Below is the link to the BBC Bitesize lesson. Thinking back to our first geography topic, some of you may be able to recall where the highest point in England is. Listen and read the information about The Lake District – remember to test yourself with the quiz. Now, draw an outline of the UK and label The Lake District. Write five facts about Lake District. Be creative with your presentation. Don’t forget to send your work to your class teacher to publish on the class news page.




27 April 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Sunday 26 April 2020 by Mrs Latham

Week four of our home learning tasks already! We hope you are still enjoying the activities we are suggesting. Remember, there are lots of other ways to learn too. You could be cooking, exercising, garden, playing board games or talking to family or friends using digital devices.

Try to keep reading for at least twenty minutes per day – to yourself, your mum, dad, teddy or pets. It could be in two, 10 minute sessions. Keep reading anything and everything. If you have run out of your own books to read there is a fab online library of eBooks to read on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ Just register on the website, log in and choose what you want to read.

There is new content on BBC Bitesize, with three lessons each day: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize and Oak National Academy (ONA), also with three lessons each day: https://www.thenational.academy/  There’s also White Rose: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/ if you are wanting more. We will be linking some of these lessons in activities we set too.

Each Monday, we will also upload a set of spellings for you to practise over the course of the week. Then on Friday, see if you can write them out without looking at them. Someone could test you if you want.

Y2s will also have a set of times table or division facts to learn too.

Weekly spellings :

Y1 : queen quiz chip watch ship wish that with

Y2 : plant poor pretty prove should steak sugar sure told water

Times tables : times 3 and divide 3


Watch the lesson by Mrs Latham about money and how to make different amounts : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYf361A69D

How many 1ps do you need to make 10p? How many other ways can you make 10p?

Challenge : How many different ways you can make 20p, 50p or £1?


Read this postcard from all of the Year 1 and 2 teachers.

Challenge : Write a letter or note or postcard to someone. If you can, email or post it to the person. Or you could display a message in your window? It could be for someone from your family, a friend or maybe the local care home for someone who isn’t getting any visitors.

Topic – Geography

Our topic this half term should have been Geography driven. So, we are going to do some activities about the UK, other places, maps and directions over the next couple of weeks. There are some videos and reading to start off about the UK on BBC Bitesize : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zdq6t39

Can you remember four UK countries and their capital cities? Write them in your home learning book.



24 April 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 23 April 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi children,

Well – we have got to the end of another week in lockdown! Your teachers have made a video clip. You can check this out on the Class News page.

We hope that you are all keep well and still finding ways to exercise too. Remember – exercising helps to keep your mind healthy and happy. This is as important as keeping fit physically.

Enjoy your final learning tasks for the week. Look out for our learning heroes posts and the winners of the email competition – if you haven’t emailed yet, then there’s still time!

Stay safe and have a good weekend.

Team 3,4


Answers Y3 place value – further practice – partitioning

Answers Y4 place value – further practice – 1, 10, 100, 1000 more

Y3 place value – further practice – 1, 10, 100 more

Y4 place value – further practice – 1, 10, 100, 1000 less


Layers of the Rainforest

Topic – answers 


2. Geography Counties

24 April 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 23 April 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hi everyone

Well done on almost finishing your first week back at ‘school’. I’ve spoken to loads of people this week and they all said they had enjoyed getting back into the routine of learning from home. If you haven’t already, make sure you  check out the following pages from our school website:

Our class news page has some video messages from teachers and the most recent entrants into the Hall of (home learning) Fame #HoHLF.

The latest news section of our website has a daily update from Mr Roundtree that contains loads of useful tips and information.

On Wednesday, we prompted you to check out BBC Bitesize. If you haven’t, make sure you do. They have loads of great resources including some daily lessons across a range of subjects. We think they’re really useful to supplement our home learning tasks.

Here’s your home learning for today…

Y5 maths task

Answers from yesterday:

Pond = approximately 9m²


Challenge yourself on Times Table Rockstars!

Your learning today is area.

Draw your own ‘Pirate Island’ to be used as part of a treasure map for a new game. Each square represents 4m². Draw lines to turn the page in your book into squares (imagine a maths book)

The island must include the following features and be of the approximate measure:

Circular Island 180m²

Oval Lake 58m²

Forests with a total area of 63m² (can be split over more than one space)

Beaches with a total area of 92m²

Mountains with a total area of 57m²

Rocky coastline with a total area of 25m² 

Send some photos to your teacher to show us your amazing islands!

Y6 maths task

Answers for yesterday – provided by Lucy

There are 10 different ways.

The largest route is 2x7x3x6x2 = 504

The smallest route is 0.1×3=0.3

Your learning today is arithmetic.

Are you arithmetic skills still sharp? Answer these in your exercise book.

2018 Arithmetic

Y5/6 reading task

Your reading today is a little bit different! As you all know, we’re living through something that will go down in history for our children and children’s children to learn about!

Today’s task is to create a time capsule to record a snapshot of what is happening at the minute, how people are feeling and what we’re all getting up to in these strange times. The idea is that you bury or keep your time capsule somewhere hidden and then dig it up or look through it again in a number of years eg 2030, a decade after this famous year.

First, you must read this ‘How To’ guide.

Finally, click here to see what the time capsule could look like. Feel free to print this one (don’t worry if you can’t), copy some of the things down into your home learning book, or change or adapt it to create your own. It’d be great to complete this with your family so everybody’s feelings and thoughts are captured!

Improve your time capsule by adding in other objects such as photos, games or a newspaper! You could even make your own box (although an old shoe box works just fine).

Y5/6 writing task

Watch the videos about top tips for writing short stories. Choose one or two tips to help improve your story about Alice from yesterday. Rewrite a paragraph or even the whole story based on the top tips.

Evaluate your writing – you don’t even need to use a purple pen.  What did you change? What impact did it have? How have you made it even more exciting?

24 April 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 23 April 2020 by Mrs Latham

It’s Friday already! Have some fun with the Emoji tasks today. You could do a test on your spellings and times tables today.


Work out the answers to the Emoji codes.

Challenge : Create your own emoji code.


Read the story about the Meerkat with Big Ears. Can you spot all the ‘ear’ trigraphs (three letters that make one sound). Write a list of what you find.

Challenge : Write a list of other words that have the ‘ear’ trigraph in them. Put each word into a sentence.

Topic – Art

Draw your favourite Emoji.

Challenge : Make up your own Emoji. Take a picture, if you can, and email them to vickylatham@spherefederation.org and I will put them on the Class News page 😉