
05 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 04 May 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Good morning everyone.

We hope you had a good night’s sleep last night and that you’re ready for your learning today.

Here are some spellings for you to have a go at. We will be looking at words that contain the ‘ough’ letter string. Remember the strategies that we use in class to help you learn the words – you could do some silly sentences, word doodling or speed writing!









Here is your learning for today…

Year 5 Maths

Your learning today is multiplication

Multiplication challenges

Year 6 Maths

Your learning today is quadrilaterals.

Challenge: find different quadrilaterals in your home. Take a picture and label them.

Year 5/6 Reading

Watch this video ( Hobbit Inference Lesson).

Again, using this word document (The Hobbit Opening extract ) might make reading the text easier for some of you.

Year 5/6 Topic – Geography

BBC bitesize lesson

Watch all 3 videos, have a go at the video tasks. For activity two, name the seven continents of the world.

This is a year 6 task, but it is designed for both year 5 and 6 to do, as our topic lessons are spread across two years. (Basically year 5 and 6 do it, not just year 6)


5 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 04 May 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi children,

Here are your lessons for today. Thanks to those of you who have emailed already. Remember – it is really important to stay in touch at this strange time. We really like to know that you are well and we are super impressed with all the learning you are doing at home. Enjoy today’s learning.

This Friday 8th May is VE Day.   For those of you who would like to do some VE Day activities, or if you would like to share them with your families, you may be interested in the following: Child Friendly Leeds blog post all about VE Day.  They have suggested activities, links to other websites and are even running a competition!

Team 3,4



Adding fractions

Video lesson

Answers Unit and non-unit fractions


Video lesson (answers from yesterday included)

Draw accurately PDF


Video lesson

Reading task – Tuesday


Geography Eight compass points

Story – read by Mrs McCormick

The Magic Finger (part 2) 

05 May 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Monday 04 May 2020 by Mrs Latham

Morning. Here are the tasks for today.


Draw some 2D shapes/draw round objects – cut/fold/draw a line showing half (the line is called a line of symmetry).

Reading – Words of week

These words are from the Owl and Pussycat poem from yesterday. Re-read the poem.

Read the three words.

Additional challenges : 1. Put each word into a sentence. 2. Find out what some of the other words in the poem mean (eg tarried, quince). 3. Re-write the poem in your very best handwriting.

Topic – Geography

Draw a map of your bedroom. Make a key to go with it to explain what you have drawn. Try to draw it from a ‘bird’s eye view’, as if you are looking down from above.

Challenge : Draw a map of another room in your house or of your garden.

04 May 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Sunday 03 May 2020 by Mrs Latham

Week five of our home learning tasks already! We hope you are enjoying the videos from teachers. It is strange not having anyone answering us but we know you like seeing your teachers talking about the learning. As time goes on, some of you may be struggling to keep up with all the tasks. Don’t worry, any learning that is missed we will catch up on once we get back to school. The most important thing at the moment is to stay safe and look after your emotional well-being. If you need any help or support, please email your class teacher.

Try to keep reading for at least twenty minutes per day. If you have run out of your own books to read there is a fab online library of eBooks to read on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ Just register on the website, log in and choose what you want to read.

There is extra content on BBC Bitesize, with three lessons each day: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize and Oak National Academy (ONA), also with three lessons each day: https://www.thenational.academy/ There’s also White Rose: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/

Each Monday, we will also upload a set of spellings for you to practise over the course of the week. Then on Friday, see if you can write them out without looking at them. Someone could test you if you want.

Y2s will also have times table or division facts to learn too.

Weekly spellings :

Y1 – song bring train paint seen free coat soap

Y2 – who whole when where what why wild would could should

Times tables : If you ready, start learning 4x (double and double again, link to 2x tables) OR times 2, 3, 5 or 10 and divide 2, 3, 5 or 10


We are going to look at fractions this week. Watch Miss Lowry talk about halves. There are activities to do too, if you can.



Poem – Owl and Pussycat

We have chosen a poem to focus on for a couple of days this week. Each teacher reads it here. Join in and read along with us.

Miss Parling : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYhVluBUyo

Miss Lowry : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYfUiEBQS2

Mrs Latham : https://screencast-o-matic.com/content/#/video/cYfulkBViK

Mrs Lake : https://vimeo.com/413721507

Topic – Geography

Have a go at drawing or making the individual flags of the UK.

Challenge : Draw a Union Flag or make some bunting. Save your flags to display on VE Day on Friday.

4 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 03 May 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi children,

How are you all? We hope that you have had a lovely weekend.

Here are you learning tasks for today. Enjoy!

Take a look on our Class News page we have posted some video messages for you to start the week! Stay safe!

Team 3/4.

Y3 01.05.20 answers  maths

Maths Y3

Compare angles PDF    

Video lesson

Maths y4

Unit and non-unit fractions

Video lesson





Weekly Spellings 

wordsearch long _e_


Story (15 mins) 

The Magic Finger part 1 by Mrs McCormick




04 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 03 May 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Good morning.

We hope you’ve had a good weekend and that you’re ready for a new week of home learning. There will be a lot more video lessons this week so we hope you have been enjoying them.

Make sure you all  look at the year 5/6 class news page. We update it regularly with messages, news and photographs of your work. Have a look at Mr Catherall’s quiz from last Friday – it’s great fun!

Here is your learning for today…

Year 5 Maths

Your learning today is multiplication

Year 6 Maths

May the fourth be with you.

Time to dust off your CGP books and complete a few of those stray activities.

Today, I have two tasks: Angle rules on page 68/69 and mixed practice on page 8/9

Don’t forget to use the guidance book for support. If you can’t find your book, then email your Mr Lindsay and he will send you a copy of the work.

Year 5/6 Reading 

Watch this video – Hobbit Retrieval lesson

Also, using this word document The Hobbit Opening extract  might make reading the text easier for some of you.

Year 5/6 Living and learning

‘I can describe and use ways to calm down.’
Living and learning 
Task: Create a spider diagram of methods you use to calm down.

01 May 2020 : Friday extra maths challenges

Posted on Friday 01 May 2020 by Mrs Latham

BBC Bitesize and White Rose Maths have teamed up to create some challenges that will be published every Friday.

Here are today’s :

Year 1 : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhmbrj6

Year 2 : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh23gwx


01 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 30 April 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Happy Friday everyone. We hope you’ve enjoyed the tasks this week.

Don’t forget to keep your times tables knowledge sharp with Times Tables Rockstars.

Year 5/6 Music task: BBC bitesize


Following on from yesterday’s learning, today you are going to try activity 3. Choose one of the ten pieces. It’s time to get arty. Listen to the music carefully and create some artwork based on it. Watch the video to get some more ideas. Send a picture of your art to your class teacher to enter the Hall of Home Learning Fame.

Year 5/6 Reading

Your learning is all about facts and opinions.

First of all, use this BBC Bitesize guide to remind you of the difference between facts and opinions.

Now, open up the FirstNews whole paper and go to page 4 –  it’s called 20 things to know and tell.  Read the article and then answer these fact and opinion questions.

Challenge: We would like you to tell us your opinion about any article from this week’s FirstNews. We want you to email us with your views. You should tell us the article you’ve read and what you think about it. However, in your explanation, we’d like you to include some facts, too. You can show us that you know these are facts by underlining or writing them in bold. We can’t wait to see what you guys think of the articles – please email your response to your class teacher.

Year 5 Maths

Answers from yesterday:

  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. One hundred and forty-two thousand, nine hundred and eight four.
  4. 12,756 – 6,794= 5,962
  5. 243 – 59= 184






Think of 6 numbers. Each number needs to have either 5 or 6 digits. Divide each number by 10, 100 and 1000. Then put them in descending order.

Your learning today is to read and interpret tables.

interpret tables

Year 6 Maths

Today’s task is to calculate missing angles in a triangle. Remember – angles in a triangle have a total 180 degrees.

The challenge is on page 2 of the same document.


01 May 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 30 April 2020 by Mrs Latham

Happy Friday everyone and Happy May Day too.

See if you can write all your spellings from memory today? You could do the same for times tables too. Remember to read as well.


Count how much is in each purse. Use your knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s to help.

Challenges : 1. Write the calculations to match (eg 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 or Y2s could write the multiplication 4 x 2 = 8).

2. Draw some purses of your own and work out how much is in each.


Watch this video from Miss Lowry all about nouns.

You might want to get ready to pause it at some points to do the activities in your home learning books.


Topic – Geography

Draw a compass in your home learning book. Add the points of the compass: north, east, south and west.

Challenge: Can you think of a silly rhyme to help you remember the points of the compass? Miss Parling uses ‘never eat shredded wheat!’ (north, east, south and west).


30 April 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 29 April 2020 by Mrs Latham

The last day of April already. Here is the learning for today but remember to read and work on spellings/times tables too.


Watch the video from BBC Bitesize. There is an activity too.


Choose 2 toys at a time and write the calculations of how much they would cost altogether. Remember to write p after the numerals eg 2p + 10p = 12p

Challenge: Choose 3 or more toys, write the calculation and find out how much they cost altogether. Draw part whole models to match the calculations.


Watch the BBC Bitesize about commands.


Command sentences are used when you are telling someone to do something.

Commands usually start with an imperative verb, also known as a ‘bossy verb’, because they tell someone to do something. You should also use commands when you are writing instructions telling someone how to do something.

Read the commands below.

Fetch me some biscuits.

Tidy your bedroom.

Run as fast as you can.

Challenge : Write three (or more) commands of your own.

Topic – Geography

Watch the video from Miss Parling all about oceans : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYfuX4BcGU

There is also a catchy song all about the oceans too!