
11 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 10 May 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Good morning all!

I hope you’re all well and that you had a lovely weekend.

Remember you can contact your teacher using their email address at any time. You might have a question about your learning or you might be worried about something. Please get in touch and we will help as much as you can.

Here’s a little reminder our email addresses:





Here’s your learning for today…

Year 5 Maths

Your learning for today is multiplication.

Year 6 Maths

You may recall that this week was supposed to be our SATs week. Don’t worry you can recreate that magical feeling from the comfort of your own home. Sharpen your pencil, set your timer to 30 minutes and take the 2019 arithmetic paper. Scroll through the questions and use your exercise book to write down your answers and working out. You don’t have to wait weeks to find out how well you did; the answers will be revealed tomorrow.

Year 5/6 Reading

For your learning today, complete this BBC Bitesize lesson.

Year 5/6 Geogrpahy

Your learning today is about trade and economic activity.

There is a link to BBC Bitesize below. Have a go at the quiz tasks 1 and 2.



8 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 07 May 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Today’s learning will be all about VE day to celebrate the 75 years since the end of WWII.

There will be a two-minute silence at 11am today.

VE Day video and how the celebrations will be different this year.

What is VE day?
VE Day – or Victory in Europe Day, marks the day towards the end of World War Two (WW2) when fighting against Nazi Germany in Europe came to an end.
On 8 May 1945, Prime Minister Winston Churchill made an announcement on the radio at 3pm that the war in Europe had come to an end, following Germany’s surrender the day before.

Reading task
Read the PowerPoint to find out more about what happened on VE day and how World War II came to an end.

Maths task
Morse code – Can you crack these codes?

Optional tasks
1. Make a VE day poster full of the facts you have found out.

2. Create your own VE day flag or bunting version 1

union-jack-template-display-bunting_version 2

3. Make some wartime recipes

4. Learn some wartime songs  (words) audio 


08 May 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 07 May 2020 by Mrs Latham

Happy VE Day! You might be busy with your family today or enjoying the bank holiday as a day off. If not, here are a few things you can do.


Complete the halves and doubles fluency :

Reading – karaoke/sing-a-long

This is a famous song sung by Vera Lynn at the end of the war. Join in, read the words and sing along!

Topic – VE Day

Write down any facts you can remember about VE Day, draw a picture or make a poster.

If you can, you could also have your own VE Day celebration. You could display your flags that you made on Tuesday. You could decorate your house or dress up in red, white and blue. You might be able to bake or make something to eat at the party. You could make a flag to wave. Try to have a fun day, but stay safe.



08 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 07 May 2020 by Mr Catherall

Happy Friday, everyone!

Keep your trick shot challenges coming in! There has definitely been more from 56M – come on 56S and 56OB!

Later today, at 3pm, the quiz of the week will return to the class news section. Check that out for a bit of fun with your family.

Today marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the war in Europe. We call it Victory in Europe Day or VE Day for short. In 1945, there were three whole days of celebrations including parades, street parties, a service of thanksgiving and a concert in central London! As you can imagine, people were extremely relieved and thrilled that the war was over and, from then on, the 8th of May each year was a public holiday.

Your three tasks today are optional; feel free to do none, one, two or all of them.

In order to find out all about VE Day, you might want to  read this PowerPoint or watch this clip about VE Day celebrations.

Task One

Task one is to make your own radio or TV broadcast pretending to be Winston Churchill announcing the Victory in Europe.
Things to think about…
– What would you say?
– How would you say it?
– How would you feel?
– How would the British public feel?
– Can you include any information you’ve just read?
You could either write it down, perform it or even record your announcement.


Task Two

The Royal Mint has released a special £2 coin to mark the 75th anniversary of VE Day. This Newsround article explains more about this.

Once you’ve read the information, have a go at designing your own £2 coin to mark this occasion.

Task Three

Music was an important part of the celebrations. Today, you can make your own musical instruments using clean junk or bits and bobs from around your house. Check out this website for inspiration. Can you make a guitar, drum or even a xylophone?

As always we’d love to hear about what you’ve been up to so please email your class teacher.

07 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 06 May 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hey everyone

I hope you’re all well and are staying happy and healthy. Thanks to the people who are regularly in touch – it’s great to hear from you. Don’t forget you can email your class teacher for help, or even just to say hello.

Also, don’t forget to regularly check out the class news section of the website. Here, you’ll find lots of things that will hopefully keep you entertained. Last Friday, for example, I made a quiz of the week for you to have a go at with your families. I’ll do this again this week – it will go live at 3pm every Friday.

One last thing before we get started. Tomorrow, May 08, is a bank holiday. We have this bank holiday to celebrate VE day. With this in mind, because some families might just want to enjoy the day together, your home learning will be optional. There will be three tasks, based on VE day, and you can choose to do none, some, or all of them.

Here is your learning for today…

Y5 Maths

Your learning today is multiplication.

Check out this video.

Then, if you’re up for it, give these challenges a go.

Y6 Maths

Answers for yesterday can be found on this page of maths is fun.

Starter: spend 15 minutes on Times Tables Rockstars.

Here is another video lesson.  Make sure you pause as the answers are on the next slide.

Y5,6 Reading

As this is our last reading lesson of the week, I’d like you to do something a little different – but really important!

Your learning today is to just enjoy reading. You can read whatever you want, wherever you want for as long as you want. You could choose to read a book, a magazine, something online, a comic…whatever you like. You could even read more than one thing!

I would like you though to email your class teacher. In your email, you should put the following information…

  • What you read
  • Where you read it – go extreme (in a tree, maybe?!)
  • What you liked about it

Y5,6 Topic

Your geography themed learning today is about mountains and tourism.

Check out this video.

07 May 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 06 May 2020 by Mrs Latham

Good morning everyone. We hope you are all still doing a bit of reading and times tables each day.


Watch Mrs Lake talking about half turns : https://vimeo.com/414833985

Reading – Phonics

Read the real and alien words aloud to yourself, a grown up, a pet or a teddy. Add sound buttons to any unfamiliar words and then blend the sounds together. Copy the real words into your home learning book with lead-in lines (Y1) or with joined handwriting (Y2).

Challenge : Put each real word into a sentence.

Topic – History

Read about VE day.

7 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 06 May 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello children.

Tomorrow is VE day. We have some activities planned for you tomorrow, and all your learning will be linked to the VE day celebrations in some way. You may have some ideas for celebrating this day at home already. Please let us know what you will be doing, or send your teacher a photo of what you did.

Keeping active: What is your super move of the day?

Here is your learning:

Maths Y3 and Y4

Y3 Maths -06.05.20 answers

As tomorrow’s tasks will be slightly different due to the bank holiday, we’ll have our challenges day today instead. Here’s a link to another four problems from BBC Bitesize.


How many of them will you conquer? Answers are on the link too but suggested workings out will be posted tomorrow. Here are some things to remember when approaching each challenge. Given the content, Challenge 4 might be more accessible to Year 4 than Year 3.

Top Tips – Challenge 1:

Read the text carefully to avoid falling into traps. Think about what ‘half’ means and for the second part in particular, think about ‘half’ isn’t.

Top Tips – Challenge 2

Take time to understand the information that has been given. Bar modelling would help with this.

Top Tips – Challenge 3:

This is quite a long problem. Breaking it down into smaller chunks and showing your working will help you to avoid mistakes.

Top Tips – Challenge 4:

You are asked to find two ways but can you find all solutions? Think about how you might approach this systematically (in order).  It’s useful to remember that 1000ml = 1l .


Answers for Wednesday_s reading task

Explorer story – Friday


types of shading

Story – read by Mrs McCormick

The Night Shimmy


06 May 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 05 May 2020 by Mrs Latham

Wednesday already! Here is the learning for today.


Mrs Latham has made a video all about half past :


Challenge : Draw some clocks showing some half past times.


Today’s reading is a Phase 3 phonics review by Mrs Latham : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYftlYA7sQ


Make a map showing a route or journey you know well. It might be your journey to school, if you can remember it! It might be a local walk that you have been doing or it could even be an imaginary journey. Make sure you give your map a title, a key and clear symbols.

6 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 05 May 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Good morning boys and girls!

There are a lot more video lessons this week – we hope you’re enjoying them.

Don’t forget to keep up with your daily times tables and individual reading. They are REALLY important and keep your brain in good shape.

What are you doing for your daily exercise?

Check out some street dance moves to keep you in shape (18 mins).

Happy learning!


Y3 Maths:

Here’s a link to a task on adding two three-digit numbers.  This is a really important skill to revisit every now and then because there are some traps that are easy to forget about. Have a go at all three activities in this link.

During the video, they use the terms ‘number column’ and ‘carry’. Throughout school, we refer to these as ‘column addition’ and ‘exchanges’. In the title of activity two, they use the word ‘regrouping’. Again, we opt for saying ‘exchanges’.

If you haven’t got a pack of playing cards for activity three, you could create what you need using some scrap paper.


Y4 Maths

Video lesson


Answers to Tuesday_s questions

The climb – Wednesday


Verbs task sheet

Test questions : verb and nouns

Topic Geography ANSWERS compass points

Story – read by Mrs McCormick 

On a beam of light The Story of Albert Einstein

06 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 05 May 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Good morning and happy Wednesday. Your learning for today is below, however don’t forget to enjoy a book when you get chance. This might be one that you’ve got from school, or you might have that favourite book that you haven’t read for ages. Find a quiet spot and enjoy a good read!

Whist you are getting on with your work today, have a think about which of the 8 R’s you are using. Have you had to be resilient? Are you reflecting on what you are learning? Are you taking safe risks?

Here is your learning for today…

Year 5 Maths

Your learning today is multiplication.


Wednesday challenges

Year 6 Maths

Welcome to the polygon party.

Watch the short video about identifying polygons and then play the fill in the gaps quiz.

Write five of your own questions about identifying polygons.

The interior angles of an equilateral triangle total 180 degrees.

The interior angles of a square total 360 degrees.

(n-2) x 180

n stands for the number of sides. We can use this equation to calculate the interior angles of any regular polygon.

E.g. triangle = (3 -2) x 180 = 180

Square = (4-2) x180 = 360

Work out the interior angle totals for a pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon and decagon.

Year 5/6 Reading

Today, we’re going to take a break from our ‘Hobbit’ themed reading learning. Instead, I’d like you to complete this BBC Bitesize lesson (https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zfx6t39). This is the English lesson from 01 May – The London Eye Mystery by Siobhan Dowd.

Year 5/6 Art

Today, we are going to use our artistic talents! I am always amazed at optical illusions (where your eyes deceive your brain) and I find them fascinating. I thought we could all have a go at making our own!

Why are we doing this?

During this school year, we have been learning about different skills that can be used in paintings, drawings and sketches to improve our artistic abilities. Skills such as shading and colour choice are vital when improving form. This task is a great way to improve our skills and create an exciting optical illusion!

Look at this lesson from Oak National Academy and have a go at making your own.

I would love to see some of your finished pieces – don’t worry if you go wrong, I’m currently on my 3rd attempt! Please email myself (Mr Freeman), or any of your class teachers with your finished illusions.