
05 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 04 June 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hi again everyone

Well done on smashing your first week of home learning! It’s hard getting back into a routine but I hear that many of you have.

There’s still loads of people who haven’t been in touch for a while. We’d love it if you could give us an email so we can find out about all the great things you’ve been up to.

Here’s your home learning for today…

Y5 Maths


Click on the link above to practice your multiplication skills. You will be playing ‘Hit the button.’ Select the mixed option for times tables and have a go at ‘Hit the answer’ and ‘Hit the question.’

Your learning today is about volume. You will be converting units of volume.

Click on the following link for this lesson.

Friday’s lesson

Y6 Maths


Log into Times Tables Rockstar and brush up on your multiplication and division skills for 15 minutes.

This BBC bitesize lesson should remind you of how to convert a decimal into a fraction. Complete activity 1 and 2.

Y5,6 Reading

To finish of this week, you are going to create your own RIC questions and text.

Using your dream job, write a short extract (1 or 2 paragraphs) using the information you know about this job role from earlier in the week. Once you have written this, create 3 RIC questions to go along with your text for other people to answer. Here are some things you can include in your extract:

  • Job title/role
  • Uniform
  • Reasons for choosing this job as a career path
  • Why this is your dream job
  • Facts that you know about this role.

For your RIC questions, you do not need to do one of each (retrieval, inference, writer’s choice), if you wanted to do three retrieval questions, that is completely fine.

Please email your class teacher with your finished extract and RIC questions – we look forward to reading them!

Y5,6 Writing

Watch this video from Mr Catherall to find out about your learning today.



We hope you all have a happy and healthy weekend!

04 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 03 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Happy Thursday boys and girls!

Can you remember what noun phrases are from yesterday’s learning? Check out this Super-movers video as a reminder – you can sing along if you know it!

Here are your tasks for today:


Y3 – Consolidate your learning on unit and non-unit fractions by watching the following link. There is a quiz at the beginning and at the end, so get ready. Throughout the video you will be asked to pause and write
down some answers on a piece of paper.

Unit and Non-unit fractions

Y4 – Video lesson x12


Answers 03.06.20

Video Lesson

Task 04.06.20 PDF


As summer is here, we will be looking at plants. Have you been growing any plants in your garden?

  • What do you need for plants to grow well?

The first part of our learning is to investigate the conditions for plants to grow. Here is a link to a great lesson from Oak National Academy.


Story – read by Mrs McCormick

Oscar and Hoo 

04 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 03 June 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hey everyone

We’re well into our first week back of home learning now. I hope you’ve enjoyed it and have managed to get back into some kind of routine – I know it’s really tricky but it’s also really important.

The weather the last couple of days hasn’t been as good as we’ve been used to. This means we might be stuck inside a little more than usual. Some of you might find it trickier to stay happy and healthy (physically, emotionally and mentally). That’s absolutely fine – we all have tricky days! One thing I’ve found that really helps me is to speak to people. Give someone from outside your household a call today (a friend of family member). You’ll help brighten up their day and you’ll feel great after, too.

Here’s your home learning for today…

Y5 Maths


Click on the link above to practice your division skills with Mrs H.

Your learning today is about volume. You will be describing volume in cubic units.

Click on the following link for this lesson.

Thursday’s lesson

Y6 Maths

Let’s review our knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Watch the video and complete activity 1 and 2.

Y5,6 Reading

Complete this reading task. The text in this task may look familiar year 5/6!

You do not need to watch the teaching video if you do not feel like you need to – you can flick through the slides on your own and work through the lesson independently.


Y5,6 Topic

Watch this video from Mr Catherall to find out about your learning today.



As always, if you have any questions, get in touch with your class teacher by email. Also, if you haven’t been in touch yet, please email us. Let us know how you’re getting on, how you’re feeling and what you’ve been up to. We’d love to hear from you!





04 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 03 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Good day to everyone!


On a magic square, all the rows and columns add up to the same amount. On this square, it is 9.

How many different ways can you do it?

Challenge : Make some magic squares of your own, remember each row and column must add up to the same amount.


Have a go at the Phase 5 activities below.

Topic – Science

What plants can you find outside? Watch this BBC Bitesize clip about plants : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zpxnyrd/articles/zw2y34j

Go on a plant hunt in your house/garden or on a walk, if you can.

Use the checklist below, write a list, draw or take photos, if you can.

03 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 02 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello children. How are you all getting on with this week’s home learning? Why not email your teacher about your favourite learning so far this week. If you have any questions or problems, we are here to help you. Just give us a shout!

Need some help with your times tables? Check these videos out:

Y3 times tables song

Y4 times tables song

Here are your activities for today:


Y3 Video Lesson

Y3 Non-unit fractions: Task PDF

Y4 Video Lesson


Answers 02.06.20

Video Lesson

03.06.20 Task PDF


Writing – expanded noun phrases

Types of determiners 

Story – read by Mrs McCormick

The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore 

03 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 02 June 2020 by Mr Lindsay

It’s the perfect day to dive into a good book, comic, magazine or online article. Remember to spend at least 20 minutes per day reading. This could be by yourself, to an adult or even a pet.

Year 5 Maths


Click on the link above for today’s task. You will be playing Snowboard Slalom. Select the multiplication option and then year 5/6. Click on all the times tables that are in the list. You can select your speed also. I could only manage the slow option as I kept crashing! I’m sure you will do better than me.

Your learning today is about volume. You will be estimating the volume of objects.

Click on the following link for this lesson.

Wednesday’s lesson

Year 6 Maths 

Here are the answers to yesterday’s clues. Thanks for helping Mr Lindsay and Miss Greaves escape.

Today your task is to make up your own escape room clues. Write a set of five clues. You can choose whichever area of maths that you prefer. Send your escape room clues (and answers) to marklindsay@spherefederation.org so they can be posted to the class news page for others to solve.

If you really want a challenge, then film yourself giving the clues. Great acting isn’t essential as you can tell by Mr Lindsay’s video.

Year 5/6 Reading

Read for pleasure

Choose a book that you enjoy, a magazine, or perhaps a topic you would like to research online to read. Mr Freeman is currently reading about the current safety measures used in football – it’s very interesting!

Year 5/6 Geography

Watch this video to find out about your learning today.

You will need this timetable and this map for your main task.

03 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 02 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Hope you are getting back into the swing of home learning? Here are today’s tasks.


Part whole models can have more than 2 parts. Complete the part whole models.

Challenge : Make some more part whole models with 3 parts. Choose a number for the whole and then make it using three parts.


Watch the phonics Phase 5 review  : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYhO29pl2b

Topic – Science

Watch the BBC Bitesize video about what plants need : https://youtu.be/_RXVhiUnTA8

Make a poster about what a plant needs to survive. There is an idea below.


02 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Monday 01 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Morning everyone. Here are your tasks for today.


Add these numbers together. Look for pairs of number that make 10 first, then add the third number. Remember, addition is commutative so you can add the numbers in any order.

Challenge : Add the three multiples of 10 – look for the pair that makes 100 to make it easier.


Re-read text about sunflowers from yesterday. Answer the questions below.

Topic – Science

Watch the BBC Bitesize video about the different parts of a plant : https://youtu.be/bLhTgTwbYMI

Challenge : Have a go drawing and labelling the different parts of a plant.


02 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 01 June 2020 by Mrs Hogarth


Hope you are all well today and ready for another day of home learning.

Below are some spellings that you can have a go at this week. These words are ‘tricky’ as they don’t follow any particular spelling rule:









Here is your learning for today…

Year 5 Maths


Log in to TT Rockstars and see if you can improve your speed!

Your learning today is about volume. You will be investigating cubed numbers.

Just like yesterday, there is a little quiz to get you started.

Click on the following link for this lesson.

Tuesday’s lesson

Year 6 Maths

Thanks for your help yesterday. Only 5 more clues to go. Watch the video for the answers to yesterday’s lesson and solve the rest of the clues.

Year 5/6 Reading

Today’s task follows on from yesterday, using jobs and money as our learning area. Complete today’s retrieval and inference questions using the picture provided.

Retrieval and inference questions

Challenge: Using your dream job (you can use what you wrote in yesterday’s task). Can you answer the same questions about your chosen job?

Year 5/6 Science

In this lesson you will learn all about magnets

Complete this BBC Bitesize lesson.

02 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 01 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Good Morning everyone!

We hope you are back into the routine of home learning. There are three main tasks for your learning each day: Maths, Reading and Topic. Each of these tasks should take about 30-40 mins to complete. This is as well as your daily times tables practice and your individual reading. Please contact your teacher to let them know how you are getting on. Happy learning!

Are you feeling fit and full of energy? This mountain bike exercise helps with reaction times and core strength.

Here are your activities for today:


Y3 – Video lesson

Unit Fractions – task sheet PDF

Y4 – Video lesson


Answers from 01.06.20

Video lesson

Reading task 02.06.20



Today, your task is to learn some Spanish. What can you remember already?
Can you remember any letters in the alphabet or the numbers in Spanish? Follow this link to a Spanish lesson and see if you are correct.


Marcy and the riddle of the Sphinx Part 1

Marcy and the riddle of the Sphinx Part 2