
10 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 09 June 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Happy Wednesday!

We hope you are all feeling happy and healthy today and that you are full of beans ready to complete your home learning.

Remember that it’s still really important to make sure you are reading at home. You might have just got yourself a new book, or you might be enjoying reading a book that you’ve read before. If you recommend any books, please let us know and we can let other people know and they can enjoy it too!

Here is your learning for today…

Year 5 Maths


Log in to TT Rockstars and practice your multiplication skills.

Your learning for today is about comparing two or more fractions.

Compare fractions

Year 6 Maths

Here are the answers to the negative number crossword from yesterday.

Since last week’s escape game was such a roaring success, here is another problem solving activity. Watch the video and use this document to help find the culprit!

Year 5/6 Reading

Love of reading.
Today is our love of reading session. Choose a book that you like, a newspaper, or perhaps an online topic that you are interested about to read for pleasure.

Year 6 

Watch and complete this video lesson by Mr Freeman. You will be completing some art linked to topic today.


10 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 09 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello all of you wonderful little people in Year 3/4! The teachers are back in school but we are still enjoying seeing what everyone is doing at home . Please keep sending us photos. We might not be able to respond to emails as quickly as before but we will get round to it!

Can you dance the Samba? Here is a groovy 6 minute video to some Samba dance moves to get you moving today. (If you scroll down the link, you can create your own dance and even enter a competition.)

Here are your activities for today:


Y3 Video Lesson

Y4 Video Lesson


Reading answers 09.06.20

Video Lesson 

Today’s Task 10.06.20


Did you enjoy the Spanish lesson last week? How much did you remember?
This week, you will be learning to introduce yourself in Spanish! You will also get the chance to check how much you have remembered from last week.

Introducing yourself in Spanish

Story – read by Mrs McCormick

Iron Man #2

09 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 08 June 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hi all

Yesterday, we asked for people to get in touch – a huge thank you to those of you who did. If you didn’t, that’s OK but we’d love to hear from you soon.

I thought I’d start Tuesday off with a joke…

Why did the kid throw her alarm clock out the window?

She wanted to see time fly!

HAHA! Get it? Classic joke. If you have a funny joke, send it to your class teacher. The more you laugh, the more you smile. The more you smile the happier you feel!

Here’s your learning for today…

Y5 Maths

Starter by Mrs Hogarth. 

Your learning for today is about converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.

Improper fractions

Y6 Maths

As part of our place value review, today we are going to work with negative numbers. Read the information and watch the video to recap negative numbers. The task is a negative numbers crossword. -43 would take up three spaces. You could print the sheet or draw the crossword into your book. Remember to use the blank number line with the number 0 to help you solve the questions.

Y5,6 Reading

Watch and complete this video lesson by Mr Catherall.

You’ll need these questions Tuesday – activity for your main task. And, this link to the whole First News paper for the challenge.

Y5,6 Topic

Watch and complete this video lesson by Mr Catherall.

Have a great day!

09 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Monday 08 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Morning everyone. Here is the learning for today.


Watch the video about number lines : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zknsgk7/articles/z3t94j6

Write calculations to show what is on each number line. The first one has been done for you.

Challenge : You could draw your own number line to solve the calculations if you can’t print it out.


Watch the video about the Colour Monster story : https://youtu.be/Ih0iu80u04Y

Answer questions at end of video.

  1. There were mainly five different coloured feelings. Name them all and how they made the Colour Monster feel.
  2. What about the colour pink? How do you think that made the Colour Monster feel?

Topic – Living and Learning

Today is ‘Empathy Day’ created by  EmpathyLab.uk.

Empathy is a vital human force, creating happier children, stronger communities and a better world. We’ve never needed it more than right now. We’ll help everyone understand and experience the power of empathy through books. Scientists say that we can train our brain with stories, as the more we empathise with characters, the more we can understand other people’s feelings. Throughout the day, we’ll be running brilliant online events and fun home-based activities to help children read, connect and act using empathy. Authors, illustrators, schools, libraries, and families across the UK will be taking part and we’d love for you to join in! Join in here : https://www.empathylab.uk/empathy-day-20204bde2d62

Knowing that we are all the same but different is important for children. Here is a story to watch : https://youtu.be/hUrjb4SZnxg

Have a look at the pictures and think about how you are feeling today. Draw a picture of how you felt yesterday and how you feel today. Are they the same? Emotions change all the time and it is ok to have different emotions. They don’t last forever.

09 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 08 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Good morning!

Today is Empathy Day, 09 June 2020 – Read, Connect, Act!

The day is launched at 9:30am, Empathy Lab news page , with author Cressida Cowell. There are many great authors talking live throughout the day on this site – it’s well worth checking out. You can download extra resources Family Activity Pack .

Need something to get you going today? Try the triangle dance.

Please email your teacher this week with any update of your progress. Maybe it’s improved spellings, times tables speed, books you have read or just a photo of what you have achieved. Each day, you have a Maths, a Reading and a Topic lesson. They should take about 30-40 mins each. Please make sure you continue with your daily times tables and individual reading too. Thank you to everyone who has emailed so far this term.

Here are your tasks for today:


Y3 Counting in tenths Video lesson and task 

Y4 Video lesson Quadrilaterals 2


Video Lesson



Lockdown reflection task 2

What I have learned about myself in lockdown

Story – read by Mrs McCormick

The Iron Man #1

08 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 07 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello children and welcome to Week 2 of Summer Term 2.

How was your weekend?

I liked this image of SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the company’s Crew Dragon spacecraft,  launched on NASA’s SpaceX Demo-2 mission to the International Space Station. Amazing stuff!

Have you been following it too? Find out more here.

Here are your tasks for today:

Weekly Spelling

This week, we’re looking at words which contain the sh sound. This sound can be written in lots of different ways. See the list below:











Your task is to practice some of these words using one or two of the spelling strategies.


Y4 answers to Friday’s ‘A square of numbers’ 

Y4 answers to Friday’s ‘Domino square’

Y4 Video Lesson times tables facts

Y4 Video lesson Quadrilaterals

Y3 – Video lesson – Making a Whole

Y3 making a whole:task PDF



Video lesson


Lockdown reflection part 1 

Emotional Rollercoaster task sheet


Mixed‘ read by Mrs McCormick

Mixed story PDF (with printable resources)

This story raises questions about race and diversity. First News have released an ‘I Don’t Get It’ video made in partnership with Sky, asking why racism is still a big issue in our world. This resource aims to help you understand this global crisis. Watch here

08 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Sunday 07 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Our home-learning posts are continuing but staff are in school full-time now, so the amount of teacher videos will be less.

Try to keep reading for at least twenty minutes per day. If you have run out of your own books to read there is a fab online library of eBooks to read on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/ Just register on the website, log in and choose what you want to read.

Weekly spellings :

Y1 : turn, fur, down, now, coin, point, hear, beard

Y2 : camel, tunnel, squirrel, travel, towel, tinsel, angel, jewel, kennel, bagel

Times tables : If you ready, start learning x6 (link to x3) OR keep going with times 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10 and divide 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10


Watch the video about addition being commutative (it can be done in any order) : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cY1h19p9wU

Tell the story of each picture and write as many equal calculations as you can about the picture.

Eg 2+3+4 = 3+2+4 or 4+3+2 = 3+4+2


Watch the video about a story called The Colour Monster : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cY1h1Ep9UC

Then read the story and look for the key vocabulary.

Topic – Art/DT

Have a go at drawing or making your own colour monster. You could use one of the templates below, make your own or ‘draw with Rob’ : 



08 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 07 June 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hi everyone

We hope you all had a happy and healthy weekend. We hear that lots of you are getting back into the routine of home learning – that’s great. Don’t forget three other super important parts of thriving during times like these:

  1. Stay connected – get in touch with friends and family (or your teachers!) for a chat; you’ll all feel better after.
  2. Exercise – the weather isn’t great at the moment but there’s still plenty of ways to keep fit. Try going for a walk, a run, doing a circuit in your garden or join thousands of others for PE with Joe.
  3. Talk about your feelings – hands up if you’ve had a few ‘down days’. I know I have (and so have many others, too). That’s OK – in fact, it’s perfectly normal. One thing we all know we can do to help ourselves is to talk openly about it. Speak to adults at home or your friends. If you prefer, email us – we’d love to help!

A reminder of email addresses (we want to hear from all of you!):





Here’s your home learning for today:

Y5 Maths


Click on the link above for today’s starter by Mrs Hogarth.

I could sense that you were all missing learning about fractions, so this is what we are learning about this week. I hope you have all just cheered out loud at home!

Your learning for today is about using multiplication and division to find equivalent fractions.

Equivalent fractions

Y6 Maths

This week, we are going to review our place value knowledge. Watch this video from Mr Lindsay, pausing to answer the questions.

Y5,6 Reading

Watch and complete this video lesson by Mr Catherall.

You’ll need this text for the main task.

Y5,6 Topic

Watch and complete this video lesson by Mr Catherall.

Enjoy your learning and, as always, get in touch if you need any help.

05 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 04 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Happy Friday! Another week done. Enjoy the weekend.


Have a go at the Friday challenges from White Rose Maths. There are more problems to solve here if you want : https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/classroom-resources/problems/

Reading – phonics

Read the postcard to June. It contains lots of split digraphs, which children often find tricky to read at first. See how many you can spot. If you can print it, you could put sound buttons on the words (the first one has been done to you) or you could write a list of all the words containing split digraphs.

Topic – science

Read the instructions and match them to the correct picture. (You could just match the number and letter if it can’t be printed.)


05 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 04 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello children!

We hope that you are all feeling happy and healthy today.

Thank you to everyone who has emailed their teacher so far this week.  If you have any questions or problems to ask your teacher,  then please let us know – we are here to help you! It might just be a quick email to say hello, or a photo of your learning.

The weather has cooled down a bit since the weekend and we’ve had some rain. Here are some spider-man inspired yoga (13 mins) exercises you can do inside your house.

If you like Ant and Dec, and David Walliams then you can watch them today on the NSPCC website at 9:30am (or on NSPCC facebook page).

Here are your tasks for today:


Y3 – RIC : fractions 

Times tables: At the beginning of the week, we asked you to focus on your 3x tables. Even if it’s just 5 minutes a day, the regular practice really helps you to remember your multiplication facts. How have you been getting on? Here are 40 questions. Challenge your speed – 3x tables 5 min challenge

Y4 – Strengthen your problem solving skills with these 2 ‘square’ problems:

Square of numbers

Domino square

Times tables: At the beginning of the week, we asked you to focus on your 12x tables. Even if it’s just 5 minutes a day, the regular practice really helps you to remember your multiplication facts. How have you been getting on? Here are 40 questions. Challenge your speed – 12x tables 5 min challenge


Answers 04.06.20

Reading Book Club:
In class, we’d usually have a Love of Reading session each week where we read something that we love. Adults use the time to read with children.
Today, I’d like you to…
 Get really comfy: wear some thick socks, a dressing gown or wooly jumper. Sit somewhere soft and relaxing.
 Turn all electronic devices off: TVs, radios, computers, phones, tablets etc.
 Spend some quality time reading with each other. Read aloud, take it in turns, put on voices for characters, re-read things to improve how you’re reading them. Talk about what you’re reading. Which are the best bits? Why? Does it remind you of other things you’ve read or watched? Do you know anything about parts of it from other knowledge that you have? What do you think of the characters? What will happen next? Why do you think that?

Topic DT – Design a room
Could you design and make a model room? What a fun activity!
Watch the clip of the designer making a mini version of a room. You could use an old box or cut up a cereal packet to make the shape of your room. It doesn’t have to be same measurements as the designer on the screen. Use what you have. You could decorate the model room using old paper, wall paper, magazines, paint or crayons – use what you have. You could make the furniture from items ready for recycling or even Lego bricks. Be creative!

Have fun and send a photo of your model to your teacher.

Story – read by Mrs McCormick

The Great Tug of War