
29 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 28 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello and welcome to Week 5 of Summer Term 2.

This week, we will be continuing with our ‘plants’ topic.

  • What plants do you have growing in your garden?
  • Have you been growing any plants in your garden?

Here is a photo of Tommy’s flower he made last week – well done, Tommy!

Spelling – re words 

Find out the meaning of the prefix ‘re’. How does it change the meaning of the word? Learn to spell these words by using them correctly in a sentence.

  1. reappear
  2. refund
  3. recreate
  4. refresh
  5. redo
  6. rebuild
  7. reconsider
  8. regroup
  9. react
  10. recycle

Challenge: Find 5 more re words and understand their meaning.

Here is your learning for today:


Video answers from Friday’s family Maths challenges

Year 3  – Video Lesson and task 

Year 4 –Video Lesson


Video Lesson  and RIC task  and answers

Topic –

Follow this easy step by step by step PDF guide to drawing leaves that I found on the Eden Project website. You will learn to closely observe a leaf and produce a careful sketch. In order to complete this activity, you will need to collect a couple of different shaped leaves from your garden or nearby park.

Visit the Eden Project website for other creative ideas.

Story – read by Mrs McCormick 

Arthur and the Golden Rope – part 1 (14 mins)

Arthur and the Golden Rope – part 2 (7 mins)

Library books: If you have any Scholes library books at home, then where possible, please can you return them to school. There will be a box outside school for this. Thank you!

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26 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 25 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

Have a fabulous Friday everyone. Here are the last activities for this week.


Have a go at the Friday maths challenges.

If you want more challenges or problems have a look here : https://whiterosemaths.com/resources/classroom-resources/problems/


Read the amazing giraffe fact then fill in the missing words. You could just read and fill them in by saying them or, if you have time, copy out the information and fill in the missing words as you go.


Giraffes spend most of their day eating. Make a diary of what you eat in one day. You could write a list or draw what you eat.

If you are feeling like you need some exercise have a go at this Cosmic Yoga video : https://youtu.be/lFbWNmzPByQ

26 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 25 June 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Good morning and happy Friday!

Hope you are all happy and healthy and ready for your final day of home learning this week.

Year 5 Maths


Click on the link above for today’s starter.

Your learning for today is about fractions of amounts.

Fractions of amounts

Year 6 Maths

Following on from yesterday’s lesson about converting metric measurements, today you are going to convert imperial to metric measures – miles to kilometres.

Year 5/6 Reading

Your learning today is retrieval. Watch this video to find out more. You’ll need this document to complete your learning.

Year 5/6 Living and learning

Today is our living and learning lesson. Our current weekly statement is ‘I tell the truth and say sorry if I need to’. Watch Mr. Freeman’s video to find out more.

26 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 25 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

It’s Friday! Who’s got that Friday feeling? Well done for another week of Home Learning – what did you enjoy the most?

Today, I’d like to share a riddle with you to get your brains awake and working this morning:

“Mary has four daughters, and each of her daughters has a brother – how many children does Mary have?”

Have a little think about it and maybe a chat with your family over breakfast or lunch, and then let me know if you think you’ve got it! And remember… keep it to yourself! Get thinking.

Here are some activities from iMoves to keep you busy today and over the weekend.

Here are the top 5 Active Blasts:

✅ Mountain Bike (https://imoves.com/home-learning/723)

✅ Disco (https://imoves.com/home-learning/1252)

✅ Combat (https://imoves.com/home-learning/1141)

✅ Chairobics (https://imoves.com/home-learning/800)

 Samba (https://imoves.com/home-learning/1341)

Here is your learning for today:


Year 3 – times tables challenge. Don’t forget to email your scores!

Year 3 /4 – Problem Solving Friday – family challengesThe most suitable questions for Year 3 and Year 4 are 1, 2, 3, 4 &5. But why don’t you work with your family on the rest of the problems. Do as many as you can! Help each other out. (answers)


Video Lesson  and quiz answers 

Topic – Spanish
It’s time for your weekly Spanish lesson. Today, you will learn how to say the date in Spanish. Have fun!

Story read by Mrs Wadsworth- The three little pigs and the big bad wolf


25 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 24 June 2020 by Mrs Latham


Have a go at the challenge below.


Watch the video and read the fact file about giraffes : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cY1D6ZCat1

Challenge : Make your own fact file about another animal that you know about. It could be your pet or your favourite animal.

Topic – Living and Learning

How you ever thought that you couldn’t do something but found out later that you could? How did you feel?

Draw a picture or write about something that has made you feel proud about learning something new.

25 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 24 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello everyone. How are you all doing?

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please get in touch with your class teacher. We really do want to hear from you all as regularly as possible.

Here is your learning for today:


Y3 – Fractions of amounts using bar models: Video lesson and task

Y4 – Video Lesson


Video Lesson

Task and answers

Topic – Parts of a plant part 3

In the Oak academy lesson last week, you looked at parts of a plant. Watch this YouTube video of a flower being taken apart to show all the different parts.

You could have a go at taking apart a lily to see all the different parts of it. However, please be aware that lily pollen is very poisonous to cats. If you have a cat, I would not recommend buying lilies. It is not toxic to humans. Also, the pollen can stain so take care not to get it on your clothes or other materials like curtains, sofas or table cloths.

Task: Have a go at making a flower, labelling its parts. Here are some examples.

You could have a go at making it out of household objects. Here’s one I made. You could test an adult afterwards to see if they can correctly label all the parts!

Or if you have some paper and craft materials handy, you could make it like this:

If you’d like some more practice, or would like to do a different activity, there is a worksheet with the parts to label , and/or a mix and match game you could play.

For the mix and match game, print out the sheets, cut them out then mix them up. Challenge yourself or someone else to match them all up correctly.

Story – read by Mr Gathercole

Goosebumps part 4


25 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 24 June 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hello again everyone

Did you enjoy the sunshine yesterday? Did you stay sun safe? It’s going to be another scorcher so make sure you check out this poster.

Here are your home learning tasks for today. Remember to email your teacher if you have any questions.

Y5 Maths


Click on the link above for today’s starter.

Your learning for today is about solving problems with fractions.

Solving problems

Y6 Maths

Today, you are going to use your knowledge of multiplication to convert between different metric measurements. You all know how to multiply by 10, 100 and 1000 – “To the left, to left.” Remember to show the jumps to check your answer is correct.

Y5,6 Reading

Your learning today is retrieval based on a book called Cogheart. Here is the video.

You’ll also need this text.

Y5,6 Topic

Today we are continuing with our Spanish skills. We have already learnt how to introduce ourselves and how to say our birthdays. Now let’s learn how to say the date!


24 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 23 June 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hi everyone

We hope you’re all happy, healthy and staying safe. We hope you’re all enjoying your home learning, too. The weather is going to be great today so why not get your home learning done nice and early and then try to enjoy the sunshine – if you can do safely (and whilst still observing social distancing).

Recently, someone in my class emailed me to say that they’ve really been enjoying reading. They had the idea that we could ask people for their book recommendations. I think this is a super idea. Send in your recommendations and we’ll post them on the class news section – I’ve heard several people talk about ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class‘ recently.

Here’s your home learning for today…

Y5 Maths


Use the Topmarks website to play ‘Hit the button.’ Put your times table knowledge to the test.

Your learning for today is about multiplying mixed numbers.

Multiplying mixed numbers

Y6 Maths

Now that you have recapped different methods for multiplication on Monday and Tuesday, it is time to do battle in Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica. Play all four levels of the Mysterious Mountains of Multiplication.

Y5,6 Reading

Today you are going to take your learning into your own hands. Choose an extract from a book, a newspaper article, or perhaps an online news report as your learning base. Once you have chosen this, read through it and create a RIC for others to answer.

If you could assemble your RIC base and questions on some form of word document or PowerPoint, that would be great. If not, that’s not a problem either! If you could email your finished tasks to your teacher, we can use them to share with each other and answer later on in the week. Good luck!

Y5,6 Writing

Your learning today is all about using expanded noun phrases. Click here to see the video lesson.

24 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 23 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello Year 3/4 children!

The weather has certainly warmed up so make sure you are safe in the sun. Sun Safe Poster: "Bee Safe in the Sun" | Sun safety activities ...

Library books: Please could you return school library books to school, where possible. Check inside for the label, or for the Leeds Library Service sticker. There will be a box outside school for returned books. Thank you!

Free Library Books Cliparts, Download Free Clip Art, Free Clip Art ...

Here is your learning for today:


Y3 Keep working on your speedy recall of x3, x4, x8 tables – worksheet. You can find more worksheets on the Calculations page of our school website.

Y3 – Calculating non-unit fractions: Video Lesson

Y3 Non-unit fractions of amounts task

Y4 – Line graphs: Video lesson 


Video Lesson

Task and answers

Topic – Art

Making paper flowers – video lesson
Have fun with this easy arty activity by making your own paper flowers. Watch the video, which takes you through each step. Here is the link to the website if you’d like to see the instructions written down.
Please email us a picture of your flowers. Enjoy being creative!

Story – read by Mr Gathercole

Goosebumps – part 3

24 June 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 23 June 2020 by Mrs Latham


Have a go at the problem below.

Complete some more addition of two 2 digit numbers where you cross the ten (make an another 10).

36 + 29 =

56 + 17 =

16 + 45 =

47 + 24 =

66 + 18 =


Watch the Geraldine the Giraffe video about the ‘soft g’ that makes a ‘j’ sound : https://youtu.be/xL4WykIuCRw

Read the words below with the ‘soft g’ sound. Choose 3 words (or more if you want) and put them into a sentence.

Topic – Art

Have a go at drawing a dancing giraffe. Email a picture of it to your teacher, if you can.