
07 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Monday 06 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Enjoy our virtual sports day today!


Subtract the 2 digit numbers from the 2 digit numbers. Show your answer by drawing tens and ones, part wholes, bar models or number lines. are there any you can do without drawing, using what you know about subtraction?

73 – 20 =

88 – 44 =

51 – 11=

69 – 27 =

85 – 22 =

25 – 14 =

36 – 12  =

42 – 10 =

19 – 18 =

94 – 53 =


Watch the video about the Sports Day non-fiction text : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cY1vlb5Fl0


07 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 06 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Mrs Latham has posted about West Yorkshire Virtual School Games Sports Day today. Check it out for your Sporting Activities.

Here are your additional tasks:


Year 3 and 4 – Problem Solving  and copy of Maze worksheet


Task and answers

Story – read by Mrs McCormick

The Dancing Bear part 2  and part 3(final)

07 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 06 July 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Happy Tuesday!

We hope you’re all feeling happy and healthy this morning. Keep an eye out for the Virtual School Games Sports Day. There are some exciting activities planned.

Your learning for today…

Year 5 Maths


Click on the link above for today’s starter.

Your learning for today is about adding decimals with a different number of decimal places.

Year 6 Maths

Today, you will recap your knowledge of finding a percentage of an amount.

Challenge: Use the internet to make a list of items that you’d need for a summer garden party. This might include a trampoline, slip and slide, BBQ or even a garden den. Now, reduce each item by either 10%, 15% or even 25%.

Year 5/6 Reading

Have a go at this BBC Bitesize lesson to improve your knowledge of how to understand texts and unfamiliar words.


Year 5/6 Science

Your learning today is all about science – specifically, insulators and conductors. Watch this video lesson to find out more.

6 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 05 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello and welcome to our Sports Week.Sports Week 2016 – Class 2's Blog

We will have some Sporty activities for you to do each day.

We would like you to set yourself a personal challenge for the week:

It could be:

  •  kicky-ups
  • press-ups
  • burpees
  • bat and ball
  • hopping
  • skipping

You could record your progress in a time challenge, or a tally chart. The Ferrars Academy - Sports Week 26th - 30th June

Test yourself at the beginning of the week and practice everyday so that you improve your score / time at the end of the week. Today, your task is to spend time practising and perfecting a skill. Record your progress throughout the week.

Watch your teacher set themselves a challenge – can you beat the teacher?

Mrs McCormick

Mrs Wadsworth

Mrs Richardson

Mr Gathercole

You can send videos of your challenges to us and we can post them on our Home Learning Heroes. Good luck everyone!

Here is your learning for today:


Year 3 and 4 – Problem solving  and card tricks


Task and answers

Topic- Writing to an artist

Watch this animation again (from last week), by Katy Scott.

We could write to the artist.

  • Is there anything you would like to say to Katy about her work?
  • What questions would you like to ask her?
  • What do you think the themes to Katy Scott’s work are?

Email your questions to Mrs McCormick or Mrs Richardson and we can send a letter to Katy Scott with some of your responses.

Story – read by Mrs McCormick

The Dancing Bear part 1

06 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Sunday 05 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

We’re getting sporty this week! We would’ve had our school sports roundabout by now so we thought some sporty challenges this week would be good. There is also a ‘virtual school sports day’ that West Yorkshire School Games have organised.

This week, you will be finding out which class your child is in for the next academic year, so look out for the email.

Weekly spellings :

Y1 : take, late, gaze, flake, came, chase, even, delete

Y2 : copy, copied, copier, happy, happier, happiest, happiness, cry, crying, cried

Times tables : Choose any times tables and division facts that you want to work on.


Watch the slideshow about subtracting 2 two digit numbers : https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cY1ZiaCWxC

Subtract the 2 digit numbers from the 2 digit numbers. Represent the greatest number as tens and ones and then cross out the number that you are subtracting.

53 – 21 =

48 – 15 =

67 – 32 =

39 – 12 =

85 – 24 =


Read the text about Sports Day.

Find the key vocabulary : Sports Day, May, June, July (there are all proper nouns so begin with a capital letter). Watch the video about proper nouns : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrqqtfr/articles/zpd8ng8

Challlenge : Think of, find or write some more proper nouns. Remember they all need a capital letter.


Personal best challenge :  Choose a skill or activity that you will work on every day and try to improve your personal best. Do the activity for one minute and count how many times you can do it in that time. It could be skips, star jumps, squats or anything you choose.

06 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 05 July 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Good morning!

We hope you’ve had a lovely weekend. The weather hasn’t been too great recently, however remember that it is still important to get outside for some fresh air and get some exercise. Hopefully we will have some sunshine soon.

Year 6 – please remember to email Mr Catherall today with your photos for the leavers video.

Your learning for today is…

Year 5 Maths

I hope you are ready for your Maths learning this week. We will be continuing to look decimals and percentages this week.


Click on the link above for today’s starter.

Your learning for today is about adding decimals using the formal method.

Year 6 Maths

This week is statistics. Have your pen and paper at the ready and watch Mr Lindsay’s video about graphs and circles.

Year 5/6 Reading

Today is our read for pleasure lesson. Choose a book, magazine, newspaper or perhaps an online article to read for your own pleasure.

Year 5/6 DT

Your learning today is design technology. Complete this video lesson from BBC Bitesize.

3 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 02 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Happy Friday!

Hope you are all feeling today? I hope you have all had a good week of home learning.

Next week will be a Sports themed week, so look out for some personal challenges and activities. Fingers crossed for good weather!

Here is your learning for today:

Maths – Two parts: Part 1 – Speedy tables, Part 2 – Problem Solving

Year 3 – Speedy tables and answers  

Year 4 – Speedy tables and answers 

Speedy times tables – explained in a video 

Years 3 and 4 –  problem solving . Answers attached.


Reading Quiz and answers .

Topic – Spanish

It’s time for your weekly Spanish lesson – we know that so many of you are enjoying these lessons.
Today, you will learn how to say how you feel, which is an important thing to be able to do in any language.

Story – read by Mrs Wadsworth


03 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Thursday 02 July 2020 by Mrs Latham


Year 1 : Watch the lesson from Oak Academy reviewing subtraction : https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-subtract-two-digit-numbers-and-ones/activities/2

Year 2 : Watch the video from Oak Academy for some more challenging Year 2 subtraction : https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-apply-subtraction-strategies-to-solve-equations/activities/2

Challenge : Have a go at some more subtractions.


Choose a sound from the orange sound mat (Phase 3). Have a look in magazines or newspapers for any words that have that sound in them. You could make a poster with the words or write the words in a list.


Have a go at the animal sound bingo game : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucuXAYMYttc&authuser=1

Challenge : Make your own sound/listening bingo game.

03 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 02 July 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Happy Friday everyone. Don’t forget to get in touch with your class teacher and let them know how you are getting on.

Year 5 maths

Log on to TT Rockstars and test your multiplication skills.

Your learning for today is about writing percentages as fractions and decimals.

Year 6 maths

Before you take on the Deadly Sea of Shapes, here’s some tips to help you on your journey.

Interior angles of a triangle total 180 degrees.

Interior angles of a quadrilateral total 360 degrees.

Angles in a straight line total 180 degrees.

The radius in a circle is half the size of the diameter.

Good luck.

Year 5/6 reading

Your learning today is about understanding what you’ve read. Complete this First News comprehension.

Year 5/6 topic

Today we are going to recap our knowledge on map scales. Watch Mr. Freeman’s video and follow along with the tasks set.

Why are we doing this?

We have learnt how to use scale, map coordinates, six figure grid references and more during our geography topic this year. It is important to regularly refresh our minds with this knowledge, as accurate map reading can be a vital skill in the real world!

02 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 01 July 2020 by Mr Lindsay

We hope you are having a great week. Don’t forget to check out the class news page to see what your friends have been doing for their home learning.

Year 5 Maths 


Click on the link above for today’s starter.

Your learning today is recognising and understanding percentages.

Year 6 Maths 

Why was the maths teacher late? He took the rhom’ bus.

Now you know how to classify triangles, let’s look at quadrilaterals.

Year 5/6 reading 

Your learning today is all about retrieving facts from a non-fiction text. Watch this video to find out more. You will need this document to complete the main activity. You’ll need to access the whole First News newspaper to complete the challenge.

Year 5/6 Spanish

El come manzanas! Yes, that means he eats apples – it’s one of the only things I know how to say! Today, we are continuing with our Spanish skills – learn how to say how you are feeling.