
17 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 16 July 2020 by Mr Lindsay

If you’re reading this, then congratulations on making to the last home learning day before the summer break.

As this is the last post, it’s a good opportunity to reflect on our learning journey. Take some time to sit with an adult and reflect on all that you have learned this year. It might be learning that has taken place in school or at home.

After your discussion, create a piece of work to show off what you have learned.
Have fun and get creative.

We hope you enjoy your break and we look forward to seeing you in September… Even our Year 6 leavers if you want to pop by and say hello.

16 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 15 July 2020 by Mr Freeman

Good morning everyone

Mr Freeman here officially signing into to my very first website post! I hope you are all happy and well – it’s almost summer after all!

Here’s your home learning for today…

Y5 Maths


Click on the link above for today’s starter. This game allows you to order numbers including decimals and negative numbers – make sure you challenge yourself!

Your learning today is about describing position after translation.

Y6 Maths

Let’s complete our quest by taking on the Battle For Mathematica. Complete all three levels.

Y5,6 English

We’ve used First News a lot this year to help us improve our reading skills – and learn about the world. For the end of the year, they’ve made this quiz of the academic year. Have a go and see how you get on. You could even challenge your family or friends.

Y5,6 Spanish

Here is our Spanish lesson of the week. Learn how to describe the weather.

16 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Wednesday 15 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Maths – symmetry


Use a mirror (if you have one – don’t worry if not) to look round your house for any line of symmetry. Think about what shapes could be folded in half without any overlap. Would each half be a mirror image of itself? eg a window, a table. Take photos, draw them or write a list.


Draw a butterfly. Complete the pattern on one half first and then try to copy the pattern on the other half to create a symmetrical pattern.


Read the farewell letters from each teacher.

Dear 1,2V

I cannot believe we will not get to say a proper goodbye to each other. I hope you are all safe and happy and looking forward to the summer holidays. We will see each other when we all get back to school, even if we are in different classes. Miss you!

Love Mrs Latham


Dear 2KN

I am sad that you’re leaving year two but I’m so glad I got to teach you all. We have had so much fun together and I am proud of each and every one of you. Keep being you.


Miss Lowry & Mrs Lake


Dear 1K

It may not be the end of year we expected but it has been a pleasure to teach you all. I hope you all have a wonderful and well earned break over the summer holidays. I’m looking forward to seeing you all once we return to school.

From Miss Parling


Dear 1,2

You will always hold a special place in my heart because you are my first class. I cannot believe that we will not get to say a proper goodbye to each other. It’s time to enjoy the summer holidays! I’m looking forward to seeing you all when we return to school.

Love Miss Harker

Topic – staying safe online

Read the poster all about staying safe online.

15 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Tuesday 14 July 2020 by Mrs Latham

Maths : time

Think about how long it takes you to do an activity.

Look at the clock when you start and when you finish and work out how much time has gone past. Which activities take the longest amount of time? What activities are quick? Record some of your activities and how long they take in your home learning book.

How many star jumps can you do in 1 minute? Use this to estimate how many you could do in 10 minutes!

Think about what time you do certain activities during the day. What time do you have lunch, go to bed, watch the television? You could make a diary of your day.

Practice reading both analogue and digital clocks.


Read the different ways of saying goodbye in different languages. Can you find any more?

Topic – staying safe online

Watch Episode 3 – Playing games


Talk about how to stay safe when playing games online.


15 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 14 July 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hey everyone

Thanks to those of you that got in touch yesterday – it’s great to hear from you!

Here’s your home learning for today…

Y5 Maths


Use the Topmarks website to play ‘Hit the button.’ Put your times table knowledge to the test.

Your learning for today is about describing positions and coordinates.

Y6 Maths

You are now ready to do battle in Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica. Play all four levels of Ruins of Ratio and Proportion.

Y5,6 Reading

Choose your favourite book at home. Create a short persuasive piece of writing as to why others should read this book.

Some areas to think about:

  • Is this book fiction or non-fiction?
  • What is the book about?
  • Why did this book catch your attention?
  • What age group is this book appropriate for?

Y5,6 Topic

Following on from yesterday, our friends at Hello Hip Hop return to help us develop our colouring skills in the graffiti style. Watch this video first. Then, use this document to have a go at colouring in the word ‘Scholes’. Remember to send your finished piece to your class teacher.

15 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 14 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello boys and girls and welcome to Wednesday!

Only 3 more days to go until the end of term.

Here is your learning for today:


Year 3 and 4: puzzles and challenges and answers attached.

Topic Quiz time again. Here is another quiz to get you thinking:

Quiz time 

Living and Learning

Can you think of anyone who has been a superhero during lockdown?

  •  parents, supermarket workers, Nurses, doctors, teachers.

You are going to develop a character profile of your superhero self, listing five superhero qualities and writing a unique fact about yourselves. As a challenge, you can create a basic comic strip of your superhero self, describing your superhero qualities in a story. You can use the template below or create your own – you decide.

Superhero Me template

Story – read by Mr Gathercole 

Little Red Riding Wolf part 2

14 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 13 July 2020 by Mr Catherall

Hi everyone

We hope you’re all OK. We’re almost at the end of the school year now – it’s certainly been one to remember. We’d love to hear your views about this year. Finish these sentences and send them, by email, to your class teacher:

  • I feel I improved the most in…
  • Something important that I learned this year was…
  • My favourite subject this year has been…
  • What I enjoyed learning the most this year was…
  • Something I’m proud of accomplishing is…
  • Something I’ve learned about myself is…
  • Something I will miss is…
  • I will never forget this year because…

Here’s your home learning for today…

Y5 Maths


Click on the link above for today’s starter. This game is about factors and multiples.

Your learning for today is about describing translations.

Y6 Maths

It’s the last week of year 6 so we had better finish our quest to save Mathematica. In order to prepare for your next battle on Wednesday, learn the mystical art of ratio and proportion in this bitesize lesson.

Y5,6 English


Have a go at this BBC Bitesize lesson on analysing texts.

Y5,6 Art

Yesterday, we learnt about the famous graffiti artist Banksy. Today, we’re going to continue our art learning by developing our own style. Our friends at Hello Hip Hop have sent us a video to help us create effects on our graffiti. Watch this video and then have a go at one (or more) of your own. You could choose to write whatever as long as it is appropriate.

14 July 2020 : Home learning

Posted on Monday 13 July 2020 by Mrs Latham


Odd and even numbers investigation

  • Write a number line from 1-20. Circle all the odd numbers in one colour and all the even numbers in another colour.
  • Count in 2s. Are the numbers odd or even? Describe the pattern.
  • Count in 5s. Are the numbers odd or even? Describe the pattern.
  • Add two even numbers. Is the answer odd or even? Try with some more even numbers. What do you notice?
  • Add two odd numbers. Is the answer odd or even? Try with some more even numbers. What do you notice?
  • Add an odd and an even number. Is the answer odd or even? Try with some more even numbers. What do you notice?


Read (or sing) the lyrics of the song again.

Look for these words in the song :

farewell (a way of saying goodbye)

glad (feeling happy)

clanging (a loud banging sound)

absurd (crazy, unbelievable)

regretfully (being sorry about something)

firmly (not changing your mind, being strict)

Challenge : Write each word in a sentence or when you are talking to someone.

Topic – staying safe online

Watch Episode 2 – Sharing Pictures


Talk about the message in the video.

14 July 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 13 July 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hello everybody – what are your plans for the summer? Are you looking forward to the summer break?

Happy and Healthy Life - Home | Facebook

Here is your learning for today:

Maths – Year 3 and 4

Duck ponds (answers attached)

Topic Quiz 2 

Well done to everyone who unscrambled the letters yesterday. Here is another fun quiz called ‘Guess where?’. Can you guess where the teachers are hiding in the school?

Guess where?

Living and Learning

At this time of year, we would be talking in school about moving to new classes and celebrating our end of year. But we haven’t managed to do that this year. If you’re feeling a little worries or concerned about moving year groups you can use these tools to help manage your emotions.

6 Tips For Managing Your Emotions - Thriving Marriages

Story read by Mr GathercoleLittle Red Riding Hood part 1

13 July 2020: Home learning

Posted on Sunday 12 July 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Good morning.

We hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and that you got up to some nice things. Maybe send your class teacher an email this week before the summer holiday starts – tell us what you’ve been up to.

Here is your learning for today…

Year 5 Maths


Click on the link above for today’s starter. This game allows you to practice your rounding skills. Select the option that you feel confident with. If you would like a challenge – try out the decimal numbers.

Your learning for today is about translation. This first lesson goes over the learning you will have done in year 4.

Year 6 Maths

Before starting your main lesson, take 15 minutes to sharpen your times tables skills on Times Tables Rockstars.

This next lesson will teach you have to calculate and represent ratio.

Year 5/6 Reading

Today is our read for pleasure lesson. Choose a book, magazine, newspaper or perhaps an online article to read for your own pleasure. If you have recently read something that you have particularly enjoyed, you could write a book review to recommend it to others. Think about what information is useful to the reader in a review.

Year 5/6 Art

Your learning today is all about art. Graffiti is one of my favourite styles of art. It is controversial and, in some cases, illegal but I love the style of it. I also love how it often tackles issues in society. One famous graffiti artist is Banksy.

Today, I’d like you to read this information about Banksy and then have a go at creating your own piece of art – remember to link it to an issue in society.

Send your class teacher your finished masterpieces.