
16 October 2020

Posted on Friday 16 October 2020 by Mr Catherall

This week, our homework links to our Living & Learning statement and is Talk Time: I know that mental health is important.

Increasingly, we hear about the importance of mental health. Talk at home about different ways to help mental health. This might include restricting screen time, getting enough sleep, and taking time – even just five minutes – as a family to relax and recuperate after a busy day.

Homework should be completed by Thursday 22 October 2020 and will be reviewed / celebrated in class.

Our email addresses are below:

3,4O – olliecatherall@spherefederation.org

3,4NV – nicolawadsworth@spherefederation.org & vickyrichardson@spherefederation.org

3,4EV – emmamccormick@spherefederation.org & vickyrichardson@spherefederation.org

If your child is in 3,4N or 3,4E please send emails to both teachers.

16 October 2020

Posted on Friday 16 October 2020 by Mrs Latham

This week’s homework is Creative and is due on Thursday 22 October.

As we are reaching the end of the half term, we wanted to use this opportunity to see how much you’ve learned during our Science unit:

I can share what I’ve learned during ‘Living things and their habitats’.

Here a couple of ideas that might help you to get started:

  • a poster with animals in one particular habitat or animals in different habitats
  • a collage of photographs that you take in some habitats near you
  • tell a story about some animals in their habitat on a comic strip
  • search for a template online or create your own
  • a series of food chains with arrows to show the transfer of energy

Send your work into your class teacher.

09 October 2020

Posted on Friday 09 October 2020 by Mrs Hogarth

Whole school homework

I can share my views about health

Each year, we ask you to complete a short health questionnaire.
Your views can help us to become happier and healthier.
Parents/carers: please complete the online survey with your child and comment at the end. Please submit before Thursday 15 October.

Scholes : https://forms.gle/ET9wbcij9QDU8MT77

If you need a paper copy, please request one from your child’s class teacher. The link will be on your child’s Homework page.

Times tables

This week, you should focus on revisiting the 4 times tables. Make sure you have a very quick recall of the multiplication facts up to the 12th multiple. Link your knowledge to the number facts you know, for example 4 x 100 or 0.4 x 10. There will be a multiplication test on Friday 16th October.

09 October 2020

Posted on Friday 09 October 2020 by Mr Catherall

I can share my views about health

Each year, we ask you to complete a short health questionnaire.
Your views can help us to become happier and healthier.
Parents/carers: please complete the online survey with your child and comment at the end. Please submit before Thursday 15 October.
Scholes : https://forms.gle/ET9wbcij9QDU8MT77
If you need a paper copy, please request one from your child’s class teacher. The link will be on your child’s Homework page.

09 October 2020

Posted on Friday 09 October 2020 by Mrs Latham

Whole school homework

I can share my views about health

Each year, we ask you to complete a short health questionnaire.
Your views can help us to become happier and healthier.
Parents/carers: please complete the online survey with your child and comment at the end. Please submit before Thursday 15 October.
If you need a paper copy, please request one from your child’s class teacher.

02 October 2020

Posted on Friday 02 October 2020 by Mr Catherall

We’re setting weekly homework as we normally do. The key difference here is that Homework Books should stay at home for the time being. Just as normal, the tasks will be posted on the website. Instead of the task pasted into books, children will take home a piece of paper with the task on, too (like this!). The tasks will be a variety of Talk Time, Practice Makes Perfect and Creative, but especially the first two. Parents can email a picture or update about a completed task (just as you were doing with the home learning tasks we set in Spring and Summer terms). The homework will be reviewed in school, so some pictures would be good!

This week, our homework is Talk Time and has a moral theme. We’d like you to spend some time at home discussing this question: should we treat animals with the same respect we treat humans?

This links well to our new class novel (Here We Are – Notes for Living on Planet Earth by Oliver Jeffers, you can find a video of it being read aloud on YouTube here) and is an interesting question to discuss. When discussing a moral theme like this, it’s super important to think about both sides of the argument. As part of our homework review next week, we’ll have a debate in class.

Some questions that might help shape your discussion:

  • Do you treat humans with respect? How?
  • Do you treat animals with respect? How?
  • Is it OK to treat humans with more respect?
  • Can you say you treat animals with respect if you eat them?

Homework should be completed by Thursday 08 October 2020 and will be reviewed / celebrated in class.

Our email addresses are below:

3,4O – olliecatherall@spherefederation.org

3,4NV – nicolawadsworth@spherefederation.org & vickyrichardson@spherefederation.org

3,4EV – emmamccormick@spherefederation.org & vickyrichardson@spherefederation.org

If your child is in 3,4N or 3,4E please send emails to both teachers.

Times tables

Next week, Y4 will continue to be learning the 3x table. In Y3, children will be consolidating the 5s – we’re still seeing lots of us who count on our fingers when calculating using the 5 x table.  We’d really like you to help consolidate this learning at home. Children should practise in preparation for a test on Friday 09 October 2020.

This week, we’d like you to use Times Table Rockstars to practise. Your child should have their username and password – if not, please contact your class teacher. You can download the app or use it online – whatever works best for you. We really like TTR. It’s a fun and effective way to learn your times tables and, as teachers, it gives us a really good insight (through it’s data) about where children are at with their times table learning.

02 October 2019

Posted on Friday 02 October 2020 by Mr Lindsay

Talk Time

This week, your homework will be a Talk Time. Next week, we are looking at a poem called Matilda Who Told Lies and was Burned to Death. We would like to know if it is ever ok to tell lies?

  • Have you ever told a lie for the greater good?
  • Has a lie ever meant serious trouble
  • How did you feel when someone told you a lie?

Times tables

This week, you should focus on learning the 6 times tables. Make sure you have a very quick recall of the multiplication facts up to the 12th multiple. There will be a multiplication test on Friday 9th October.

02 October 2020

Posted on Friday 02 October 2020 by Mrs Latham

This week’s whole school homework is moral themed and is a Talk Time homework. It is due in next Thursday, 08 October.

What makes someone beautiful?

We have been reading ‘The Ugly Five’ by Julia Donaldson. (This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip).  The animals are called ‘ugly’ in the beginning but then realise that they are actually lovely/beautiful. Talk about what makes an animal or person beautiful. For example:

  • Who decides what is beautiful?
  • Does it matter what you look like?
  • Is what a person does or says more important than what they look like?
  • How many different ways can you be beautiful or lovely?

Posted on Friday 25 September 2020 by Mr Freeman

25 September 2020


This week, we’ve been designing and making our own cereal boxes as part of our design and technology topic. For your homework, we would like your creative ideas to link to this work. Here are some creative ideas you may want to try. You only need to do one task.

  • Create your own edible cereal! At home, research and create your own fantastic breakfast with a variety of ingredients of your choice. It would be great to see some photos!
  • Create an advert to sell your product.
  • Create a jingle for your cereal.



Next week, we would like children to continue focusing on dropping the ‘y’ for an ‘i’ when adding suffixes. Children can practise the list of the words below, in preparation for a test on Friday 2nd October 2020.








Times tables

This week, you should focus on revisiting the 3 times table. Make sure you have a very quick recall of the multiplication facts up to the 12th multiple. Link your knowledge to the number facts you know, for example 3 x 30 or 0.3 x 10. There will be a multiplication test on Friday 25th September.


As the homework books are still not allowed to return to school, please feel free to email any photos of homework to your class teacher.




25 September 2020

Posted on Friday 25 September 2020 by Mr Catherall

We’re setting weekly homework as we normally do. The key difference here is that Homework Books should stay at home for the time being. Just as normal, the tasks will be posted on the website. Instead of the task pasted into books, children will take home a piece of paper with the task on, too (like this!). The tasks will be a variety of Talk Time, Practice Makes Perfect and Creative, but especially the first two. Parents can email a picture or update about a completed task (just as you were doing with the home learning tasks we set in Spring and Summer terms). The homework will be reviewed in school, so some pictures would be good!

In this post there a few hyperlinks. Check out the homework page on the website to access these.

This week, our homework is Practice Makes Perfect: I can identify and use verbs.

We’ve learnt a lot recently about verbs – a word that describes an action, state or occurrence. Find out more about verbs here.

First, underline the verbs in these sentences. Why note write them out in your book and practise your handwriting at the same time?

  1. The young hedgehog strolled calmly through the bushes.
  2. “First, we’re going watch Newsround,” said Mrs Wadsworth.
  3. Elegantly, the eagle glided towards its prey.
  4. After a long day at school, Gemma staggered up the steep hill.
  5. As he watched the dolphins jump in the distance, he couldn’t help scream in delight.

(Number 5 is tricky – there did you get them all?)

 Now, write your own sentences about anything you like and underline all the verbs you use. Fancy a challenge? Write a paragraph (or two, or three).

Homework should be completed by Thursday 01 October 2020 and will be reviewed / celebrated in class.

Our email addresses are below:

3,4O – olliecatherall@spherefederation.org

3,4NV – nicolawadsworth@spherefederation.org & vickyrichardson@spherefederation.org

3,4EV – emmamccormick@spherefederation.org & vickyrichardson@spherefederation.org

If your child is in 3,4N or 3,4E please send emails to both teachers.

Times Tables

Next week, Y4 will be learning the 3x table. In Y3, children will be consolidating the 2s, 5s and 10s.  We’d really like you to help consolidate this learning at home. Children should practise in preparation for a test on Friday 02 October 2020.

In class, we’ve spotted lots of children using their fingers (and similar strategies) to count up when working out times tables. This is a good strategy if you’re unsure of a specific table, and is certainly better than getting it wrong, but we’d really like children to know these tables as facts – and be able to recall these facts in just a few seconds.

This week, we’d like you to use Times Table Rockstars to practise. Your child should have their username and password – if not, please contact your class teacher. You can download the app or use it online – whatever works best for you. We really like TTR. It’s a fun and effective way to learn your times tables and, as teachers, it gives us a really good insight (through it’s data) about where children are at with their times table learning.