Year 5 & 6 Class News

Thursday 12 October – exploring Brazil, Africa and Thailand

Posted on Thursday 05 October 2017 by

As part of our Big Topic on Explorers Y5 and Y6 will enjoy a morning of exploration, travelling around the world to experience music and physical activities from Brazil, Africa and Thailand.

The classes will rotate around three activities:

  1. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music. It was developed in Brazil mainly by Angolans
  2. International African drumming
  3. International Thai boxing

Please arrive in your PE kit on Thursday 12 October. Wear trainers, jogging bottoms and a long sleeve sweater as some of the activities may be outside. You’ll stay in your kit all day.

Year 5/6 are going to have an exciting and challenging morning!


Posted on Friday 22 September 2017 by

Today, we lauched our big topic: Explorers! Can you work out which explorers attended school today?


Bikeability course for Y6

Posted on Thursday 21 September 2017 by

Bikeability for Y6 starts on Friday 29 September and runs until the following Friday. Please ask your child which group they are in. Each day they will need: their bike; helmet; change of warm/ waterproof clothing; snack; and water bottle in school. They should have their school uniform here too for the half day they are not in training.

Group 1 and 2 – Friday 29 September, Monday 02 October, Tuesday 03 October

Group 3 and 4 – Wednesday 04 October, Thursday 05 October, Friday 06 October

New news!

Posted on Friday 01 September 2017 by

I’m very excited to be posting news for the first time within our Year 5 and 6 section of the website!

Welcome to all our Year 5 and 6 children and parents!  Mr Lindsay, Miss Barrott and I are really looking forward to the term starting and getting to know you all better. We already have several events booked for the term ahead, including the Year 6 residential; a Christmas theatre trip to the West Yorkshire Playhouse to see a production of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe; a drugs awareness talk; Bikeability training; and a visit to Scholes Library to choose books for our classrooms.