Year 5 & 6 Class News

Living and Learning: I can describe ways to calm down. 

Posted on Friday 11 May 2018 by

This week, we’re thinking about ways to stay calm in difficult situations. We have practised mindfulness and breathing exercises to stay calm.

It will really help us to know and be able to use these strategies in the future. (Maybe even as soon as next week!)

Ask your child to share the techniques with you. Maybe mindfulness could help your whole family? There are some great short clips on ‘go noodle’ to lead you through the exercises.

Tour de Yorkshire in Scholes

Posted on Monday 07 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

We enjoyed the excitement of the Tour de Yorkshire coming through Scholes on Friday. Each class decorated a bike to display and the whole school went outside to watch the women’s race speed past.  We did some WuSu (Wake up, Shake up) dances while we were waiting and the Year 4 skipping team showed us their skipping dance from the skipping competition, too. It was a day to remember for sure!

Living and learning: I can recognise emotions

Posted on Friday 27 April 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Over the last two weeks, year 5/6 have been discussing our emotions. We have discussed our ‘gut’ reactions and how these can help us. We discussed situations in which we feel either comfortable or uncomfortable. Can you add to the list and talk about the benefits of being able to recognise emotions in others. 

We love to read!

Posted on Friday 27 April 2018 by

Did you know, that every week in Year 5/6, each class receives 3 copies of First News for the children to enjoy? The children can often be found enjoying the articles, sharing them with friends and having a go at the crosswords and word searches.

We love to read lots of other texts as well, including graphic novels, group reading books, fiction and non-fiction.

We just love to read!

Football match

Posted on Sunday 22 April 2018 by Mrs Latham

Our Year 4 and 5 players put in a gutsy performance on Friday, playing their first match against Woodlesford. Although we didn’t win, every player showed determination and resilience against a formidable Woodlesford side. Thank you to everyone who came to show their support in the sunshine. Well done, Scholes!

Lovely landscapes!

Posted on Thursday 19 April 2018 by

Mimika theatre came back to school this week – after been cancelled due to the snow.  5/6F and 5/6M both spent an hour in the dome, experiencing the sounds, sights and surprises of a range of landscapes. It was very immersive. Ask your child which landscape or puppet they liked the best and why. My favourite puppet was the flamingo! 

Dance for Daniel!

Posted on Saturday 31 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

We danced for a whole hour on Thursday in support of one of our pupils, Daniel, who has recently undergone an organ transplant. He will spend several months in hospital recovering and we thought it would be nice to show our support. The sun shone and it was a great way to end Spring term – with everyone smiling and feeling happy! If anyone has any sponsor money or donations, please send them into school after the Easter holidays.


Year 2 and Year 6 assessments

Posted on Thursday 29 March 2018 by Mr Roundtree

The STA has published an information leaflet and two videos for parents/carers of children in Year 2 and Year 6 about national curriculum assessments. The purpose of these materials is to help you understand more about the end of key stage assessments that will be administered in primary schools in May. (The end of Key Stage 1 is Year 2; the end of Key Stage 2 is Year 6.)

The materials provide basic information about the purpose and format of the tests, how parents can best support their children and how results will be reported.

Read the leaflet.

Watch the videos.

Living and Learning: I can think about body image.

Posted on Wednesday 28 March 2018 by

This week, we’ve been considering what makes people special. Is it what someone looks like? Or their qualities? 

Does someone’s appearance change how we view them? Does appearance tell us everything about the persons qualities? How can you find out what makes people special? 

The children had some very serious and incitful discussions about how and what you can change about your image. Ask your child to relay the discussion. They might have some questions for you about body image. 

5,6F: Leeds University workshops

Posted on Wednesday 28 March 2018 by

On Tuesday, Year 5/6 had the postponed (due to snow) ‘life forces’ science workshops. Two medical students from Leeds University visited with bags full of props and exciting activities for us all to take part in. One of the workshops was called ‘Survive and thrive’. The other ‘ Heart in action’. They were both varied and exciting! Ask the children to explain what they were learning in the photos below.