Year 5 & 6 Class News

Living and Learning: I can share and include others.

Posted on Friday 22 June 2018 by

This week, we’ve focused on sharing and including others. Year 5/6 do this daily. They’re really good at sharing, as you’d expect! Here are some examples from today. 

Livy sharing her problem solving knowledge.

Millie sharing her strategy. 

Reece, project managing the children while they build the friendship benches. Sharing his knowledge and practical skills. 

Well done, Charlotte!

Posted on Wednesday 20 June 2018 by Mr Roundtree

It’s great to see this by Leeds Civic Hall – great design, Charlotte!

(Bit of a shame about the dodgy grammar and spelling…)

Scholes Tennis Club – coaching sessions

Posted on Tuesday 19 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

A message from Dwight Brown, tennis coach …
Our newly launched fortnightly coaching session is back tomorrow (Wednesday 20th June) evening… all welcome!
Session Times
Junior players (Under 14yrs) 5:30 – 6:30pm
Full Ball & Adults (15yrs+) 6:30 – 8.00pm
Technical and tactical play on the evening.
Rackets available. 
Junior Session – Members £2.50, Non Members £5
Full Ball Session – Members FREE Non Members £5
Hope to see you there!
Any questions – just email or text 07715 627159

Hope to see you there!

Library competition – please vote!

Posted on Monday 18 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

Please vote for Scholes Elmet Primary in the National Book Tokens Competition!


Celebration assembly

Posted on Friday 15 June 2018 by

Well done to all the Key Stage Two children who received a certificate today. The teachers have all seen great attitudes to learning and enthusiasm in class this week. 

Living and Learning: I see things from other people’s point of view. 

Posted on Thursday 14 June 2018 by

Over the week, there have been many occasions for our children to think about someone else’s point of view. We have encouraged this and would like it to continue at home. 

This might include helping others to resolve an issue, listening to a brother or sister’s point of view or even asking mum or dad about their day. 

We have two ears and one mouth; we need to listen twice as much as we speak. 

Enterprise Project 

Posted on Thursday 14 June 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Year 6 held meetings today to discuss fundraising ideas for their end of year celebration. We can’t wait to announce the events in the next few days. 

Green fingers? Help needed!

Posted on Wednesday 13 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

Scholes in Bloom judging day is Monday 6 August this year. If you are available and would like to join the effort for gold, please come and collect a plant from Mrs Myers or Mrs Latham. All you need to do is look after it and meet us at the flower bed outside school on judging day at 10am. If you prefer, you could make a ‘scarecrow’ and bring it on the same day. The theme is ‘all creatures great and small’. Hope to see you there!

Pupil Voice – Friendship Benches

Posted on Wednesday 13 June 2018 by Reception Team

School Council had a really tough time deciding which designs would be used to decorate our friendship benches.

There were some lovely messages and creative ideas used to make these benches feel a positive and inviting place to be.

These are the chosen designs.

I love the message – friends are like rainbows they brighten your day.

I think the colours will brighten up our playground.



It has a happy vibe.

It has nice vocabulary on it.

Scholes Gala – skippers and dancers

Posted on Monday 11 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to our Y4 Skipping Crew and the Y1, Y2 and Y6 WUSU Crews who represented school so brilliantly at Scholes village gala.