Year 5 & 6 Class News

Year 5 Maths

Posted on Friday 07 September 2018 by Mrs Lake

This half term in maths, we will be mainly focusing on place value. We will be comparing, ordering, and calculating with numbers up to 1 million. This week, the Year 5 children were very confident at reading and writing numbers to 1,000,000. They enjoyed an active maths lesson, where they moved around the classroom to find numbers represented with place value counters. At first, the children found it challenging writing the numbers in words but soon mastered it.

Year 6 celebration afternoon 

Posted on Monday 16 July 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Year 6 and staff shared a fantastic afternoon playing on an inflatable assault course and in a laser quest pod. What a brilliant way to end a terrific year! 

The Amazing Adventures of Superstan

Posted on Sunday 15 July 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Children in year 5/6 have had a busy week; three performances of their end of year show. 

Four Square

Posted on Thursday 12 July 2018 by Mr Lindsay

After reading about the game of four square in our class novel (Wonder), the children wanted to find out more. Now they’re hooked. 

Wake Up Shake Up Show

Posted on Tuesday 10 July 2018 by Mrs Latham

What a great way to end the year. The Scholes WUSU Crew showcased their commitment to keeping fit through dance (and having fun). Thank you to Miss Pennock too for putting in the time and effort to prepare and run these classes.

Health Week Highlights 2-6 July 2018

Posted on Monday 09 July 2018 by Mrs Latham

What a jam-packed week! We focused on learning about our physical and mental health and engaged in a wide variety of activities including:

  • Whole school sports roundabout
  • Tag rugby sessions with 5 Star Sports
  • Tutti Frutti production of ‘Keepy Uppy’
  • Fruit tasting, drawing, smoothie and kebab making
  • Living and Learning lessons – healthy choices and sun safety
  • Crucial Crew – personal safety and risk assessing
  • KS2 competitive sports afternoon
  • WUSU Crew performance
  • Dodgeball – Leeds City Finals
  • Netball, rounders, football
  • Mindfulness
  • Yoga
  • Change for Life – Train like a Jedi
  • Visit from Doodles the donkey from the Donkey Sanctuary
  • Flex Dance – World Cup dance workshops and dance-off in front of the whole school
  • Whole school health related homework
  • Leeds Rhinos Rhinestones street dance workshops
  • Health Fair after school

Living and Learning – Physical health and well being in the media

Posted on Sunday 08 July 2018 by Mrs Allaway

We looked at a range of news headlines about children’s phyical health. Some headlines conveyed really positive messages about children’s physical activity. Others headlines were quite negative. We debated whether or not we agreed with them and backed up our opinions with reasons.


“The most negative headline is: Kids are couch potatoes.

I think this is unfair because I do 12 hours of gymnastics a week. I also think most children do at least one, if not more than one, after school sports club a week. It makes me feel annoyed that someone has written this headline.”


“The most negative headline is: Kids are couch potatoes.

It make me feel like I should be doing more exercise because I’m like a couch potato sometimes. It’s a fair headline because some people sit on the xbox all night but I do a bit of each: a bit of exercise and a bit of xbox.   

The most postive headline is: Olympics inspire a generation of children to get into sport.

The Olympics definitely inspired me. I was inspired to get faster at running  100m and to play table tennis!”




Sporting Success

Posted on Sunday 08 July 2018 by Mrs Allaway

Thank you for sharing your out of school sporting successes.

A huge Well done to the U10 Wigton Moor Foxes Manager’s Player of the Year! Fantastic news.

Flex dance!

Posted on Friday 06 July 2018 by

This morning we’ve all taken part in a Flex dance workshop. Each class is learning a different part of a dance, which were going to perform together this afternoon! We’ve had lots of opportunities to try new activities this week. 

Still life art

Posted on Friday 06 July 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Children in 5/6 M enjoyed learning about how to cut fruit safely. They learnt the claw and tunnel technique. With adult supervision, children might like to practise this at home. 

The claw. Fingers tips are kept away from the edge of the blade. 

The tunnel. Hold the fruit at the side and place the knife through the tunnel.