Year 5 & 6 Class News

Sharing stories with Year 6 children for World Book Day

Posted on Thursday 07 March 2019 by Reception Team

We had great fun dressing up as our favourite book characters on Thursday for World Book Day. Thank you for providing your child with a costume; they looked great!

It was lovely to see some parents staying for our ‘Stay and Read’ session in Nursery too. Thank you for joining us; children love it when you join in.

During the day, we enjoyed reading  stories with the older children who came to visit us in Nursery. We talked about all of the characters that children were dressed as and read lots of their favourite books.  It was evident that we love Julia Donaldson stories, especially The Gruffalo!




Posted on Thursday 07 March 2019 by Mr Catherall

Yesterday, 3 little pigs attended Scholes Primary School Court charged with the murder of Mr B.B Wolf.

The three pigs defend themselves.

After days of speculation, the accused were finally forced to defend themselves in a ‘court of law’. The room, usually a classroom, was changed into a court where many people (including lawyers, witnesses, jurors, media representatives) crammed in to see the 3 pigs defend themselves.

After a heated courtroom debate, and a short deliberation from the jury, two of the pigs were found guilty. Interestingly, the youngest pig was deemed to have been coerced into killing the wolf and was left to walk free. One of the jurors declared: “It was clear for all to see that the oldest pig was the scheming mastermind behind this terrible chain of events. I hope he learns from his time at her majesty’s pleasure!”

More news to follow.

Ask your child what their role in court was.

Challenge your child by asking them what features of a news report they can spot in this post.

For an extra challenge, ask them to identify where the passive voice has been used in this post.


Posted on Wednesday 06 March 2019 by Mrs Lake

Year 5 have been braving the elements to take part in Bikeability. They have been learning how to safely cycle on the road and at junctions. We have seen a lot of resilience and determination over the past few days.


Living and Learning

Posted on Tuesday 05 March 2019 by Mrs Lake

Year 5 and 6 have been discussing the things they are good at. They had to identify how they were a good friend, their special talents and how they are a good citizen. They came up with some great qualities.

“I have worked hard to improve my self-confidence.”

” I am a good citizen because I recycle.”

“I am really good at feeling empathy for others.”

Year 5 game-makers

Posted on Friday 15 February 2019 by Mr Catherall

In our reading sessions this week, Y5 have practised their skills by creating there own board game.

Each day, we practised a different reading skill.

Before creating our own questions for our board game.

Today, we enjoyed playing our games (and practising our reading skills, too).

Here’s our reviews…

I really liked playing out board game especially the fact finding questions.

I enjoyed creating our board game because I’ve never done it before.

I really enjoyed playing this board game because it helps with our social skills and our teamwork as well as our reading.

I liked this week because we got to make our own questions.

Den Day

Posted on Thursday 14 February 2019 by Mr Lindsay

As part of our class novel topic, year 5/6 have been designing and building their own shelters.

Den building

Posted on Thursday 14 February 2019 by Mrs Lake

Year 5 and 6 have had a thrilling morning creating wonderful shelters and dens. They had to work hard in their teams to build strong structures using only piping and canes. They had to ensure their dens were waterproof. The adults thoroughly enjoyed testing this with buckets of icy cold water!

Amazing homework

Posted on Saturday 09 February 2019 by Mr Catherall

This week, we had some amazing responses to our Creative homework: I can plan a short story.

We really celebrated each other’s effort and left lots of positive comments in our homework books.

There were too many great pieces to show them all but here’s a few of our favourites…

A brilliant film trailer about Marvin the Meatball

Another awesome iMovie film trailer

A highly creative plant based story plan

A pair of well thought out, well presented story maps

A scenic opening paragraph

And, a blast from the past

We shared our views on this week’s homework, too:

I enjoyed planning my story. I can’t wait to write it now!

It was fun trying to think of a way to make planning a story more creative.

I like it when people at home help me.

I tried harder than I normally do this week and I feel really proud of myself.

I didn’t really spend much time on my homework this week but now I’ve seen how creative people have been I will definitely try harder next week.

Living and Learning- Electrical safety

Posted on Friday 08 February 2019 by Mrs Lake

Year 5 and 6 have enjoyed a visit from NPower today. They listened to advice about electrical dangers in the home and environment. They were shown some video clips showing the dangers in the environment such as electricity pylons.

Staying safe – online gaming

Posted on Thursday 07 February 2019 by Mr Catherall

Today, we enjoyed a creative e-safety workshop called ‘ Game Over’.

After a few warm up games, we were introduced to the plot. An online game where people collect coins and play against others has got much of the world addicted (sound familiar?). People are no longer sleeping well, people cannot focus their minds fully on anything else and the world is beginning to self-destruct.

We created our own avatars and joined the virtual world. In order to join, we had to sign up using our names, age, phone number and location. Then people asked us to be friends with them, in return, they offered us a reward: online currencies, game rewards etc. Shockingly, many of us said we would accept the strangers requests.

We learnt about the dangers of accepting friend requests from people we don’t know and what we can do if this happens: report them, block them and tell an adult we trust.

Lots of us admitted to playing games that are rated a 12. Some of us admitted playing games that have an age-rating of 18. We created a short piece to show what might changes might occur to us after we’ve played games like these.

Our short plays showed increases in violence, trouble sleeping and fall outs with family and friends.