Year 5 & 6 Class News

Brilliant Brodrick

Posted on Wednesday 25 September 2019 by Mr Lindsay

Cuthbert Brodrick designed Leeds Town Hall aged just 30. Today, year 5/6 enjoyed the amazing architecture on offer in the centre of Leeds. From the Corn Exchange to the First Direct Arena, we were able to study some incredible buildings. 

In school, we have been studying line and perspective drawings. At home, you might want to practise your skills by drawing your surroundings. 

Amazing artists

Posted on Wednesday 25 September 2019 by Mr Catherall

Recently, in our topic lessons (inspired by our class novel: The Nowhere Emporium), we have been learning, practising and improving a range of new art skills.

In particular, we’ve focussed on observational drawing (ask your child what ‘observational’ means). After developing our skills with some more simple items in the classroom, we went outside to draw some of the structures we can see in our school grounds. Ask your child what they drew.

We’ll be applying these skills on our trip into Leeds city centre where we’ll study some of the more interesting buildings as well as finding out about the architects who designed them. Ask your child what an architect is – can they name any?

Super Scientists

Posted on Wednesday 25 September 2019 by Mr Catherall

This half-term, our science focus has been materials. After spending some time sorting different materials and finding out about their properties, (help at home by asking your child if they can describe some objects in the house or garden using their new scientific vocab: opaque, transparent, translucent, conductor, insulator, rigid, elastic, flexible) we planned our own scientific investigation – Which plastic bag can hold the most weight?

We worked scientifically, changing only one variable, to ensure our results would be as valid as possible. For each bag, we raised it and placed weights in gently in 1kg increments.

We used poo bags, nappy bags, sandwich bags, bags for life, bin liners, cheaper carrier bags and reinforced carrier bags.  Ask your child which plastic bag held the most weight – a whopping 27kg!

Reflect in this by asking your child: Can you spot the inconsistency in these pictures? Could this limitation have affected our results?

Living and learning

Posted on Friday 20 September 2019 by Mrs Hogarth

Year 5/6 have been discussing taking safe risks. They were able to talk about risks they could take at home and at school. Some children felt more comfortable now to take risks in the classroom. These included reading their work aloud and answering questions when they are not 100% sure of the answer.

PE days 

Posted on Monday 16 September 2019 by Mr Lindsay

Great to see all the year 5/6 children in their PE kit this week. 

This half term, 5/6S and 5/6OB have their PE lessons on Monday and Wednesday. 5/6M have their PE lessons on Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Living and Learning

Posted on Friday 13 September 2019 by Mrs Lake

This week the children have been thinking about how to show they’re ready to learn. Firstly they set some ground rules that would be used in each lesson- they felt this was very important. In groups the children came up with different ways they can show that they are ready to learn. 

‘Eyes on the speaker.’

‘Not interrupting when others are speaking.’

They also discussed how to respond in a positive way to feedback in school, whether this was linked to learning or their behaviour. A good start to the year!

ALDI sticker collection

Posted on Friday 06 September 2019 by Mrs Latham

Aldi have launched a sticker collection scheme that we are hoping to benefit from. Please bring any stickers you collect into school. There is a collection bucket in the entrance. Thank you.


Sports coaching

Posted on Wednesday 17 July 2019 by Mrs Latham

We enjoyed a special PE session today with the 5/6 children coaching our 1/2 children. We used the track for racing, hurdles and agility ladders, tennis, cricket, football and javelin. 

Peace Party

Posted on Monday 15 July 2019 by Mr Lindsay

Year 5/6 would like to say a huge thank you to the Scholes community for making the Peace Party such a memorable event. The children enjoyed making origami cranes, decorating boxes, creating peace book marks, playing games outside, writing to a pen pal and learning about geography through games and quizzes. 

At home, you might like to discuss and research Peace Parties and how they relate to our society today. 

Living and Learning : I can illustrate happy and healthy choices.

Posted on Friday 12 July 2019 by Mrs Latham

Our whole school homework produced some super examples, including songs, posters, games, a cow (to show a lactose intolerance) and lots of discussions. Children illustrated how they make healthy choices about food, exercise and sleep.